Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 118 Household and Military Law

Chapter 118 Hundred Households and Military Law

The special environment in these early years allowed the "Romania" Legion Manor to form a lot of unique cultural atmospheres.

For example, senior hundred households have a say in the affairs of the legion.

The military theory of Zizhang believes that the state of soldiers has a great influence on combat effectiveness.It is normal for elite soldiers to be dragged to death by militiamen who have just had enough to eat after they have not had enough to eat for a few days.According to the Art of War, many victories are determined before the battle, and whoever can maintain the best combat effectiveness will have a very high winning rate.

Therefore, before the war, these hundreds of households need to feed back the soldiers' physical strength, morale and other mental states, and at the same time, they are responsible for conveying the opinions of the legion command down to encourage the soldiers to respond.

The chief hundred households of the legion are theoretically the general's permanent staff, and collecting these opinions is his daily job.Similarly, the distribution of spoils after the war and the distribution of pensions are also very important processes, and these people are also required to intervene.

Various families often control the army through this link.

Theoretically, today's Zizhang princes do not have hereditary official positions, only ancestral honorary titles.Their actual power comes from the support of the Legion.And sending children to the local area to serve as a hundred households is an important way to exercise ability and gain qualifications.

Generally speaking, when a noble family is about to nominate a newcomer, it will first greet its supporters.

They do not have fiefdoms in the strict sense, but only a rough "high-influence area", which is generally where the previous generation has served for a long time.The fathers and elders will pick a hundred households with relatively high combat effectiveness, let him be an officer, and then send a few cronies and veterans to assist him; Start from the beginning, wait until you are familiar with the environment, and then become the head of a hundred households on your own.

These selected units can get extra help from princes, get better opportunities and more spoils, so people generally don't resist the "airborne" chiefs.With these supports, the disciples of Marquis can also gain military exploits faster and accumulate prestige, which can be regarded as a tacit understanding between the two sides.

Of course, things always go wrong.When it comes to war command ability, sometimes it really depends on talent.Stan's level is really not good enough, and everyone can't stand it, but it's not an exception.

When encountering such a situation, you can only either become a civil servant and make a living; or make an exchange with another family and transfer to another field-the Purple Horde fights every day, and people will really die.Rather than taking everyone to die together, it is better to quit early.

Therefore, the spheres of influence of various honorable families also changed frequently, and sometimes they even jumped from one end of the empire to the other suddenly.Only the few old princes who founded the country still have the ability and prestige to maintain a relatively stable range.And even then, expansion and contraction are common occurrences.

Therefore, this kind of experience of being a hundred households and the reliable team cultivated during the promotion process are one of the most important wealth of the princes.After many people were promoted, they changed their uniforms and seals, but they still carried the canes of hundreds of households every day to show their resumes, to show that they were cut from the grassroots with real swords and guns, and at the same time, they also drew closer to the soldiers. relation.

Guo Kang has this thing in his house, and he often sees it when he goes to Li Xuanying's house - when Li Xuanying was a child, his father often used this thing to whip him.

On the other hand, these people have also brought the cultural atmosphere of Baihuli at the grassroots level to the top.

For example, the accusations of "disregarding discipline", "being close to the enemy", and "undermining unity" may be moral issues elsewhere, but in the Legion Manor, they are very serious crimes.

Back then, such prisoners were whipped by hundreds of households, or imprisoned, awaiting trial.

At that time, there was no strict distinction between military law and civil law, and the Khan court would regularly send out "fake festival axe" senior judicial officers to inspect various places and review felony cases.Citizens with extremely serious crimes need to go through a special trial by a magistrate, and other people in the manor and nearby hundreds of households will be invited to attend.

At that time, the purple tent implemented a very simple and simple way of ruling: if it was a normal crime, then the manor where the prisoner was located, plus the eight surrounding manors, a total of nine hundred households would form a committee; The crime at that time was composed of ten hundred households in the brigade.If more than six people have no objections to the judge's trial results, they will be convicted, otherwise they will be reported to the Khan Court for further trial.

The magistrate will stick the scepter in the open space, and the hundred families will drag the criminal under the scepter, pick up their own cane, and beat him together to show that the legion despises this person.After the beating, the executioner beheaded the prisoner with the magistrate's ax and hung it in front of the manor or barracks.

Due to the heavy insult, the head of a hundred households who belonged to him often couldn't stand it, and there were not a few who resigned afterwards.In many cases, magistrates would rather make a judgment of deprivation of citizenship and expulsion from the manor instead of this kind of death penalty - anyway, in terms of the result, in this kind of place, the difference between being expelled to fend for oneself and the death penalty is not very big .

Later, with the gradual maturity of the management organization, the judiciary of the purple tent gradually improved.There are special courts in various places, so there is no need for such a primitive way.

The power of Baihu is also declining.Due to the increasing number of functions, it is basically impossible for one person to undertake them all, so today's hundred households are often just a village head and military leader.

His judicial power was taken away by the superior court, and he could only temporarily arrest and deport prisoners; educating villagers to read and write, popularizing planting techniques, and even reviewing accounts and checking fields, etc., became the work of a full-time "manor teacher"; It tends to be more and more formalized and permanent.

Of course, shadows can still be seen in many traditions.Even the teachers of the manor like to call themselves "[-] civilian households", and they have to collectively write a letter to the Khan Court every year, requesting that they can also carry grape vine sticks.Its influence is evident.

Guo Kang feels that these traditions really make the top management of the purple tent generally more simple, and the overall atmosphere is indeed not bad.But many people also retained a lot of the thinking of the middle and lower-level military officers of this era, which seemed too...plain.In some situations, it is very difficult.

But in any case, the influence of the hundred-household system on the purple tents is indeed far-reaching.

In fact, after the high-level provinces and the hundreds of households at the grassroots level have roughly figured out a set of operating methods, the Purple Horde Khanate began to fill in the middle links.

The reason for this is also very simple, simply because the Khanate has become bigger.The manors under the direct control of hundreds of households under the guard have become more and more unmanageable.Therefore, in the era of Li Yinglin, Li Tiance began to add military mansions under the guards, and let them manage hundreds of households in various places.

(End of this chapter)

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