Chapter 144 Timur Bottle
"The patriarch took us here today, and he hoped that we could do our part." Seeing that the monks under him were very active, Dmitry said proactively.

"I heard that your congregation has always been firm and pious, and has been relentlessly pursuing the truth despite difficulties and dangers. This moved me and the Patriarchs very much," said Lama Wang.

"Guo Gongzi discovered these records when he was sorting out the works of ancient philosophers, and with the support of the church, he restored them." He shook the dust and pointed to the experimental equipment on the table: "What's more valuable is , from the wisdom of the ancient wise men, we can see a new way of practicing the Holy Light."

"How do you say that?" Dmitry asked hurriedly, a little surprised.

"This is what we just said, a philosophical question." Guo Kang pointed to the "everything" at the end of the clipboard: "As we all know, we mortals are located here without education and training—— Level four."

"And what we worship and try to get close to is here—" He pointed to the front: "From my shallow understanding, the ultimate goal of theological research and practice should be how we feel and approach the 'One', that is, God's place—on the highest level."

Dmitry nodded.

"The Priory's previous choice was to try to make people directly experience the second level of holy light." He drew a line from "everything" to "Nus": "But after reading so many books, I found that This step may be too big a leap."

"We can't rule out that some saints who are especially favored by God can use their bodies to directly feel God and get in touch with divine wisdom, but obviously, including me, most people do not have this condition." Guo Kang shook his head and said : "The motto of classical times said, 'Mortal man, know thyself'. We should heed these admonitions."

"In front of the supreme holiness, we should all remain humble and honestly start from the most basic wisdom." He pointed to the "soul".

"Aristotle believes that plants, animals, etc. have souls. This soul is not what we usually call human souls, but the general designation of the forms and laws of all things." He drew a connection between the fourth and the third The reverse arrow of the first level: "You see, we may not be able to directly bathe in the holy light and feel the 'Nus' of the second level. But through rationality, we can recognize the laws between these ever-changing things, and understand the third level, the 'Nus' of all things." soul'."

"Different from comprehension, Aristotle believes that knowledge can be taught and accumulated. And all knowledge comes from this 'origin'. This means that we can no longer just rely on our own comprehension, but have More support."

"Then." He connected the third and second levels with a reverse arrow: "When this cognition is sufficient, we can get closer to the wisdom of God, and achieve the same or even more advantageous method than the ideal state of spiritual practice. .”

"Yes, this is equivalent to everyone practicing from scratch, but we have an extra copy of very reliable exercise secrets." Lama Wang chimed in and said, "Those strange people who can start their own sects may not care too much. But for the vast majority of us, it must be of great benefit.”

"With the help of these materials and knowledge, the church can also operate more effectively. With this set of tools, it can rigorously identify truth and fallacy. And educate more believers, regulate their behavior, and carry out the mission entrusted to us by our heavenly father."

"Philosophy, especially natural philosophy, some people think it is a part of theology, and some people think it is an independent study, but we can see from this that as long as it is truth, they all lead to the same goal." He finally concluded: "Undoubtedly, this knowledge is at least a very useful tool until we reach our distant ideals."

"So, I hope that in the future, all the monks who take the glory of the Father as their mission can properly practice natural philosophy as an example for the believers." He looked at Dmitry: "This is also the reason why we found your order." s reason."

"We will definitely do our best." Dmitry and others happily responded.

"It's good that you have this kind of thought, and you don't need to be too eager. This is a long-term and distant job, and it may last until the day of judgment - I can only wish Heavenly Father and Yuanli to take care of you."

The monks repeatedly expressed their gratitude for his blessing and entrustment.Several people were already moved to tears.

Taking advantage of their communication, Guo Kang stepped aside and breathed a sigh of relief.

During this period of time, he worked hard to make up for it for a while, and asked little Rangna a lot of key questions, and finally rounded up this theory.

Of course, the various parts of this theory have already been put forward by someone, and he just made a few adjustments.

What can convince these people is mainly the great shock brought by these demonstrations.If he relied solely on his own level of theology, he would probably be speechless if he pulled any monk at random...

Even on the issue of belief, directly demonstrating "miracles" is much more effective than theoretical arguments.

Soon, Lama Wang encouraged these monks one by one.He looked for Guo Kang again: "Young master, take everyone to another place to look."

"Okay." Guo Kang nodded: "Everyone follow me."

He took everyone to another room.The monks filed out, and Tuo Huan and Wu Han at the door also followed.It wasn't the first time for the two of them to watch the demonstration, but they sighed and sighed for a while.Seeing that Guo Kang was going to introduce those weird gadgets again, he also followed.

"The research we do on electricity requires some basic knowledge. If you are interested, you can ask Dean John for books later, or give you lectures." Guo Kang said.

"Here are all kinds of devices we made." He pointed to the various things on the shelves in the room: "Maybe not as interesting as the ones just now, but these are the basis of the large-scale equipment just now."

"For example... look at this." He picked up a clay pot, and on the wooden lid of the pot, there were two copper pillars as joints.Open the jar and there is a roll inside.Guo Kang spread it out carefully, and it turned out to be two sheets of copper foil with asphalt cloth in between.

"This nickname is 'Timur bottle'." He introduced: "There is a kind of folk tale that is widely circulated in the world of Tianfang Sect. Strange thing. The story unfolds from the protagonist getting this kind of container. Our bottle also stores power in it.”

"Did Timur invent this bottle?" Dmitry asked curiously.

"No." Guo Kang shook his head and said, "The official name of this bottle should be 'capacitor'. It has nothing to do with Emperor Timur. It's just that he also likes to turn off the electricity, so he uses this as his nickname."


(End of this chapter)

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