Chapter 199 Clothes and Beasts
Although Guo Kang himself felt that these views were a bit far-fetched, the benefits of the new military mansion obviously attracted everyone in the Cao family.

Introduced to this step, the main problem has been explained almost.He doesn't need to worry about the rest of the matter, Mr. Cao, Lama Wang and others will continue to promote this matter.

After Guo Kang and Theodora ate something, they bid farewell to the Cao family and prepared to leave.Queen Elizabeth was unwilling to go together, saying that since they were all here, she would have to compete with the Caos, otherwise it would be a waste of time.

Guo Kang felt that he should stay and take a look, and be more enthusiastic.But Theodora was not interested, and pulled him away.The elders just laughed without saying anything, and asked Cao Jian to send them out.

The carriage left again, but Guo Kang felt a little regretful, feeling that everything was not done properly.

"I think Cao Jian didn't say a word from the beginning to the end." He said to Theodora: "I should find a way to appease him, or at least find a job to do it with. He won't feel that I'm crowding him out."

"That's not for you to say." Theodora retorted: "He was always compared with you every day, and that's why he got into this. If you went to comfort him, wouldn't you add fuel to the fire?"

"You man, when you analyze which force needs what, you are very clear, but when you face a single person, you can't see the person's mind clearly." She sighed: "You don't have to worry about things here, let me help you deal with it." .”

"Why can't I see clearly? Isn't it just a matter of my mind?" Guo Kang said unconvinced.

"Then you know what I'm thinking, what do I want?" Theodora asked back.

"Ah?" Guo Kang couldn't think of it for a while.

"I want to go home! Do you understand?" said Theodora angrily.

"Why are you yelling so loudly..." Guo Kang was a little speechless.

Theodora rushed forward, trying to pinch his face, while Guo Kang fought hard, questioning why she suddenly went mad.The two started arguing in the carriage.

Outside the carriage, the old coachman grinned when he heard the bumping sound.

"This is just like a normal young man." He deliberately let the horse walk full, and said with emotion.

However, the distance between the Cao family and the Guo family's mansion is not too long after all.After arriving at the place, he stopped the car, thought for a while, but still didn't knock on the door, just took out a box from under his seat.

The guards surrounded them curiously, but the old coachman waved them away, took out snacks from the box, and called everyone to eat together.

Guo Kang and Theodora got out of the car after a while, only to find that all the guards at the door were gone.Looking around, he found that Bu Lei was standing at the entrance of the alley, holding a long knife, pacing left and right.Seeing them looking here, they immediately disappeared behind the corner.

Theodora quickly pulled Guo Kang and rushed into the yard.

But not long after, the adoptive father also hurried home.This time he didn't let the two continue to hide in the house, but told them to hurry up and get ready.Bai Saihan has arrived at the gate of the city, and now everyone is organizing a triumphal ceremony, and they must also participate.

Theodora had no choice but to say goodbye to him and go back to the palace.

Guo Kang helped his adoptive father till night.The next day, I rushed to Lama Wang again to help him transport the lamp and adjust it.

On the day of the triumphal ceremony, Zhu Wenkui's family also came to see it, and Princess Ma also went to a public place after a long absence.Their family hoped that Guo Kang, whom they knew well, would be their guide, so the officials who received them came to inform the adoptive father.As a result, Guo Kang, who had no official position yet and was only a "civilian scholar hired by the church", was kicked to their side again.

Although very tired, Guo Kang couldn't help it.

Zhu Wenkui's family was dispatched almost collectively.Concubine Ma, the princess, and little Rangna all wanted to visit the parade, and Zhu Wenkui himself was arrested by them from the blacksmith shop to try on new clothes.

These costumes were brought by Monk Daoyan, but they had never been worn before.Guo Kang waited at the door for a while, and saw that he was wearing a red robe, a black gauze crown on his head, a jade belt on his waist, and leather boots on his feet. Surrounded by several servants, he came out cautiously.

Judging by the design of the clothes, it is estimated that he cannot ride a horse.However, Guo Kang specially brought a two-wheeled carriage.He jumped out of the car, opened the door on the left, and helped Zhu Wenkui up who was obviously too nervous.

"Be careful, be careful." Zhu Wenkui held the belt with one hand, gathered up the hem of the clothes with the other, and kept telling Guo Kang and others: "Just this one, don't break it..."

"It's okay, I'm watching." Guo Kang comforted him helplessly.

At the door, Monk Daoyan was still wearing a plain monk's robe, but he also put on the expensive cassock.Seeing Guo Kang's gaze, the old monk clasped his hands together and asked him to take good care of his son with a smile.Guo Kang also quickly bowed, crossed himself again, and agreed.Then, he returned to the right, turned over, and jumped up.

Immediately afterwards, several other female family members also filed out.

The queen wears a crown, which is decorated with many jewels and has two golden hairpins.It's a pity that Guo Kang has never learned it, and he can't understand the meaning in it at all. He only thinks that there are so many gold beads, which are worth a lot of money at first glance.

He was wearing a double-breasted gown that was also bright red, with blue ribbons on both shoulders.The belt was also embroidered with patterns that Guo Kang couldn't understand at all. It was densely packed and colorful, and it was very valuable at first glance.

The concubine still looks a little weak, with a slightly pale complexion, but her steps are steady and her manners are dignified. Guo Kang, a layman, can tell that she has the sense of proportion between her behavior and behavior, which is obviously cultivated all the year round - she looks more noble than her son too much.

Along with Guo Kang, there were also several maids from the palace.They greeted Princess Ma and boarded a four-wheeled cart decorated with purple ribbons.

This was specially sent by Queen Anna.The two knew each other very well, and it wasn't the first time that this car came to pick her up.

"Is the princess okay?" Guo Kang looked away.

"It's not bad." Zhu Wenkui said, "Master Daoyan suggested that we all go, and she is ready to participate."

"Oh..." Guo Kang nodded: "However, the venue of the triumphal ceremony has always been extremely noisy. Let me tell them to keep the car ready at any time. If you feel uncomfortable, you can leave at any time."

Zhu Wenkui nodded in agreement.At this time, little Jeanna also came out.

She is also wearing a red dress, and the golden crown on her head is similar to that of her mother-of course, logically speaking, there must be a difference.But in Guo Kang's view, apart from being very valuable, the two seem to have no more obvious features.

Little Rangna also looked serious, but her eyes kept looking around.Seeing her brother and Guo Kang in the carriage, she turned her head and hesitated for a while, but she didn't say anything in the end and walked straight into the carriage.

"Look, isn't she quite temperamental this time?" Zhu Wenkui was rather proud: "This is what a princess looks like. Are you right?"

"Ah, yes." Guo Kang could only nod his head.

"Don't be so perfunctory." Zhu Wenkui laughed.

"I really don't understand." Guo Kang waved his hands again and again: "It's too complicated for me to make uniforms. I think it's very valuable... and I know a lot about Dongfang because I'm here. I guess other people don't quite understand it either."

"Actually, I think so too, but Master Daoyan insists that we wear it like this..." Zhu Wenkui said helplessly, "What do you think of this dress? Others don't think it's too funny and weird."

"That's not the case." Guo Kang judged after looking at the red suit. "The clothes are quite Roman."

"That's fine, pass the test." Zhu Wenkui sighed.

Just as she was talking, Princess Jeanna also came out.

She also wore a golden crown of the same style, and her long dark brown hair was combed up and fixed with hairpins.The dress is similar to the previous two.She also walked steadily towards the carriage with steady steps.

"Is the princess suitable for this dress?" Guo Kang asked in a low voice.

"It's not difficult for her." Zhu Wenkui replied: "The clothes of French ladies are also toga and long sleeves. Their hats and skirts are more difficult to wear than phoenix crowns and big shirts."

"This time she came in a hurry, and she didn't bring the previous dress and hat, so she just used the one we prepared earlier."

Guo Kang was actually a little curious about how to distinguish her and Princess Ma's identities and ranks in terms of clothing.But after thinking about it, even if you tell him, he still can't understand.So this thought passed through his mind and was thrown aside by him.

After the princess got into the car, the maid closed the door, boarded the platform behind the car, and grabbed the handrail.Monk Daoyan boarded a car further behind.And the heroine Jeanna also appeared at this time.

She was wearing a blue robe, her blond hair was tied into a bun, and she was wearing a black gauze hat.There is also a patch on the chest, with a white bird drawn on it, and it just walked out swaggeringly.

Seeing Guo Kang, she cheerfully waved hello.Because the robe was too wide, it fell directly on the shoulders, revealing the linen long-sleeved shirt inside, so she had no choice but to shake the sleeves in a hurry to straighten the clothes.

"What is this..." Guo Kang, who knew almost nothing about the uniform system, couldn't stand it anymore.

"This is the official uniform of the chief minister of the fifth-rank prince." Zhu Wenkui was also a little embarrassed: "Father gave her an official appointment casually, and she really made a fuss and made a trick by herself..."

"So that white bird means the fifth rank?" Guo Kang nodded, and decided not to worry about why he was able to seal a rank official for a woman.Maybe when Zhu Yunqi was bragging and pulling others, he didn't even think about it...

"It's not called a white bird, but a white pheasant." Zhu Wenkui, who was next to him, couldn't bear it, and corrected him.

"Alright alright."

Guo Kang was thinking about how to appease him, so that he would not get too entangled with this grassroots team, when Captain Jesska came out from behind the courtyard wall, leading two horses.

He was also wearing a blue official uniform and a black gauze hat, with a cheerful look on his face.There is also a patch on the chest, with a bear painted on it.

"Is this also an official uniform? It was granted by King Wu?" Guo Kang had already guessed the situation.

"Yes, he Xu family's guard Qianhu." Zhu Wenkui explained seriously, too lazy to use honorifics.

The female hero Jeanna walked over, thanked him, turned over and jumped on her mount.Jessica also got on the horse, and congratulated each other with her hands, probably just learned it recently.

"Oh...their animals are not the same." Guo Kang replied.

"It's not the same. The grade is different, and the image is also different. But the civil servants are all birds, and the military officials are all beasts." Zhu Wenkui explained.

"So that's how the 'clothed animal' came from..." Guo Kang muttered, and then stared at the patch on Jessica's official uniform: "Where have you seen this bear before?"

"The patch was originally embroidered. The two of them made it on the spur of the moment. They were too busy, so they found a piece of cloth and asked the painter to draw it on it." Zhu Wenkui said dumbfoundedly: "It's normal to be familiar. The bear just asked him to follow Ni Kita drew..."

As soon as Nikita was mentioned, the two saw old Ivan come out.

Nurhachi followed behind him, still wearing the hat of a Ming Dynasty officer; Nikita also followed, still wearing the robe of a Greek statesman.

"These two are also one man and one man, and they are beasts in clothes." Guo Kang commented.

Zhu Wenkui turned his face away without commenting.

Jeanna and Captain Jesska seem to feel very fresh about this outfit.The servants and passers-by around had never seen this kind of attire. For a while, many people stopped to watch, amazed, and there were more people who cared about the Queen's carriage.

The two of them were also very satisfied with the attention of the crowd, and they continued to applaud the audience around them.Zhu Wenkui couldn't stand it anymore, and began to urge Guo Kang to leave quickly.

Seeing that everyone was almost ready, Guo Kang waved his hand to the back and called everyone to set off.The few soldiers he brought led the way on horseback, followed by three carriages, and the heroine Jeanne and Captain Jessica followed at the end.

Zhu Wenkui let out a long breath, looking quite tired.But then he straightened up quickly, adjusted his hat, and tried to maintain a correct posture.

"Where are we going this time?" He asked proactively.

Guo Kang estimated that he wanted to take the opportunity to relieve the down pressure, so he explained: "The triumphant ceremony starts from the city gate and ends at the Niangniang Temple. It is actually a carnival to celebrate victory."

"So, you don't need to be too nervous. This is for everyone to celebrate and relax after a fierce war. Today, not to mention the nobles, ordinary people can be more casual and enjoy the joy of victory together."

"Since you're in Rome, do as the Romans do." He persuaded, "Etiquette, it's good to have a look, don't be too entangled. In our triumphal ceremony, even if we sarcasm and ridicule the commander-in-chief, it is customary." It’s not a breach of etiquette, and you won’t be held accountable.”

"There is such a rule?" Zhu Wenkui was a little surprised.

"Yes, we believe that a great triumph is worthy of such an honor that it would even eclipse the gods. The gods will be jealous of the victor and cause him misery. To avoid this, everyone will Say as much disparagement of him as you like, and let the gods hear. Hearing so many accusations and sarcasms, the jealousy of the gods will die, and the victor will be safe."

"This custom is quite interesting." Zhu Wenkui pondered for a moment.

"Actually, it is to give soldiers and citizens a chance to vent their anger." Guo Kang said: "After all, they have risked their lives and difficulties to fight such a big battle. They have reason to complain."

(End of this chapter)

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