Chapter 119 "The Anda War"
The name of the military mansion is a tribute to the Tang Dynasty.

Probably at the beginning, Li Tiance really wanted to reproduce the glory of the Tang Dynasty.However, due to the cultural level and environment of the Purple Horde Khanate, this setting, like all other systems, is a super hodgepodge of various elements of different cultures and self-reflection. more like who.

Greek scholars like to call the Nanya guards and military mansions military districts, which is said to be because they also had distinctions between large and small military districts in ancient times.The Zizhang Khan Court insisted that the corresponding Wei is called the military area, and the military mansion is the military mansion. It also specially issued a set of standard Chinese names to prevent confusion in the documents.As for who is right, Guo Kang himself doesn't know, anyway, that's what he calls it.

The emergence of the military government was later than that of Wei, and its formalization was even later.

After Queen Mother Helena expelled Li Yinglin, the huge guards were split up.This action was supported by many emerging military generals, collaterals of the Li family, and even more "civilian" princes such as the Guo family. It made the queen mother who seemed to have no military power dare to take a gamble, while the lonely Li Yinglin could only run away. road.

Since then, the "Guard" has changed from an independent establishment to a provincial government office, and has gradually lost its command function, becoming a full-time military and political organization, only responsible for the registration, training, and daily personnel management of soldiers on weekdays. , Subsidy distribution and the like.

Everyone is also more inclined to use the term "provincial military region", and in theory the "guard army" under the military region has actually become a historical term.The command of the local army was dismantled to the military mansion at the state capital level.

Unlike the two generations of the Li family who like to explore and ponder, the Queen Mother Helena obviously had clear goals and plans from the very beginning.

She hoped to standardize the messy administrative regions formed by the long-term expansion and the division of princes, and establish a system of three levels of "province-military region", "state capital-military government" and "village-hundred households" that correspond to each other .

However, after driving away the big thorn in the head, Li Yinglin, and succeeding in the trial split, she first implemented the state capital unit in Serbia in the west.

The Serbia region was once also the territory of Eastern Rome. With the decline of the empire, it gradually became independent.During the reign of King Stephen Dusan of Serbia, the country was powerful and once controlled most of the former European homeland of Eastern Rome.

Duchamp claimed to be the emperor of the Serbs and Greeks, contacted the Venetians, and planned to advance by sea and land, take Constantinople, and establish a new Roman Empire.The Venetians were afraid that his family would dominate, and they didn't agree, which made him fail to succeed.

However, compared with Ottoman, who has produced a large number of strongmen on the opposite side, the Serbian Empire has only flourished for this generation.After Duchamp's death, the heirs were unable to control the situation, and the country soon fell into internal strife and division. There was even an outrageous incident where the Queen Mother wanted to acquire territory and become independent from the empire.

The Serbs also tried to revive, and took advantage of the opportunity when the main force of the Ottomans rushed to Asia Minor, assembled an army of more than 5 people, and went south to attack, preparing to regain the previously lost land.

The local Ottoman army remained at most only 4000 people, and the commander was Shahin Pasha, the teacher of Sultan Murad I.He studied the situation of the Serbian army and believed that there was no need to be afraid, and selected an elite group that was said to have only 800 people to launch a night attack on the Serbian camp.

The Serbian army was directly defeated.The emperor and his younger brother, as well as numerous nobles, were killed in the battle.The defeated soldiers poured into the Maritsa River next to the camp, and thousands of people drowned in the river.Greek scholars recorded that the blood of the war dead stained the river red.

This battle is very classic, and it is still in Guo Kang's Art of War textbooks.After this war, the Serbian Empire basically collapsed, losing the ability to compete for hegemony.

News of the removal of the Serbs reached Constantinople, and the officials were terrified, fearing that Ottomans would march north and take the bird's seat.

Seeing that Serbia was unreliable, they could only quickly win over the Purple Horde Khanate, and offered a series of conditions, hoping to use their help to deal with the Ottomans.

This is also the beginning of the Purple Tent series vying for the domination of Rome.

When the Queen Mother Helena was in power, although the Serbian region belonged to Rome in name, it was still divided by warlords.Therefore, the Queen Mother Helena summoned the Serbian nobles many times in the name of rewards and mediation.

The queen mother claimed that she wanted to maintain fairness and regulate the order of the monarch and vassals, so she often gave the titles of prefect and magistrate brought by the Han Dynasty to those middle and lower nobles.She also learned the customs of the Mongols, making these nobles form "Anda" with her sons John and Basil every day.In the end, he actually recognized hundreds of Serbians and answered them.

The nobles who got the maps, seals, and titles took the opportunity to stand on their own, relying on the support of Khan Ting'an, and did not take the big nobles seriously.The local nobles launched several rebellions, and as a result, the Khan court often collapsed before mobilizing troops.Some people were even killed by their subordinates and took their heads to the Khan court to ask for rewards.

After the big nobles lost their influence, the queen mother began to toss these small nobles again.As long as there is a conflict, the Queen Mother will intervene and "persuade" both parties.She also used the transfer of official positions as an excuse to force some nobles to exchange territories. Those who disobeyed would be hit by the Khan Court, and the noble fiefs would be abolished and entrusted to smaller knights and knights.

And for those who are willing to come to Dadu, she will grant them favorable treatment and keep them in the court.

At this time, the situation in Dadu has recovered a lot, and it is becoming more and more prosperous; many small nobles in the countryside can't stand the temptation at all, and linger here.The Queen Mother Helena organized these people as a force to check and balance other forces, even those "fellow" Greeks.

Guo Kang has actually heard about these methods, but if it were him, he would definitely not have the confidence to do them well.

In fact, even the Queen Mother Helena's wrist was a bit too much to deal with in the end.The Serbian nobles who have not been hit before, although they have also gained some benefits, feel more and more cold and dissatisfied with her.The relationship between other Greek nobles and her has never been close.

In the end, the Serbian "Andas" who entered Dadu and frequently received rewards from her also abandoned her after seeing the conflict between John VIII Khan and the Queen Mother broke out.

In 1378, while John VIII was out hunting, he united a group of Serbian and Bulgarian nobles who were dissatisfied with the Queen Mother because of the loss of territory, and organized their servants and followers to attack the Queen Mother's residence.The queen mother urgently mobilized the middle and lower-level officers who had taken turns to serve as the palace guards and had not yet reacted, and asked them to protect the safety of the palace and disperse the mob.

Most of these officers came from the new military government in the north. They were beneficiaries of the previous reforms. They had a good impression of the Queen Mother and believed in her authority.And to be honest, it is not uncommon for Greeks to make trouble in the metropolis.This time, someone probably lost his head again and bumped into the Queen Mother's head.

Therefore, without thinking about it, they sided with the Queen Mother.It wasn't until someone accidentally caught John who rushed too far from the group of "thugs" that something was wrong.

However, at this time, the aristocratic rebel "army" was about to disperse.Those who really rushed into the palace, including John himself, were only a few.This coup d'état failed so inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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