Chapter 145 5G Brother Tian
After showing the capacitors, Guo Kang showed them various coils, metal sheets and other devices.

"In addition to making these finished products, the materials themselves for making them will also be a major research direction in the future." Guo Kang reminded them: "Do you know why I have been short of money before, even the funding from the Patriarch? "

"These devices are expensive?" asked a monk.

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded: "For example, this thing."

He picked up a coil, and the monks found that it did not have cotton thread sandwiched between copper wires like other coils; moreover, this coil seemed to have more than one layer, densely wrapped and very thick.

"This is the coil with the highest density that we can do so far." Guo Kang said: "We need to ensure that the copper wires do not touch each other, otherwise the electricity will not pass through the circles of copper wires, but directly from the contact coils. The place flows away. Before, the oiled cotton thread was used and sandwiched in the middle to prevent the two sides from touching; between the two layers of copper wire, a cotton cloth brushed with mineral oil or asphalt should also be placed. In this way, the volume will increase and weight."

"The method I thought of before is to paint it with lacquer like this." He pointed to the black shell on the surface of the copper wire: "Just leave a little gap between the two wires. Wrap it around and wait for the paint to dry. It will form a non-conductive hard shell, and then wrap a second round on it. This will save a lot of space and weight compared to the previous one."

"But we don't have this kind of thing. Only the Ming Dynasty and the Javanese Yuan have it. I just asked Sun Shiwan to buy it for a high price."

"When making large quantities, we can only use shellac instead." He picked up another one with a purple shell: "But shellac is not a cheap thing. This stuff is made in India, and it must be imported as well."

"Then, this zinc sheet—it was used for batteries just now." He picked up a metal sheet: "We can only make alloys here, and elemental zinc can only be produced in India and the Ming Dynasty. It also has to be imported."

"And this." He pulled out a porcelain cylinder: "Compared to our pottery, this kind of dense, non-absorbent porcelain is actually more suitable. But this has to be imported."

"Wait. Can't we even do porcelain?" Tuo Huan asked.

"The core of porcelain is the high-temperature kiln. It is a large-scale thing that requires the joint efforts of many professional craftsmen to complete." Guo Kang said: "Most of our craftsmen left the Central Plains scatteredly. The large-scale team is also a military and water conservancy project. For the Lord, it’s not very good at this.”

"You see, products such as papermaking and gunpowder have long been spread by craftsmen traveling westward, but now in the whole world, only the Ming Dynasty and the Javanese Yuan have the ability to make porcelain, and even the Japanese Yen is barely enough."

"Silk was spread because of the outflow of silkworm eggs. But porcelain is really not good." He gave an example: "During the Yuan Dynasty, the Portuguese obtained kaolin and the process of firing porcelain after several rounds, but Tried again after returning home, but failed.”

"This thing is, send you raw materials, give you instructions, and teach you how to cook, but you can't cook it." He shook his head again and again: "I know this may sound strange, but the reality is like this. In Europe, if you want to burn a real Porcelain will have to wait hundreds of years.”

"That said, it's really terrible." Tuo Huan understood what he meant: "Hey, we lost too many skills. Now I don't feel good at anything except farming and fighting."

"It's about buying everything. It's okay to say now, what will happen when mass production is needed in the future?" He said worriedly: "The war over there will never stop, and the stock may be out of stock at any time. We still have to find a way to do it ourselves Just come out."

"For batteries, I have an alternative plan at present." Guo Kang said: "I try to make batteries with lead and sulfuric acid. Lead is used as one pole, and red lead is processed to make the other pole. This plan may be better, but the difficulty is also increased. gone."

"There's a way." Tuo Huan said with relief: "I think this idea is good. We Romans are very familiar with playing with lead, and this is to maximize our strengths and avoid our weaknesses."

Among the priests, several were experts in cultivating local crops, and some were originally village craftsmen.They are happy to accept these jobs.

Everyone discussed a few words, and soon decided to make more efforts in this area, strive for an early breakthrough, and solve the problem that the key technology is stuck by the eastern powers.

After discussing these, Guo Kang led them out of the chapel.

"We are going to the workshop next." He told everyone: "There is nothing special about the ordinary workshop, but there is a workshop in the distance that produces various materials and utensils, and requires the use of various chemicals... oh, it is alchemy craft."

"I believe that a proper study of alchemy technology is also very useful for understanding the world and the 'logos' behind everything. It is a pity that many alchemists are now obsessed with ancient pagan superstitions. Theoretical analysis work, but not the heart."

"You are all devout people who serve Heavenly Father. I believe you will be very clear about what we really need to do." He took the opportunity to encourage: "I hope we can find something from it, and at least it can provide support for other research."

"In addition, there are many dangerous substances over there, so be careful when visiting and researching."

After hearing what he said, the priests expressed that they understood and would not mess around like ordinary alchemists.

Guo Kang nodded in satisfaction and led them in another direction.

On the way, the priests discovered that there was another building not far from the chapel.It is also topped by a huge bronze celestial brother.However, behind this heavenly brother is not the traditional Greek cross, but the Ross cross with three crosses.Take a closer look, there is a slide rail behind Brother Tian, ​​and the rope in his hand is also movable and can move up and down.

Now, the Tianxiong is lowered a little and hangs a little below the main wishbone.Since the arms are also stretched flat, it is equivalent to four horizontal lines appearing at the same time, which looks different.

"What is that?" Brother Dmitri thought it was strange at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he has seen a lot of things beyond imagination today, which shows that he still has a lot of theological knowledge that he doesn't know.So, he humbly asked for advice.

"Oh, that's the cafeteria." Guo Kang said: "The building and the bronze sculpture on it were not directly appropriated, but were jointly donated by several people. That's it."

"The cafeteria also has a special function, but it's very immature. I planned to talk about it later, since you are interested, let's go in and have a look."

He said, and walked over with everyone.

Walking to the front of the building, everyone found that there was a circle of nameplates made in Latin characters on the base of the statue.It reads: "GRATIOSVS", "GENEROSVS", "GLORIOSVS", "GAVISVS", "GRANDIS".

"What is this?" Tuo Huan asked, not knowing Latin.

"They are: gracious, noble, glorious, joyous, and great." Guo Kang replied: "When the statue was custom-made, an Italian lady also paid a lot of money. These are the eulogies she chose. Engraved here as a commemoration of devotion to Brother Tian.”

"This is also one of the core parts of the equipment, and I will show you. This part—" he waved his hand and introduced: "I think these words all start with 'G', so they are habitually abbreviated It is '5G brother in heaven'."

(End of this chapter)

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