The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 86 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 86 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (14)

A woman's soft voice suddenly came!
The thoughts of the five players were interrupted. Obviously, these words were addressed to them.

They looked at you and me, but no one made a sound or moved.

"I'm talking about you guys... Uh~ five, since you want to see my appearance, how can you see me clearly from above, why don't you come down~" The woman's invitation is like poison, and the soft and gentle voice is tempting people nerves and brain.

But none of the five above are easily bewitched.

"Ha~" After a while, the pastor sighed "ha", stretched out his hand and opened the window, then walked in, and landed on his toes lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Shaoqiuyan and the others walked in one after another.

The movements of the players were very light, like feathers falling to the ground, without any sound.

Guan Twelve looked at the woman on the bed and was stunned.

What a beauty that is!

The woman is lying on her side on the red silk blanket, the thin fabric like a cicada's wings outlines her sexy curves, like a mountain peak, her exposed skin is as white and delicate as suet jade, with peach blossoms blooming on it, and the pink on her shoulders Tender and very sexy and cute, whether it is black hair, neck, giant peak, willow waist, honey buttocks, everything is perfect!
The face is like a peach and plum, the willow-leaf eyebrows are curved, the peach blossom eyes are springy, the nose is like hanging gallbladder, Zhu Dan's smiling lips, and the body has a delicate fragrance.

Very beautiful oriental beauty face.

There is a touch of red in the corner of the eye, which is the pity after the love, which makes people daydream.

This is a perfect woman!

A woman who is so perfect that people can't help but feel excited!
Such a beauty, is there any man who doesn't like it?Which man does not feel pity?

No wonder King Daer regards him as a treasure in his palm and a man in his eyes.

Such a beauty deserves to be the number one beauty in the world!

Guan Twelve sighed, and then she looked at the three men, only to find that these three men had no desire in their eyes and their faces were cold in front of such a beauty.

Even Yu Lingling's expression was very flat.

This is obviously a beauty thousands of times more beautiful than her. She remembered that Yu Lingling's eyes were astonished when she saw her, but when she saw this An'er, she had a calm face.

Officer Twelve: Players say they don’t understand your thoughts.

An'er glanced at them, and paused in front of her uncle Jin Cheng, but finally stopped at the pastor. She looked at the pastor with a charming smile on her lips, and said, "I remember you~"

The fragrance of flowers is exquisite!Captivating!
"It's a great honor." The pastor also smiled back.

Not seduced at all.

"I remember you said last time~ I'm beautiful~" An'er looked at the pastor and said coquettishly.

The pastor doesn't deny it.

"But why is there no desire for me in your eyes?" An Er said and got up slowly, she got out of bed with only a thin red silk on her feet, and Guan Twelve noticed her Her toenails were dyed red, like red cherries, so delicate and charming.

"A beauty is beautiful, but she is poisonous." The pastor looked at An'er who was approaching him little by little, and replied without changing his expression.

An'er was taken aback for a moment, she probably didn't expect it to be this answer, and then she smiled "poof".

The beauty's casual smile is extraordinarily seductive.

It's a pity that the few people in front of me don't understand the style, and the only one who understands the style is a woman.

A woman whose interests come first.

"Aren't you afraid ~ my husband?" An'er stretched out her hands, and slowly put her arms around the pastor's neck. The officer next to him even smelled the pleasant scent of An'er's body. It was a kind of delicate fragrance, like Roses are like peach blossoms.

The distance between the two was very close, and An'er's waves were clinging tightly to the pastor's chest. The pastor was unmoved by this alluring scene.

"Actually, I know~ you like me~" An'er slowly approached the pastor's ear, and whispered into his ear:

"Don't you want to have a taste of fragrance?"

Officer Twelve: Seduce!This is definitely a naked seduction!
The pastor lowered his eyes, then chuckled lightly, stretched out his arms and put his arm around An'er's slender waist, he looked at the others and said:
"It seems that I can't go back with you tonight."

"Ah, we don't care about that." Uncle Jin Cheng glanced at the pastor and said flatly.

"Remember to come back." Shaoqiuyan glanced at An'er, then at the pastor, reminded him and then turned to leave. Uncle Jincheng pulled Yu Lingling and left as well.

Official Twelve was left, she looked at the pastor and then at Ann.

"You want to watch?" Seeing that Guan Twelve didn't move, the pastor couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked.

So exciting to play? ?
Guan Twelve shook his head, turned and left.

After closing the door, they left Dar Palace. They were not interested in the joy in the house.

But the next morning, as soon as Guan Twelve opened the door, he saw the pastor standing at the door. The pastor saw Guan Twelve and greeted her with a smile:

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

The two were sitting in the pastor's room. Guan Twelve looked at the pastor and found that he was in a good mood. It seemed that last night was a very pleasant night.

"Twelve looks at me like that, does he like me?" The priest winked at Guan Twelve.

Tsk, not as good looking as grand uncle Jin Cheng.

"I'm just curious. In front of Taishu Jincheng and Shaoqiuyan, why did An'er fall in love with you?"

This is where Guan Twelve is a bit puzzled. Logically speaking, Shao Qiuyan is more in line with women's aesthetics than a priest of average beauty.

"Want to know the reason?" The pastor asked for two cups of coffee from the system space and handed Guan Twelve one.

"Curiosity." Guan Twelve took the coffee but didn't drink it. She didn't like bitter coffee.

"I'm curious too." The pastor replied with a smile after taking a sip of his coffee.

Officer Twelve: You seem to be talking nonsense.

"Yo! Are you back so early? Are you afraid of being sucked dry?" Uncle Jin Cheng opened the door and saw the pastor raised his eyebrows, and then teased.

"Yeah, I was almost sucked dry." The pastor said with a narrowed smile.

Officer Twelve: Please stop talking about the eighteen prohibitions, please? ! !

"So you're sure?" Grand Uncle Jin Cheng walked up to Guan Twelve, snatched the coffee from her hand and asked, taking a sip.

Officer Twelve: What are you sure about? ? ? !

"Yes, sure, there's nothing wrong with it." Seeing that his uncle Jin Cheng's behavior was a little dissatisfied, the pastor exchanged another cup of coffee and handed it to Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve took over: Players really don't like drinking coffee.
"Are you sure about what?" Guan Twelve asked.

The pastor looked at Guan Twelve, covered his mouth in feigned surprise, and asked, "Eh?! What, what, what?! Do you really not know or are you pretending not to know?!"

"I really don't know, so can you tell me?" Guan Twelve ignored the pastor's exaggerated acting skills and said expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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