Chapter 11 Yibo wants to eat meat
Wu Yuerou didn't really want to take a walk, but took An Ruilin to the place where the program crew lived. When she arrived, Director Fei was checking Weibo, and everyone around except assistant Xiaowen was off work.

Wu Yuerou didn't talk nonsense in the past, and her tone was direct and forceful, "Director Fei, what's the matter with the room?"

Director Fei got up quickly, smiling like Maitreya Buddha, "What is Teacher Wu referring to?"

"Director Fei, don't pretend to be here with me. I can't live in room 1. Find a way to change room 5 to me."

When Director Fei saw the domineering and arrogant expression in Wu Yuerou's eyes, his heart turned cold, and he still kept his signature smile on his face;
"Mr. Wu, we arranged the best room and told you, and the live camera is also clear, it's all drawn by the children themselves..."

The inside story was revealed in advance, and the director couldn't be blamed if his child didn't choose the red ball.

What's more, Xu Wanjia's mother and daughter lived in room 5, and her husband was Yang Honghui, who was a well-known director in the circle. In the future, there would be many opportunities to meet her in the circle. Director Fei didn't want to agree to Wu Yurou's unreasonable request.

Besides, Wu Yuerou relies on her husband as the director, so she has to get involved in every variety show on Lemon Channel. If the key is to blend in, just get involved, but this woman always likes to talk about her husband as the director. They all want to get preferential treatment, and play the role of leading heroine in a variety show script, and the director will be annoyed at the thought of this.

Hearing the meaning of Fei Dao's words, Wu Yuerou immediately lost her temper, "Since you said that this room will be fixed for me, then there should be no lottery, just give me room No. 5, that's fine! "

"Hey, my sister, all the netizens these days are sharp-eyed, I want to give you the best room directly, what kind of blatant favoritism?

Will netizens say that these are all arranged by the director?In the end, don't we have to be the station and the director? "

"It's just not possible, is it?" Wu Yuerou heard the evasive meaning in Fei Dao's words, and it's just not possible to talk a bunch of mess.

Director Fei shook his head, "Don't make it difficult for me to be a small director. What variety shows need is truth, and only if it is true will there be something to watch, or..."

"Okay, just wait!" Wu Yuerou didn't wait for Director Fei to finish speaking, and pulled An Ruilin away angrily.

Xiao Wen worried on the side: "Fei Dao, did we offend her? That director..."

"Now the sky is high and the emperor is far away, is her husband here? Work hard, this show is popular, brother will take you away from this broken TV station."

Anyway, he, Fei Yang, is just a little director who is not in the right place on the stage. He usually has to deal with all kinds of relationship traffic and is suppressed by An Hao, the director of the station. He has had enough. When this episode becomes popular, he will Just resigned from Taiwan and went it alone.

Xiao Wen: "Then Director Fei, do you still have to give her the ingredients that I prepared separately for Wu Yuerou tomorrow morning?"

Before Wu Yuerou came, Director Fei had already told Xiaowen to make Wu Yuerou's mother and son a separate package of the best ingredients for them.

Now that the person has directly offended her, if she continues to do this to her, Fei Dao thought, it will inevitably make Wu Yuerou feel that he, a little director, is easy to bully. He is also too lazy for a person like Wu Yuerou who can't be popular even after taking the script of the leading heroine. Reasonable.

"If I don't give it to her, I'll think about it." Director Fei looked up at the silent night sky and thought deeply.

Xiao Wen suggested: "Why don't you give it to Han Jiangxue? Didn't you say that if Han Jiangxue compares with Ye Zhenzhen, Han Jiangxue will definitely be popular."

"No, for Ye Zhen Zhen."

Director Fei felt that those rumors were not the same as the Han Jiangxue seen in the camera. The Han Jiangxue in the camera was always a bit put on, and getting along with the children seemed harmonious but unnatural.

As for Ye Zhenzhen, she is not afraid of offending people when she speaks, she is honest and honest, the most important thing is that today is the first day of the show, most of the trending searches in this variety show are contributed by her, more people scold her than praise her.

Director Fei felt that the more black and red an artist is, the easier it is to accidentally become famous. The more fun netizens scolded in the early stage, the more he likes this kind of artist later, because of the contrast and guilt.

So, he took a gamble, this time he will bet all his treasures on Ye Zhen Zhen.

If there is a script for his variety show, then he intends to let Ye Zhen Zhen act as the heroine of the script.

When Wu Yuerou returned to the yard, except for Han Jiangxue who hadn't rested yet, everyone turned off the lights and went to sleep.

She took An Ruilin into the room, and when she covered the camera and was about to go to sleep, the more she thought about it, the more she felt annoyed. She simply walked out of the room, found the camera brother in the yard, and borrowed her mobile phone to call An Hao.

Called three times in a row and the other party didn't answer.

As everyone knows, An Hao has already mixed up with young models in the hotel, and it is very easy to distract his wife and children, so An Hao will naturally not miss such an excellent opportunity to steal.

He only regarded this kind of strange call as a request to him to do something, and he would naturally look for him in the daytime.

On the other side, Han Jiangxue's room.

After Shen Yibo took a shower, Han Jiangxue dragged him into ancient poems forcibly, and the netizens in the live broadcast room also watched with relish and followed up with the forgotten ancient poems.

[The young and the young leave home and the eldest returns, the local accent remains unchanged, and the mane hair declines. 】

[Children meet each other and do not know each other, laughingly asking where the guest came from. 】

[Since ancient times, autumn is sad and lonely, I say that autumn is better than spring. 】

[In a clear sky, a crane floats above the clouds, and the poetic sentiment is drawn to the blue sky. 】

The two poems taught by Han Jiangxue are somewhat related to today's program, Homecoming and Autumn Ci.

At the beginning, Han Jiangxue wanted to maintain her image as a loving stepmother in the hearts of netizens, and wanted to highlight her responsibility to her stepson.

Because she saw that the lights in Ye Zhenzhen's room had already been turned off to sleep, so she wanted netizens to see that she is different from Ye Zhenzhen, she not only finishes her work during the day, but also takes her children to study at night.

It's just that Shen Yibo couldn't learn it no matter how he taught it, he read an ancient poem so many times, and immediately forgot everything from the first line to the last line.

For a 5-year-old child, there is no such thing as reading before going to bed when he is at home, and now he suddenly brings out a book and asks him to recite ancient poems, which is really a bit reluctant.

Han Jiangxue ran out of patience, suppressing the anger in her chest, and asked with a smile, "Yibo, didn't you read this just now? Why did you forget it right away? What was going on in your little head? "

"Hmm..." Shen Yibo looked up at the ceiling and thought for a few seconds before seriously answering, "Fatty!"

"Ah?" Han Jiangxue didn't expect Shen Yibo to answer like this.

Shen Yibo's face was filled with anticipation, "Mom, I'm wondering what delicious food I can eat tomorrow morning, is there any meat?"

Han Jiangxue: ...

Speechless, she is completely speechless to this stepson!

【Ha ha ha ha!I laughed so hard, Xiao Yibo is so cute! 】

[It's the same as when I was a child, hahaha, if my mother heard me say that, she would have hit me on the head with a book long ago]

[Yibo Xiaohanhan is really cute, and our Xiaoxue has a good temper. After teaching for so long, I don't feel impatient at all. 】

There is no result in reading any more, Han Jiangxue gave up, "Yibo wants to eat meat, so let's sleep now, get up early tomorrow to see if there is any meat in the ingredients, okay?"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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