Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 143 Yuanli is with you and me

Chapter 143 Yuanli is with you and me

"A magnet."

Guo Kang threw an iron piece towards the top of the pillar, and the iron piece was sucked up with a bang.

"This circle of magnets is responsible for providing magnetic force - of course, this is an old version, now that we have a better solution, it may be replaced during this period of time." He explained.

The monks who came to visit applauded together.

This device shocked everyone.The monks in the monastery are quite proud.

Dean John told them that this is actually a daily routine.They would use this lamp every day to illuminate the monastery several times.This is a religious ceremony, and it is also a unique way of worship for their order.It took them a long time to understand this thing, and it was normal for outsiders to be surprised.

Of course, in addition to this, they also have many other researches going on simultaneously.

"Although these appliances are very large, it is not difficult if you understand the principles." Guo Kang told everyone: "I will show you a few cases, and you will understand."

He took several people to a compartment next to him.There is a table in the middle of the room, on which various utensils are placed.

"This is where the demonstration takes place." He pointed to a glass sink filled with liquid and inserted with two metal pieces: "In this small sink, there is the power of electricity, so we call it a battery."

"Electricity in the water?" asked Brother Dmitri sharply.

"To be precise, it's in the metal sheet." Guo Kang pulled another battery over: "Look, here, there are copper sheets and zinc sheets; here, there are copper sheets and iron sheets. The liquid inside is soaked in sulfuric acid. electrode metal."

"Such weak electricity, unlike just now, can be seen directly with the eyes. Let's find something to detect electricity." He pointed to other large and small equipment: "Look, those are fine."

"What are those?" The monks couldn't understand at all and asked one after another.

"Let's come one by one. Let's look at this electromagnet first." Guo Kang picked up a coil and handed it to them: "Be careful, this one is quite expensive."

When the monks heard the words, they all became more careful, and carefully passed them on as if they were holding a hardcover scripture handed down from the church.

In the middle of this thing is a pottery cylinder, on which copper wires and strings are wound at intervals, from head to tail.Both the rope and the copper wire were oiled, and the whole coil was wrapped in gauze.

After they passed it on, they returned it to Guo Kang.Guo Kang grabbed a handful of scrap iron from the box next to it, and waved it a few times with a coil: "Look, there's no response, right?"

"Then I looked for an iron..." He took out an iron rod: "Look, there is no response, right?"

Guo Kang assembled them, connected the circuit, and the iron rod sucked up the broken iron.After the electricity was cut off, after a while, the iron pieces fell off again.

The priests looked at each other.

Guo Kang changed the battery and repeated it to them.

"What kind of magic is this, or alchemy?" a monk exclaimed.

"The Frankish Church knows that there is no magic in this world, and it is impossible for wizards to exist in the folk imagination, because all power comes from the Father." Guo Kang retorted using the rhetoric he had just learned from Jeanne when he was a child: " These powers are, of course, the manifestation of the Father—the same as the light just now."

"When the Heavenly Father created the world, His mighty power also flowed out into the whole world, covering every corner, all kinds of things, and existing in thousands of different ways."

"Look, this piece of iron and this piece of zinc contain the power of the Heavenly Father. After we use it for a long time, these metal pieces will dissolve and disappear, and we need other strength and processes to extract them again—— That's where their strength is drained."

"Our battery is to convert the power in the metal into electricity, and this coil and iron rod convert electricity into magnetism." Guo Kang pointed to a paper speaker on the table: "It can also be converted into sound. Or Transform into light like just now."

"It can even drive the turntable in reverse." He took a wheel with a coil between the magnets, and after the electricity was connected, the wheel started to rotate: "Look, this is the opposite of the situation just now. But the principle is the same."

"The Heavenly Father created this world, so all forces should have a common original state, which is what the ancient philosophers called 'the One'."

He walked to a standing white wooden board next to him, and wrote "Tai One" in Greek with a carbon stick.

"The Neo-Platonists believed that the 'One' was God, the 'First Principle'. The Outflow of the Too produced the 'Nus' which they called the 'Second Principle'. Aristotle put the 'Nus' It is likened to light, and it is considered to be pure reason and wisdom. On our side, the holy light practice of many monasteries is aimed at this link."

As he spoke, he wrote "Nuss" again.

"Nus continues to overflow, producing the soul of the 'third principle'; the soul continues to derive, and there are various substances in the universe." He continued to write "soul" and "everything": "This is the Greek version of the second life. , Two begets three, and three begets all things."

"To put it simply, all these powers we demonstrated." He waved his hand towards the table: "Including electricity, magnetism, human power, and mechanical power, they should all be attributed to the same origin. I don't know what it should be called, So let’s forcefully call it ‘source force’.”

"This kind of source power exists in the whole world, changing and flowing among all things. This is the purpose of demonstrating to you just now."

"I know that many people think that the current beliefs in Rome are too mixed, like polytheism, or some strange heresy. But after reading these, you should be able to understand."

Sure enough, the monks fell silent.

"Actually, the sages of the Roman Church have already seen through this point." Da Lama Wang strikes while the iron is hot: "In ancient times, we all believed in various gods. Those who represent thunder and lightning, those that represent power, and those that represent light...but everyone should I can also understand that these are all the same thing. As long as we all recognize the Heavenly Father, there is actually no need to dwell on these incarnations, aspects, and changes.”

"So, I have been advocating before, hoping that various religious orders and sects can maintain harmony and cooperation. You see, in front of the source, these trivial differences are so small and ridiculous."

"Master Zhang and Master Yin, the sages, are knowledgeable and have important affairs to deal with. They don't bother to tangle with these trivial issues all day long. I am not knowledgeable, and I am not afraid of being laughed at by everyone, so I talk more. This time, please Mr. Guo Let’s show it to everyone as an example, and I hope everyone can gain wisdom from it.”

"Praise the Heavenly Father, and praise the divine origin. I hope everyone can touch the great wisdom in it." He made a sign of the cross with his whisk and said.

"Praise Heavenly Father." The monks responded in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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