The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 94 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 94 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (22)

Li Na's face turned pale when she heard the result, and she looked at the five people in front of her in disbelief.

During this period of getting along, Li Na clearly understood that these people are not bad people!They are all innocent!They are all good people and have never killed anyone. On the contrary, they want to avoid being chased and killed by strangers!

The world is inexplicably full of malice towards them, and they force them to leave even though they have done nothing!

why!Li Na thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out!
Li Na wants them to stay!Because Li Na has long regarded them as friends!She doesn't want her friend to leave this world, but she doesn't know how to speak!Because the world is full of malice towards them!

Guan Twelve saw Li Na's thoughts, she reached out and hugged Li Na, Li Na felt Guan Twelve's warmth, she couldn't help closing her eyes, thinking in her heart:

What a warm person! !Why let such a warm person leave here? !Such a warm person really does not belong to this world of ice and snow!

Guan Twelve didn't know what was going on in Li Na's mind. She did this only to comfort Li Na's emotions, because Li Na was the most important part of their departure from this world. If something happened to her emotions that caused their failure in this world, no, Absolutely can not have this if!

Players absolutely do not allow this to happen! !

Guan Twelve thought indifferently!

And Yu Lingling pouted as if she was not happy with Guan Twelve's closeness with Li Na!
On the other hand, the other three players had guessed what Guan Twelve was thinking, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly:
What a bastard who played with NPC's feelings! !
The pastor almost subconsciously looked at his uncle Jincheng, his eyes seemed to say: Have you ever done this before?

He got a big roll of eyes from his great-uncle Jincheng: he relies on his IQ!Who relies on beauty! !

Guan Twelve couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw this group of people making trouble.

Sure enough, they all seem to be "good guys".

This world is so good, there are many "good people", so as a "good person", can she accept death?

Thinking of this, Guan Twelve suddenly stood up and opened the window in full view of everyone, and stepped on the window sill, looking like he was about to jump off!Suddenly, he stretched out his hand from behind and grabbed her!

Hair messed up because of too much movement!Shocked everyone's hands because of the sudden incident!
"Are you baffled again?" Shaoqiuyan grabbed the girl's hand, looked at Guan Twelve who was standing on the window edge exuding dead air again, and said.

"Ah..." Guan Twelve's voice was hoarse and lifeless.

Shaoqiuyan gently pulled the girl on the edge of the window into his arms.

Li Na regained her senses and hurried over to close the window.

"What's wrong with her?" Looking at the very honest Guan Twelve in Shaoqiuyan's arms, Grand Uncle Jincheng frowned and asked.

"I don't know." Shao Qiuyan looked down at the girl in his arms.

At this time, she is much more well-behaved than normal, but the fact that she committed suicide is still a headache.

The pastor walked over, thought for a while, then stretched out his hand and put it in front of Guan Twelve's eyes. Those dull eyes didn't even blink. The pastor thought it was funny, he curled his lips and then stretched out his hand and slammed into it!

? ? ! !
Li Na was dumbfounded, she hurried over and pushed the pastor away!
Looking at Guan Twelve's closed eye, the blood flowing from the injury could not stop running across his cheeks and dripping on Guan Twelve's white collar!
The face that was defeated by the pain, the eyes that were lifeless and desperate, the corners of the pale lips, and the trembling body.

Li Na stretched out her hand tremblingly and didn't know what to do!
Blood!So much blood!Unstoppable blood!what to do!what to do!What should she do! !

Li Na couldn't stop crying!

Guan Twelve looked at Li Na's tears and remained indifferent.

It hurts, it really hurts, although I know it will hurt, but I can't help but tremble...

Why are you crying?Is it because of her?
What a nice guy.

Such a good person should do more important things. He shouldn't cry. He shouldn't cry because of her. She did it voluntarily. There is nothing to be sad about...

Guan Twelve really wanted to tell Li Na, but the pain in her eyes made her unable to open her mouth, and her consciousness began to blur. She felt that she would faint soon.

But Yu Lingling, who came back to her senses, punched the priest in the face because of anger, and without hesitation changed a gun to the priest's forehead, and asked with angry eyes, gnashing her teeth: "What are you doing?!!"

The pastor's expression was flat, as if he didn't care what he just did, he just smiled and looked at Guan Twelve over there, and said, "I'm just curious if she's just pretending, I didn't expect that she really didn't hide, it's so interesting .”

"You bastard!!" Yu Lingling couldn't take it anymore, her anger swallowed her, and she wanted to shoot!Gotta kill this bastard!This rubbish!This inexplicable metamorphosis!
However, the moment she was about to shoot, her hand was suddenly held. Yu Lingling looked over and saw that it was her brother.

"Stop it, don't spoil the plan Lingling." Uncle Jin Cheng's tone was flat.

"Brother!" Yu Lingling shouted!She is not reconciled!She is angry!
She just wants to kill this guy who hurt her friend! !

"Don't ruin the plan!" Uncle Jin Cheng just repeated this sentence!

Yu Lingling pressed her lower lip tightly, she was not reconciled!But you can't disobey your brother's order!Finally she closed her eyes and retracted the gun.

The pastor smiled, and then said: "Actually, you don't need to do this. This is a game. Just take some medicine. In order to make amends, I will pay for the medicine."

Said that she handed the potion to Yu Lingling, Yu Lingling glared at the pastor, didn't accept his potion, exchanged a bottle for herself and gave Guan Twelve to drink it!
It seemed that he was suspected again.

The pastor looked down at the bottle of potion, thinking.

After drinking the potion, Guan Twelve's health bar slowly recovered, and the bleeding stopped, and even her eyes were being repaired.

"How is it? Does it feel better?" Li Na had never seen such a miraculous potion, but she didn't ask much, just asked how the situation of Guan Twelve was.

"...It's much better." Guan Twelve slowly opened his eyes, but that eye was still a little red. Yu Lingling exchanged it for the best potion, and she recovered quickly, and the redness gradually faded away. Except for the bloodstains on his face and clothes, Guan Twelve acted as if nothing had happened.

"How do you feel?" Shaoqiuyan asked suddenly.

"It hurts, it hurts so deeply, I thought I could finally die at that moment." Guan Twelve said flatly.

"Those are eyes..." Li Na was trembling all over, and her voice was trembling with fear!

eyeball!It is the most vulnerable part of the human body. If it is injured there, how can it not hurt? !
(End of this chapter)

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