The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 96 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 96 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (24)

"What... what?!"

An'er was completely shocked, she looked at the pastor in disbelief, her pupils couldn't be any bigger!Why would he know? !How would he know? ! !Why would he know about the tasker? !
And why did he hear her inner thoughts at that moment? !

Who is he? !

Is he also a tasker? !

"I'm not the kind of worker who is bound to have no vacations! Please don't bring me down with you. Thank you."

The pastor saw An'er's thoughts at a glance, and he said with disgust.

That kind of rubbish job that has no freedom and must complete the task, he doesn't want it for free!

"Why did you..." An'er subconsciously said, and then realized that she quickly covered her mouth!
As a tasker, she must not reveal her identity as a tasker, otherwise she will be severely punished! !

Looking at An'er's movements, the pastor could guess the general idea, and he couldn't help but laugh "tsk".

That's why he said it!The job of the tasker is so low that it explodes!

I don't even have the most basic freedom, and I perform a year-round job under the guise that I can help you realize your wish but you have to work for me!How is this different from office workers who earn money to buy cars and houses and are squeezed out? !

An'er was completely dumbfounded!She didn't think of it!This man actually knows her identity!When exactly did he find out? !No wonder you don't give her a little favorability!It turns turns out that she had discovered her identity a long time ago!Know her purpose!
An'er bit her lip, no!Absolutely not!Her identity must never be revealed!If exposed...if exposed!
An'er can't imagine what kind of punishment the system will give her!Trembling all over, she turned to Winter, the only man in the room who loved her:
"King! He's scary! King! I'm scared! I'm so scared!"

An'er started to cry while talking. It was the first time Wen Te saw An'er like this, he hugged her very distressed, and then promised: "Don't worry, An'er, the king will definitely kill him!"

Then he let go, An'er raised the sword and attacked the pastor!

"I told you she doesn't love you at all~" the pastor dodged Winter's attack, and then said helplessly.

It's just that Wen Te, who is now engulfed by anger, can no longer listen to him, he has only one thought now!Just kill the bastard in front of you! !
Can become King Dar!Winter, who is also known as tyrannical and impermanent, naturally has a high force value!

At least at the same level as Shaoqiuyan!
But the one in front of him was the pastor, the pastor who even the official Twelve found it difficult and even defeated him.

He snatched Wen Te's sword with one move, and then drove it on An'er's neck while she was not paying attention!
Got him under control!

Winter looked at the sword on An'er's neck, his face turned pale with fright, and he looked at the pastor with murderous intent in his eyes:
"You are so courageous! Hurry up and let An'er go!"

"Ah~ Your eyes are so scary! My hands are shaking from fright."

The pastor pretended to be afraid, and when he shook his hand, a bloodstain appeared on Ann's neck!
"it hurts!"

An'er cried out coquettishly in pain!
As expected of a transformed body, even at this time she still makes people blush and heartbeat.

"My lord knows it! My lord assures you! No one will hurt you in the center of the city! You let An'er go soon!!" Wen Te was flustered and frightened, he was really followed by the blood on An'er's neck. Ann'er's cry of pain made her scared!

"That's right, I'm very timid, don't scare me~"

The pastor's words were so embarrassing that Winter gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to do anything.

"Actually, I don't want to hurt her. After all, her body is really good! It makes people very comfortable." The pastor said shameful words without hesitation!
It would have been nice to have this in bed, but not now, with her life in this man's hands.

"Dear King, you like her, right?" The pastor suddenly asked such a question!
Winter froze.

"You like her, right?" the pastor asked again tirelessly.

"I love her!" Wen Te looked at An'er affectionately with a serious and serious expression. This tyrannical king fell in love with a woman affectionately!
It's a pity that this woman doesn't love him!
"But she doesn't love you." The pastor said with a smile.

"I don't care! As long as I love her!" Winter roared!
The pastor found Winter's pretentious generosity very cute.

"Really? Even if she not only has you as a man, even if she will leave this world soon and find other men, in order to gain the favorability of others, she will have sex under other men, and other men will see her emotionally." On the other hand, she will open her legs to other men, and you don't care about that?"

The pastor's words were like poison, every word was stimulating Wen Te's nerves!
"You obviously love her so much~ but she just regards you as the mission target, and not the only mission goal! You are clearly teased by her to such an extent that you love her to the death and life, and you clearly give up everything for her! But what about her? Don't you think it's unfair that she treats you as trash after gaining your favorability and then finds other men?"

"Shut up..." An'er looked at Wen Te, who was obviously in a bad mood, and suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart. She quickly opened her mouth and wanted to stop the pastor, but the pastor didn't care about her at all, so how could he listen to her? ?

"Love is fair. You have always paid for her, but she didn't do anything. If she didn't do anything, forget it and mess with other men. She trampled on your sincerity and fed your dignity to the dog. It's so unfair, isn't it?"

Looking at the trembling Winter who was stimulated by his words, the pastor knew that his goal had been achieved, he couldn't help but smiled, and then said: "But as long as she can't leave this world, then she will only have you alone." Rely on, you can imprison her and let her belong to you completely, and I have a way to make you do it."

"Wait a minute for Wen Te! Don't listen to his nonsense! What he said is all lies! I love you! I only love you!! I'm not a tasker!! Wen Te!!" She was numb, she was scared!I'm really scared!

She can't stay in this world!She doesn't want to live in a world!She wants to fall in love with different beautiful men!She doesn't want to be imprisoned in one world for the rest of her life!Birth and death!She doesn't want it!She doesn't want it! !

"An'er..." Wen Te looked at the panicked An'er, clenched his hands into fists.

 Pastor: Is it a surprise~ Is it a surprise~
(End of this chapter)

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