The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 93 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 93 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (21)

"Report to the king! The subordinates have been asking the guards here, but no one has entered or left except the king!" The guard replied.

But it was obvious that this answer did not make Fojie happy. He frowned, then sneered, and suddenly drew the sword from the man's waist and slashed at the man's neck without hesitation.

The person who was still alive just now was lying motionless in the pool of blood on the ground. The blood splashed all over Fojie's face and clothes, making his brows and eyes even more sinister:
"The rich rewards I gave you are not for you to veto my wishes! Remember that I will never say anything wrong!"

The other guard next to him was already terrified, and he didn't dare to move, hoping not to be noticed, but unfortunately, Fojie's cold eyes still looked at him:
"Did you see a beautiful lady come out?"

The man quickly reacted and replied:
"Report to the king! Your subordinates have seen it!"

"Really? Then find her out and bring her to this king! I'll give you three days! If you can't find it! I'll sacrifice it all to the gods!" Fojie threw away the blood-stained sword and waved his hand indifferently. , issued an order!


The king orders!The country that had already become chaotic because of King Dar, became panic because of the king!
In order to find the woman the king said in the most efficient way!When the soldiers on the street saw a beautiful woman, they captured her and took her to the palace!

As a result, all the women were not allowed to go out by the family, for fear of being caught and taken into the palace!
Of course, there are also those who want to seize this opportunity and want to fly on the branches and become phoenixes. They sway their heads to attract the attention of soldiers, and then they are brought into the palace to try to use their beauty to attract the attention of the king, and then become concubines!

It's a pity that these women were all killed by the angry Fojie himself in the end!
Of course, there are also lucky and good-looking ones who are accepted into the harem by Fojie, but Fojie, who was fresh for two and a half days, quickly forgot about these women and waited alone in the harem.

"Mother! Mother! I don't want to go! Help me!!" The tearing cry of the girl came from the street again!
A group of tall soldiers with weapons are holding on to a young and thin girl!

That girl was crying heartbreakingly!Her mother is an old man, and she knows that she is no longer young enough to defeat these tall and mighty soldiers!The old man knelt and kowtowed to these soldiers!He didn't care if his forehead was covered in blood!
Just pray they spare their kids!
Those soldiers were not cold-blooded people either, they felt uncomfortable seeing the old man like this, they were also children, and when they saw the old man like this, they thought of their mother, but it was precisely because of this that they couldn't let go!Because if they don't find the woman the king said within the allotted time!At that time, they and their families will die!
Thinking of this, those soldiers dragged the girl away without pity!

That mother stretched out her hand to chase!As a result, he was pushed to the ground and could only helplessly watch his child being taken away, and listened to the child calling his mother in pain, but he was helpless.

Uncle Jincheng watched the scene downstairs through the window with a blank expression on his face.

"It seems that some people have caused a lot of trouble and brought a lot of disaster to this world." Shaoqiuyan took a sip of hot tea and teased.

I don't know why, but the heat preservation in the center of the city is getting worse and worse, and it has reached the point of drinking hot tea.

"You should have said that this country will change ownership soon." Grand Uncle Jincheng said as he closed the window and sat down.

"Who to replace? What King Dar? Come on, he is not a good guy, and the country will have to end by then!" The pastor spread his hands, obviously he is not optimistic about King Dar Winter.

"You sleep with his wife every day and you still dislike her?" Uncle Jin Cheng looked at him with disgust.

The pastor shrugged disapprovingly and said, "I didn't force it, they let me sleep, what can I do?"

"It sounds like you're wronged, why don't you just refuse?" Li Na poured a cup of tea and handed it to Guan Twelve, and couldn't help but say!

"Why refuse such a good thing?" The pastor glanced at Li Na and asked.

Immediately choked Li Na!

"I really don't understand why I'm attracted to you!" Li Na couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

The pastor laughed and said nothing.

Probably because of his liking.

"Anyway, you did cause us a lot of trouble this time." Guan Twelve took a sip of tea, then frowned and stopped drinking.

She really doesn't like tea!

"Is this troublesome for you?" Uncle Jin Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve replied blankly: "Forget it!"

For her now, even a little deviation is troublesome!
"." Uncle Jincheng sneered.

"It's really troublesome, and it's also for me." Shao Qiuyan said with a smile at this time.

Uncle Jincheng: What the hell does it have to do with you? ?

"Brother! At this time, you'd better not wander around, it's not good to cause trouble to others!" What Grand Uncle Jincheng didn't expect the most was that Yu Lingling, who was always loved by him, was standing beside him at this moment. the opposite! !
Uncle Jincheng: It feels like the whole world has abandoned him!Gan!
"Understood." Uncle Jincheng glanced at Yu Lingling, scolded her sister for turning her elbows but couldn't say anything.I can only sigh and then compromise!
"I'm glad you can recognize your mistakes, uncle Jincheng, as long as you repent sincerely! There is still a chance to become a good person!" Shaoqiuyan patted uncle Jincheng on the shoulder and said earnestly.

Uncle Jincheng: Get out!

"How many players do we have now?" Guan Twelve looked at Shao Qiuyan and asked.

"Fifty. The number of players has not decreased significantly during this period. It seems that they have well hidden themselves from being discovered. There are still ten players who have not been found." Shaoqiuyan said.

They have contacted 45 players during this period, which can be said to be a bumper harvest. If they follow this process, it won't take long for them to gather all the players and start the plan to release the red rose!
"What about you after that? You will come back, right?!" Li Na who didn't know when she started to be silent suddenly opened her mouth and looked at them with complicated expressions.

Guan Twelve looked at Li Na, Li Na's eyes were filled with anticipation, hoping to hear the answer she wanted to hear.

But it was destined to disappoint her.

"We don't belong here." Guan Twelve's flat tone told the cruel reality!
This is not their world, no matter whether the mission succeeds or fails, they will never return to this world!

To this world, they are just passers-by, and to them, this is just a game!

(End of this chapter)

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