Chapter 147
Seeing that the priests were still a little surprised, Guo Kang continued to give an example: "The scriptures of the Jews say that their ancestors once wrestled with an angel. , which means 'one who wrestles with the gods,' commemorates this event."

"Look, once you wrestle with an angel, you are enough to be proud for thousands of years." He compared it: "What is the divine punishment that resisted the flood and solved the extinction of the heavenly father? Using human power to solve the Tower of Babel What's the problem?"

Everyone couldn't answer for a while, and felt that it really made sense.

The biggest problem with religion is that even the teachings of the field of belief must be constantly tested by reality.

If the gap with the reality is too large, at first everyone may think that the teaching is right and the world is wrong.But as time goes by, no matter how determined believers are, they will still have murmurs in their hearts; no matter how knowledgeable theologians are, they will also doubt whether there is a problem with the interpretation of the current doctrine, so that God will not protect them anymore.

Therefore, after much deliberation, everyone can only accept this statement.

Guo Kang said that when he turned around, he would ask the church for help, find some knowledgeable priests, and decide on the vocabulary first.

He himself can indeed combine them at will, but he is not a grammar expert. Whether these new words can avoid ambiguity and facilitate popularization and use still needs to be studied carefully.In order to avoid trouble and improve efficiency, it is better to find some professionals.

"There are indeed some devices, I don't know what to call them." He continued to introduce the rest: "For example, here... two balls are used for electric sparks."

He opened a window, pushed out the two copper balls on the window sill together with the table, and stretched them outside: "Actually, it can be placed inside the house, but the discharge will produce some poisonous gas, so we usually put it outside the window. "

"And the circuit it is in needs to be connected to the sky and ground." Guo Kang said: "This is not a metaphor, look here—"

He pointed to the wall, and a copper wire also wrapped in oilcloth extended out of the room, along the wall and inserted into the ground outside.

"This is the literal sense of grounding." Brother Demetrius confirmed by looking at the window.

"What about receiving the sky?" Another monk asked.

"On the top." Guo Kang pointed to the ceiling: "There is a thread going out from here, and then the bronze statue of Brother Tian above our heads. This is the connection to the sky."

"The connection between heaven and earth, theoretically, can send messages to all parts of the world. This is also summed up in the wisdom of the East."

"So that's how it is." The monks looked suddenly enlightened: "No wonder that Brother Tian above looks a little strange."

"Our machine is very crude, so we can't send it too far for the time being." Guo Kang pointed to several surrounding buildings: "But I have placed receivers in several major places. It's this kind of thing."

He picked up a box next to it, which contained the same devices as before, but much smaller.

"This is a pyrite ore. This thing is the core of the receiving device." He pointed and introduced: "And the paper speaker here is the same as the one I showed you just now. It is very sensitive. The information here can make a sound."

"This device is already tuned. Let me demonstrate it to you."

As he spoke, he took the box, led the crowd away, and called a few monks working here to activate the "Lightning Station".

After all the visitors stood still in the open space outside, Guo Kang waved his hand towards the roof.After a while, the box in his hand suddenly rang.

The priests were no longer so surprised, but they still probed their brains one after another, observing the statue of Brother Tian and the room, to see if there was any change.But after looking at it for a long time, I didn't find any visions such as Brother Tian's glow.

"If we are close, we can see the electric light between the two copper balls. It's just that it's too bright outside during the day." Guo Kang explained: "This kind of can understand it as using a very weak Lightning to spread, the same as those we just demonstrated."

"And the purpose of this thing." He raised the box in his hand: "It is to remind the user that a 'lightning' is coming. Our current technology is too backward, and we can't let it carry a sound, we can only say 'yes' and 'none'. Of course, if only a short password is sent, that's enough."

"For example, in our place, lightning strikes five times in a row, which means that the cafeteria is ready for dinner. In this way, although it is very primitive, it is also possible to use lightning to transmit information."

This time, the monks no longer had any doubts or disbelief, and they all applauded, celebrating his breakthrough in the research on source power and god.

Guo Kang quickly said that there is still a long way to go in the future.

For example, the biggest problem now is that these things are bulky and inefficient.In this regard, he is still very clear in his heart.

The facility at the top of the cafeteria is a very primitive spark transmitter, and its working efficiency is very low.There is no professional design for the antenna part - in fact, the current antenna is Tianxiong.

Therefore, this thing looks quite large, but it can barely cover the monastery.He also told Tuo Huan, Wu Han and others that he hoped they would provide more materials for improvement and testing. As a result, Tuo Huan sent people to send several carts of Slavic slaves over.

Tuohuan told him that it doesn't matter if the efficiency is low and the delivery is not far away.Although the technical level of the Purple Horde is not very good, many experimental equipment is missing, but the most indispensable experimental equipment is Slavic slave labor.

Every time the Khanate went to war with other countries, it captured a large number of Slavic slaves.And unlike ancient Rome, it was difficult for Purple Curtain Rome to digest these slaves.

In Romania, a basic consensus is that the Slavs cannot be directly used in the Legion Manor.Otherwise, with their level of farming, it is purely corrupting the land that everyone has worked so hard to reclaim.Whoever uses them to work will be beaten to death by hundreds of households.

Agriculture and handicrafts these days are no longer like ancient Rome, where manpower is enough. On the contrary, these are all technical tasks now. The production efficiency advantage of the Purple Horde relative to its surrounding areas is also provided by skilled agricultural technology.Slaves can no longer adapt to this situation.

After they are caught, they can't be offered every day, teaching them to learn all kinds of professional skills until they learn it, right?So who is the slave?

Therefore, in addition to going to various mines as slave labor, most of the Slavs were sold directly.

Tuo Huan believes that there is no need for so many slaves.Since Guo Kang needs a lot of slave labor in his scientific research, he can get more, since it is not expensive anyway.

The Romans were always good at capturing slaves, so take advantage of that.

In Guo Kang's original design, the huge flashing brother before was just a turntable pulled by a cow, and the verification was successful if it could strike a few arcs.But Tuo Huan waved his hand, indicating that the cattle are too expensive, so let's change to the Slavs.

He also felt that the scale of this thing was too small, and there was no shocking sense of miracles at all. Therefore, under his urging, Guo Kang could only continue to test and change the design, and finally became the current one that only fifty Slavs can promote. Great spectacle.

On the issue of sending the report, Tuo Huan also had the same idea - anyway, as long as it is sent out, it means that the verification is successful, and then, it is enough to invest more slave labor to push it.

This thing was originally fixed, and it was not expected to move.That being the case, it is better to build a lighthouse-level sign in Alexandria, at most 1000 Slavs will push the motor to see if the artificial communication can be transmitted to the surrounding Greek cities by lightning, and even to Shenluo.

Although this thing must be expensive to build, as long as it can be successful, it will definitely bring a huge shock to the entire God Worshiping Sect and even the Tianfang Sect world.The religious and political significance produced has surpassed the scope that can be measured by money.And for things like religious miracles, there is no need to consider cost performance and cost.

He also read the manuscript of the antenna pattern provided by Guo Kang, and thought that the antenna like the iron pot was better than the cross.He is willing to try to persuade everyone to pay, but as the name suggests, this thing can be called "Tuo Huan Lightning Lighthouse".This is much more valuable than this mess of little things now.

It's a pity that the money to get out of love is limited, and this idea is only lip service for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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