The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 95 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 95 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (23)

Looking at Guan Twelve with a plain face, Shaoqiuyan knew that she would never stop thinking about it because of this encounter.

Although he didn't know the reason, Shaoqiuyan stretched out his hand to cover Guan Twelve's eyes. The newly grown eyes were extremely sensitive, and Shao Qiuyan felt Guan Twelve's eyelashes tremble slightly.

"Although I don't know your reason, I hope you don't disrupt our plan, or you will regret it after you recover." Shaoqiuyan said in a low voice.

Whether the tone was gentle or cold, it was just a very flat tone, which was different from his usual appearance.

Guan Twelve opened her mouth to say that it would be good to die before recovering, but Shaoqiu said the following words to dispel her thoughts:
"You also know that this is a game, right? Death in the game doesn't mean that you really die. Instead, you will continue to enter new game worlds one after another endlessly. In this way, you will never die. How about cooperating with us? When the time comes When the game is over, you can do whatever you want in reality, how?"

Guan Twelve was silent, as he said, it is useless for her to die here, the negotiation was established, Guan Twelve Zhan Shi stopped thinking, but the frustration on his body did not change.

But no matter what, it can be regarded as stabilizing Guan Twelve.

Shaoqiuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and then he looked at Guan Twelve in his arms, obedient and silent, like an exquisite doll!

Such a cute Guan Twelve is rare under normal circumstances.

Shaoqiuyan felt fresh, stretched out his hand and pinched Guan Twelve's face.

Well, soft Q and soft Q, the touch of this game is really good!

Shaoqiuyan's actions didn't shy away from anyone, Taishu Jincheng looked at Shaoqiuyan's actions, frowned and said: "When she recovers, she will beat you."

"En." Shao Qiuyan had no doubts about this.

When Guan Twelve is ready, she will definitely beat him, but so what?That's all later.

After stabilizing the emotions of Guan Twelve who wanted to die, Shaoqiuyan found that such Guan Twelve was very well-behaved, basically he would not resist or even refute them.

It's just a little too lazy, I don't want to do anything, I don't want to do anything.

Li Na was even worried that something might happen to Guan Twelve again, so she followed her closely, protecting her as if she were protecting a baby that was just an hour old!

Shao Qiuyan felt that Li Na was making a big fuss, after all, he had successfully negotiated with Guan Shier, and before the end of the closed beta game, she should not want to die again, but Li Na didn't believe it!For her, death is death, what game?What resurrection?She doesn't know any script!
In the end, Shao Qiuyan felt that it was good for someone to watch Guan Twelve, so he ignored Li Na.

But there was a problem between the pastor and his great-uncle Jincheng.

Let's talk about the pastor first. The pastor has been running to the Dar palace to meet Ann, the princess of Dar.

An'er has been serving the pastor with all her heart and soul, but her favorability has never changed, and she will always be that big duck egg!
This frustrates Ann!What's more, the time given by the system is coming soon, if she doesn't reach the qualified favorability within the specified time!She is going to be punished!

The system is pressing hard!The pastor has always been lukewarm to her, and every time he comes here, his attitude is like visiting a brothel!An'er was very upset!

So the irritated An'er thought of a bad move, that is, she took the initiative to expose her affair!
The two were caught by Dale King Winter!

The woman I like in the palm of my hand is having sex with another man in front of my eyes!
Even men can't stand it!Not to mention King Dar, who is famous for his tyranny!
Went, who was overwhelmed by anger, directly pulled out the sword from his waist and stabbed at the priest!
The pastor mercilessly shook off An'er who was lying on top of him, even though the two were hugging each other tightly at this moment!The pastor still mercilessly abandoned her!

Ann who was thrown down exclaimed!
She never thought that even at such a time, the pastor would be so merciless!
Wen Te was frightened by Ann'er's exclamation and stopped. He glared at the pastor and hurried to Ann'er and asked cautiously, "An'er! Are you injured?!"

Even if this woman was with someone else's man in front of his eyes, even if she cheated in front of his eyes!Winter still couldn't let Ann go!Because he loves her!Desperate for love!Love puts down dignity!It's like nothing!
It's a pity that An'er, who has already maxed out his favorability, doesn't care about this man anymore, and this man can no longer provide her with any rewards!He is already a useless person!

Now Ann's focus is on the pastor!What she wanted was the priest's love!It's his attention!It is his dignity and affection! !
It's just a pity that the priest who already knew her identity would not give An'er any favorability at all!

The pastor looked coldly at Wen Te, who had a face of concern and love, and An'er, who put all his thoughts on him and didn't care about the man who loved her around him, couldn't help but chuckled, and said:
"You guys are so funny~"

"Brave thief! How dare you break into Dar's palace!" Winter now wished he could tear the pastor to pieces!The anger in his eyes wanted to devour the priest!

"Don't be funny, that's not what you're angry about, is it?" The pastor grinned and zipped up the chain of his trousers. When he played with Ann, he never took off his clothes, because he had already expected There will be such a day, if he is naked when the time comes to catch the adulterer, it will really disgrace him!
After tidying up his messy clothes, he lifted his legs and raised his head slightly, looking at the two people on the ground with contempt!

He is a priest, and priests have never looked down on NPCs, no matter what the NPC's status in this world is!He has never looked down on these non-existent things made out of data.

"Your wife took the initiative to throw herself into my arms. Do you know what she said at that time?"

An'er suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart when she heard the pastor's words! ! !

Wait a moment!etc!Her plan is not like this!Shouldn't he be afraid? !Shouldn't you kneel down and beg him!
He is King Dar!In this world, there is an existence under one person and above ten thousand people!
Why not be afraid? !He is obviously an ordinary person without identity!Why are you not afraid! !
An'er screamed crazily in her heart!

She reached out her hand to stop the pastor from speaking, but it was a pity that she was a step too late. The pastor's mouth closed and closed, and he said cold and cruel words: "She said that being with you is no fun at all, she doesn't like you at all , I'm only with you because of a mission, tsk~ think about it, she is a missioner, her mission is to sleep with men in every world, and she's so good at it~ You who don't fit her aesthetics at all and are extremely easy to get , Dar King Winter."

(End of this chapter)

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