The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 92 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 92 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (20)

The Library Pavilion in the palace contains the history and legends of the country for thousands of years!Uncle Jincheng was very interested in this, but he couldn't enter directly, so he looked around Zangshuge, and found a window on the second floor that he didn't observe.

He changed a ladder from the game store and put it there and climbed up. By the way, he put the ladder up and put it aside to close the window.

He patted the ashes on his body and then turned around to look at the interior of Zangshu Pavilion. The interior of Zangshu Pavilion is a total of [-]%, a circular staircase with a hollow in the middle, and bookshelves around the wall are filled with books. The circular bookshelf of the building, his position is just the place where the lighting is in the middle of the bookstore. He looked up and found that the roof was also hollowed out, because there was a protective cover in the center of the city, so there was no wind or rain, so he dared to decorate like this.

Uncle Jincheng approached the bookshelf and looked at the categories on it.

123 years of Snow Country - 223 years of Snow Country.

Snow Country is the name of this country, and the big and small events that happened in Snow Country in the first 100 years during this period.

This is not what Taishu Jincheng is looking for.

The secret biography of the kingdom, unsolved ghost cases, unsolved mysteries.

In the end, Grand Uncle Jincheng stopped at a classification, which was the classification of rumors about red roses.

Uncle Jincheng picked up a book and opened it to read.

What is written on it is a story from 1000 years ago.

It is rumored that 1000 years ago, the snow country also had four seasons all year round. Spring was warm and flowers were blooming, and people lived and worked happily.

But such beauty is seen by the devil, who hates beauty and happiness, so a hundred demons are born in this world!The gods were furious when they found out!In order to prohibit the devil from destroying, he cursed this country and made it snow all the year round!But he also promises that if someone kills a demon, he will get a bright red rose, and if he collects ten red roses, he can summon the Thousand Eyes and make any wish come true!

And the red rose said to refer to the heart dug out after the devil dried up the blood!
A red rose born from a white rose stained with red blood!That is the evidence that removes sin!It is the wish-fulfillment expectation!

Uncle Jincheng closed the book expressionlessly.

Then put it back.

He looked at a few more stories, they were all rotten things, he was not interested, turned around to leave, and suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, he sideways hid in the dark, and then heard the two guards outside shouting: "Kings!"

Kings? !
The person who came turned out to be the king of this country?
Then there was the sound of closing the door, and the only person that Grand Uncle Jin Cheng poked his head out to see was one person, he was dressed gorgeously and richly, handsome, with beautiful blond hair, he looked young, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

After arriving, he went directly to the second floor, and his great-uncle Jincheng quickly shrank back into the dark.

Didn't it mean that the king of this country is obsessed with beauty and has no books and no interest?Then what is his bookstore here for? ?

Could it be that the rumors are false?Is this king pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
Just when Grand Uncle Jincheng thought so, he saw the young king found a place and threw all the books on the ground, then lay down on the messy place full of books and closed his eyes to sleep.

Uncle Jincheng: No, the rumors are definitely true! !
How strange is this king's hobby that he likes to sleep in messy places!
Uncle Jincheng was not interested in such things, so he took this opportunity to turn around to leave, but suddenly heard a sound behind him, he subconsciously turned his head, and then saw that the boy who was supposed to be sleeping soundly opened his eyes. Eyes, just look at him like this!
That face is full of the frivolity of this age and the cruelty that does not belong to this age.

And the moment they saw Taishu Jincheng's face, they all turned into astonishment.

"Are you... the new female officer?" King Fojie came back to his senses, but still looked at his uncle Jincheng in a daze and asked.

Uncle Jincheng: ...

He didn't speak, but Fojie over there had already stood up, raised his chin slightly, with the temperament of a superior: "Can't the bold lady kneel down when she sees the king?!"

Uncle Jincheng: I'll kneel down to your grandma! !

Uncle Jin Cheng looked indifferent, and he was already thinking about killing the king.

His glamorous expression won Fojie's heart, and Fojie felt that he was in love! !
But on the face of it, he raised his chin forcefully, looking so arrogant!

There was silence for a long time, and finally Grand Uncle Jincheng still didn't want to cause trouble, he took a step back silently and bowed to Fojie.

"No! You should kneel in front of me!" Fojie was taken aback by his uncle Jincheng's actions, and then responded with a haughty order.

Uncle Jincheng: I advise you to be kind.

"Or you tell me your name!" Fojie thought for a while and couldn't help asking.

As long as he knows her name, he can find out who she is, and whose family she is a child of. Then he will ask that family to give him this beautiful woman!

Just thinking about Fojie gets excited!
Uncle Jincheng has no expression on his face. He is not a fool, so he can naturally see Fojie's thoughts on him. He thought he was a woman and took a fancy to his appearance. This is not the first time that Uncle Jincheng has been misunderstood like this .

After all, he loves to wear women's clothes, he is long and soft, and it is a frequent occurrence to be recognized as a woman.

Being courted by men is also a frequent occurrence.

He's not surprised, he's even proud, which proves that he's really good looking!
Of course he should be proud! !

But right now he can't reveal his gender, after all, if this little king finds out that he is actually a leader, he will be furious!

Although he can directly kill the little king and leave, this will definitely cause panic in the country, and he doesn't care about the subsequent development of this game world.

It's just that this will destroy their plans, and may even cause their internal test script to fail by a large margin.

Uncle Jincheng doesn't want to do this!It's inappropriate and not in his interest, so he won't do it.

So Taishu Jincheng chose to stun the little king, and then made him think he was dreaming.

Just do it!

Uncle Jincheng exchanged the stun spray and knocked down Fojie, then carried him back to his original sleeping position, then erased all traces of himself, and finally jumped out of the window to leave.

After waking up, Fojie clutched his aching head, suddenly thought of something and quickly looked up, there was no one in front of him!
The young king got up slowly and walked to the window, opened the window without hesitation, he looked down, it is impossible to jump directly from this height!

Fojie turned around and asked the guard at the door if he saw anyone else going out, or a very beautiful woman going out?
The guard felt that the king of his country was crazy about women.

(End of this chapter)

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