The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 91 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 91 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (19)

Guan Twelve thought for a while, and felt that the person should know him and had no intention of killing him. Could it be a friend he knew before? ?
Impossible, how could she have friends if she caught one and used the other?

Is it real?
That's even more impossible!

How could she have time to make friends when she was so busy with her sickness? !

After thinking about it for a long time, did he come up with a reason, Guan Twelve simply didn't think about it!

Forget it, I can't think of it anyway! !
So they told Yu Lingling that it was dangerous outside and they had better go back first.

Yu Lingling, who had just encountered such a situation, naturally would not refuse, so the two of them went back to the hotel where they lived, and when they came back, the pastor said that Li Na had gone to find them.

Officer Twelve: ...the city center is only this big in total. It's a miracle that there are three of them who haven't met yet!
What a miracle! !

Although I knew that there was no need to worry about Li Na, she would not encounter any danger as an aborigine, and she knew the way, and she would come back without being stupid if she couldn't find it for a while.

But that night when Guan Twelve saw that Li Na still hadn't come back, she still chose to get up after lying on the bed for a long time, opened the door and went out to look for her.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he saw the pastor who came back. Seeing Guan Twelve, the pastor raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "It's late at night, it's cold, dark and unsafe, what are you doing out there?"

"Looking for someone." After Guan Twelve finished speaking, he bypassed the pastor and left.

"Looking for that NPC?"

Guan Twelve ignored him.

The pastor turned around and grabbed Guan Twelve's hand, while the other hand held the dagger on Guan Twelve's neck.

The arrested Guan Twelve looked down at the sharp weapon on her neck, as long as he swiped it lightly, she could die directly.

How much she wanted Yu Lingling to come and have a look at this time!

Look and look!Come and have a look!How could such behavior be liking her? !

"Twelve, you really care about that NPC, I'm so jealous~" The pastor said such words, but his eyes were frighteningly cold.

Neuropathy! !

Guan Twelve was expressionless.

"Although I know that you have always been very kind to NPCs, but this time you are a bit overwhelmed. You clearly know the danger and you come out by yourself just to find someone who you can only meet in this world?"

Guan Twelve turned his face slightly to see the pastor's expression at the moment, but as soon as she moved, the pastor's dagger wiped a bloodstain on her neck!
A burst of coldness and tingling pain attacked Guan Twelve's cranial nerves, and the 100% pain was not just talking.

Guan Twelve looked at the pastor without changing his face.

The pastor's expression was flat, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth. He was smiling, no different from before, but the words he said were cold and biting.

"What do you want to say?" Guan Twelve asked indifferently, the pastor dared not kill her now, he did it just to scare her.

"I just want you to be careful~ After all, it's dangerous to be outside alone~"

The pastor suddenly changed his tone and painting style, let go of Guan Twelve, and said aggrievedly.

".I think no matter what, I'm safer than a person who goes to other people's houses to sleep with other people's wives every day." Guan Twelve said blankly.

"Ah! Aren't you jealous?!" The pastor exclaimed after hearing this, and then covered his mouth and pretended to be surprised!

"." There is nothing to talk about with this pervert.

Guan Twelve turned around and left, looking at Guan Twelve's back, the priest narrowed his eyes slightly, and then took out his glasses from his pocket. The first time I saw him was Guan Twelve who was wearing glasses, but he was not surprised when he saw him this time, and he didn't even ask.

She doesn't care about him at all!
The pastor who came to this conclusion looked a bit ugly, but he soon felt relieved.

He is also a person who doesn't care about others.

Guan Twelve just took a few steps when he saw Li Na. Li Na's thin body was walking alone in the dark night.

With a weak candle in her hand to illuminate, Guan Twelve stopped and watched Li Na walking towards her step by step.

The candlelight was really too small, Li Na walked two steps in front of Guan Twelve to see Guan Twelve's face clearly, and Guan Twelve also saw her face clearly, Li Na's face was red from the cold, and her eyes were dark Wet, her hand holding the candle was also red and swollen from the cold, and she breathed out steam.

But at this moment, she stared at herself with wide eyes, and then came back to her senses, approached her in two steps and hugged Guan Twelve:
"You really... don't know what's going on with you?! Why did you run out?! People worry that you're just so happy?!"

Li Na's voice choked up when she said the latter, she was really scared!I'm afraid that Guan Twelve will be in danger!

Obviously she has decided to protect her well, if she encounters any danger, she really can't forgive herself! !
Guan Twelve looked at Li Na with lowered eyes slightly, then reached out and hugged her.

"sorry that I had you worried."

Li Na also hugged Guan Twelve tightly.

In the days that followed, Li Na became more and more concerned about Guan Twelve, wishing she could become one with Guan Twelve!Every second is close!

Shao Qiuyan also laughed at Guan Twelve because of this incident, saying that she deserved it, who told her to take advantage of the NPC's feelings!Recruit now!
Yu Lingling was also very jealous because of this!Obviously she and Guan Twelve are together, they are both players, and Li Na is just an NPC, why should she be so nice to her!
Of course, Yu Lingling was still fascinated by Guan Twelve's ability to exorcise ghosts!She secretly asked Guan Twelve if he could teach her.

Guan Twelve rejected her on the grounds that the secret should not be passed on.

Yu Lingling pouted, but couldn't say anything more.

It's just that the pastor has been living in style during this time!From time to time, I would go to An'er, go to her place!

Of course Ann wanted the pastor to come, but she gritted her teeth angrily every time she was reminded that her favorability was 0 after being happy!
Seeing him coming all the time, I thought he fell in love with her, even if he didn't like her, it's been so long that her favorability hasn't increased at all!This bitch is simply the pillar of the prostitution world! !

But the most interesting thing among them is that the king of this world, Fojie, has taken a fancy to it!And to marry him as queen! !

It was a fairly warm morning, Taishu Jincheng was really bored and decided to go out for a walk. Curiosity led him to the palace. In order to hide his identity, he stole the clothes of a female official here and then wandered around the palace swaggeringly!
The palace is very prosperous and extravagant. The golden floor and crystal chandeliers publicize the king's corrupt life.

The palace is very large, divided into halls, main halls, library pavilions, side halls, concubine palaces and more than a hundred yards.

Impossible to visit in one day.

So Grand Uncle Jincheng chose the place he was most curious about, Zangshu Pavilion!

The palace is full of smoky fragrances!
(End of this chapter)

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