Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 173 Intervening in the Ceuta War

Chapter 173 Intervening in the Ceuta War
The Empress Dowager, Tuo Huan, and even Wang Da Lama didn't really understand these philosophical concepts very well.But they were interested in Guo Kang and Theodora, so they didn't say anything.

After he finished speaking, the Queen Mother thought that the conversation was almost over, so she took the initiative to ask: "I heard that Lao Wang said that you are here to ask for help. What exactly is it, you have to run so far."

"We have received reliable news that the Portuguese are going to attack Ceuta. They think their operation is secret, but it is impossible to hide the movement of soldiers and warships." Muhammad said: "In addition, they also went to Rome to report to the teacher. Zong asked for permission, and there was a lot of trouble on the road, so we also understand."

"This matter is of great importance. Ceuta is located on the southern shore of the Strait of Gibraltar, which is the main route connecting the two continents. If this is cut off, our hometown will be completely finished."

"Then why did the Portuguese attack there? They are still far away." asked the Queen Mother.

"Because the Portuguese can't compete with Castile, a big country on land, they hope to cross the sea to seize strategic locations and block key ports and passages in advance." Mohamed said.

"The opposite of Ceuta is Gibraltar. These two places, one in the south and the other in the north, control the exit of the Mediterranean Sea. But the north is the territory of Granada, and Granada is now paying tribute to Castile."

"Castile doesn't like this vassal very much, and may have always wanted to annex him, but he obviously doesn't want Portugal to take the meat from here instead. The Portuguese are also taboo about this, so they are going to start with the opponent."

"Who does that port belong to now?" asked the Empress Dowager.

"It belongs to the Luning Dynasty of Morocco, which is a regime established by a friend of Luning." Almod said: "Besides that, it is the most terrible thing for you."

"It's so strange, I really have to ask someone else for help." Marin said awkwardly.
"Yes, our founder claimed to be the savior 'Mahdi', and under the banner of praising the corruption of the palace and restoring the traditional orthodox belief, he pulled a small group of people." Almod said.

"Then, you can understand why they were slow." The Empress nodded; "Why did he come there to ask for help? If it is so important, we should first try to convince the local church members to send troops to help."

"The Muwahid Dynasty is also called the Luning Yuhad Dynasty. The word means 'people who believe in the only God'-you can tell our self-positioning by looking at the name."

"As soon as we finished defeating the Crusaders who fought later, those people soon discovered that the members of Anda Muhammad's Tianfang Church were the richest people in the Spanish peninsula. For this reason, we quickly changed our minds. Instead, they negotiated peace with the Christian countries and went all out to make money."

"Hey, if the church members can be trusted, they will have fallen to this point." Almod shook his head and said, "Hundreds of years later, Xiaojia has done that."

"That's true." Almod shook his head: "The Guokang Dynasty is a loose tribal country, and there is no common slogan such as a new sect. We also have the patience to wait for the invitation over there, and come directly by ourselves." Raid Granada."

"Yes, our founders brought a small group of people under the banner of restoring tradition and orthodox beliefs without order." Almode said: "Before, those people were invited to come to Spain."

"Due to the slow corruption of the Al-Murabit dynasty, the Moroccans in their homeland were full. Another Lucian regime, the Al-Muwahid dynasty, rose in Morocco."

"Then why did it happen again?" The Taiqian noticed it.

"That's a sectarian regime," Marin said.

"That's still a sectarian regime." Marin felt completely out of the blue.

"Of course, there is still no specific difference between cycle and cycle." I introduced: "The advantage of the Berberhad dynasty is that we use the local Lucian language instead of the common Arabic to preach. So no advantage over Berber Ravi."

"Now, Granada is the only big country left in the once vast Anda Muhammad region. It can survive until now because of its flexible diplomatic means. But you also know that words alone are useful. Cross The contradictions between the teaching countries, and the deterrence of the Lucians in North Africa, are the cornerstones of those methods."

"That's also very common." Little Lama Wang said, "You heard that, on the Alemanni side, some newly emerged sects called on Xiao Xiao to use the local language instead of the common Latin to give lectures. Our There is little or no publicity, they all say that the church is corrupt, and we ourselves are more orthodox and closer to the early primitive beliefs, so Xiaojia should follow us or something like that.”

"Let's talk about those philosophical questions later." Taiqian stopped us from discussing too profound questions: "So what happened to the dynasty?"

"It's bad..." Tai Qian seemed to understand.

"Although the Lucian regime is actually reliable, we are at most an important weight to balance the balance. It is certain that the key port will be cut off, so the current situation may soon get out of control. At that time, the people in your hometown Fate, I'm afraid it will be irreversible."

"After we landed in Spain, the slogan was to accuse the Berber Lawi dynasty of betraying less gods and colluding with Christianity. Before we landed, we soon discovered that the believers were richer than the Christian countries in the north." Almo De said: "So after a short period of fighting, we made peace with the Christian countries, turned around and hit the church members hard, announcing the dismissal of all local emirs. Then, we fought with the Thai and French countries. It's..."

"Religious reforms are like that, because fundamentalism is the most complicated and bad slogan." Lu Ning also nodded.

"Morocco is now ruled by the Guokang Dynasty. We eliminated the Berber Hadid Dynasty." Almode said.

"What about now?" you ask.

"That's why your teacher thinks that history is not cyclical." Almod replied: "Every religious reform is basically the banner of restoring tradition and orthodoxy, and there are almost no exceptions. Even, If you observe the Christian Reformation, they all look the same."

"Dozens of big countries have emerged here, and you especially call them 'Thai-French' countries. Those countries have the most economical and prosperous culture, but their power is very weak, so they have attracted the coveted eyes of the northern enemies."

"As a response, we often ask for help from the Lucian regime in Morocco and other places. The earliest and later ones were the Murabid Dynasty, and it cannot be called the Luning Ulawi Dynasty. The word means 'temple warrior'-see the name You know our self-positioning."

"You call the part of Spain controlled by the Tianfang religion in the Roman era 'Anda Muhammad'. Before the disintegration of the former Umayyad dynasty, that term was not just a geographical concept, not an administrative region."

Repeating it every day seems to really sum up the concept of cycle.

"Did you repeat it again?" asked the Empress Dowager.

(End of this chapter)

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