Chapter 10 Ye Zhenzhen, don't you know how to cook?

Song Yuchen went into the bathroom to take a bath by himself.

In fact, it's not that Ye Zhenzhen doesn't want to bathe the child, it's that before she asked Song Yuchen how to take a bath, the little guy went into the bathroom with clothes and towels.

And this undoubtedly found a topic for the black fans in the live broadcast room to black her;
[Just being a mother for someone else, not even taking a bath for the child. 】

[Poor little Yuchen, you called Ye Jianjian's mother just now, ah Tui!What the hell is this? 】

[What mother?Vicious stepmother, hahaha! 】

The scolding in the live broadcast continued until Ye Zhen Zhen came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Sudden change in conversation in the live broadcast room;
[This is so pretty! 】

【Ye Zhen Zhen is so beautiful! 】

In the camera, Ye Zhenzhen is wearing a light-colored pure cotton pajamas, wiping her waist-length curly hair with a towel, black hair and red lips, pure makeup, creamy skin, and a pair of lazy peach eyes. A bit casual.

【Really beautiful!To be honest, there are not many people in the entertainment industry who are more beautiful than her]

[At this moment, I just want to be her face powder! 】

【Ye Zhenzhen looks really tender, this scene is not like a mother and son, but like siblings! 】

When Ye Zhen Zhen was wiping her hair, Song Yuchen was trying to unscrew a bottle of water to drink, but after trying for a long time, she still couldn't open it.

Seeing this, she put down the towel in her hand and unscrewed it for him, and said with a smile, "Xiaochen, will you wet the bed at night after drinking so much water?"

Song Yuchen frowned and didn't want to talk to her, took a sip from the water bottle that Ye Zhenzhen had unscrewed, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

After drying her hair, Ye Zhen Zhen sat on the bed, there is only one bed in this room, so she has to sleep with this little milk dumpling at night.

Song Yuchen seemed to be aware of this problem, and he asked, "Should we sleep here at night?"

Sleep on a bed.

"Yes, I'll be with you." Ye Zhen Zhen frowned and smiled softly.

Song Yuchen had a dull expression on his face, "Oh..."

This was the first time in his memory that he slept with an adult. When he was a child, he always slept in a cradle with servants watching over him. When he got older, Mama Li would coax him to sleep in the room before leaving.

Occasionally when his father was at home, he also made a fuss about sleeping with his father, but his father said that a man should sleep alone.

But now that Ye Zhen Zhen said to accompany him, he was stunned for a moment.

Ye Zhen Zhen patted Xiao Chen's head, and asked casually, "Xiao Chen, why did you call 'Mom' just now?"

【Holy shit, what's the situation with Ye Zhenzhen, asking so directly? 】

[Don't treat us as outsiders at all, doesn't she know there is a camera? 】

[I don't think it's anything, it's very real! 】

[I'm also curious why Xiao Yuchen suddenly called Ye Jianjian's mother? 】

The meaning of this sentence was understood by the netizens in the live broadcast room, and Xiaochen also understood it.

He blinked his grape-like black eyes and looked at Ye Zhen Zhen, and the little milk voice said coolly, "You are my mother!"

In fact, what Song Yuchen thought was: because he felt that other people were watching Ye Zhenzhen's jokes, that's why he called mom.

Ye Zhenzhen suddenly laughed, and teased him: "Well, I am Xiaochen's mother, so Xiaochen will call 'Mom' from now on, okay?"

Song Yuchen raised his head and stared at Ye Zhenzhen for a few seconds, "Hmm... that depends on your performance!"

Ye Zhen Zhen frowned on purpose, her tone was slightly disappointed, "Ah, there is still an assessment!"

【Ha ha ha ha!Killing me! 】

[Xiao Chen is so cool and cute! 】

"Of course!" Song Yuchen's short legs moved into the bed, and the little milk's voice became a little hoarse, "I'm going to bed, you go to bed early, and you have to go to the ingredients tomorrow."

This tone is like a villain who is always possessed by a villain.

As soon as Xiaochen lay down, he got up again and asked, "Ye Zhenzhen, don't you know how to cook?"

Why is she calling her name again!

"Yes, who said I won't?"

Song Yuchen's white and tender face showed a bit of doubt, "Then you fried the kitchen in the crew before for the effect of filming?"

Ye Zhen Zhen: ...

Oh, the original owner can't cook!

"I can cook, you can rest assured to sleep." She didn't bother to explain, anyway, the original owner was not her.

After getting the answer, Song Yuchen nodded his head, "That's good, you go to bed early too, you can't sleep in tomorrow morning."

Ye Zhen Zhen: "I...Okay, as long as you don't sleep in, I will definitely not sleep in."

The little guy was already lying on the bed and closed his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Zhenzhen felt that the plot seemed to be divorced from the original book. Didn't the plot of the original book in her impression be that the original owner forced Song Yuchen, and then told him to get up early in the morning, why did everything go wrong in her place?
It doesn't matter anymore, she has to learn from the original owner's lesson, she must not force this little guy, just let him do whatever she wants, do as she pleases.

This little guy is very smart, Ye Zhenzhen also guessed that Xiaochen was watching everyone's faces when eating, so she called her 'Mom' so that she would not be so embarrassed. On the first day of getting along, she really liked this little guy

【Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, Xiaochen is so cool and cute】

【The interaction is so friendly, I watched it all day and I didn't see how Ye Zhenzhen looks like a vicious stepmother】

[Don't bathe the child, don't care about the child, only care about himself, isn't that vicious? 】

[The one upstairs has no children, right? For mothers with children, having such a son is simply not too happy, okay? 】

[Upstairs +1 is so envious of Ye Jianjian's words]

【Envy her?She married a poor old man, do you envy her? 】

The audience in the live broadcast room saw Ye Zhen Zhen covering the camera with a towel, and they also retreated one after another.

Some went to watch the interactions of other guests, and some who were still interested went to Weibo to create topics, and new trending topics about Ye Zhenzhen were also quickly listed.

The other four groups of families in the yard, Fang Xiaoyu and Lin Qianqian stayed with the crew all the year round, and they were not used to it. The mother and daughter had already gone to bed.

Yang Yike is the youngest, and she is a little reluctant to bed. Although she lives in the most beautiful room, she starts to cry when she goes to sleep, and the little milk whispers that she wants to go home and find her father.

Xu Wanjia is patiently coaxing little Yiyi to sleep in her arms, and netizens are also immersing her in coaxing her to sleep.

[Sleep, sleep, my dear baby! 】

[Little Yiyi is so good, she will stop crying so soon, she will fall asleep now]

Wu Yuerou took An Ruilin to take a bath, and sat on the bed for a few minutes, when she heard Yang Yike's crying next door, she got up abruptly, thinking that Xu Wanjia's mother and daughter did it on purpose to live in such a good room and cry No stop.

The more Wu Yuerou thought about it, the angrier she became, she pulled An Ruilin outside.

[No way, it's already 9 o'clock, why don't you go out and take a walk? 】

[Going out, I'm going to see Han Jiangxue. 】

The big cameraman guarding the yard saw someone coming out of the room, so he hurriedly followed. Wu Yuerou directly raised his hand to signal him not to turn it on.

When the director's wife spoke, the big brother of the camera naturally didn't dare not listen. The big guys have already rested, so it doesn't matter whether they shoot or not.

(End of this chapter)

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