Chapter 200 Water Pond Ottoman Hero

The place where Guo Kang and others are located is a platform built on the square in front of the Niangniang Temple.

"Are you going to watch soldiers?" Zhu Wenkui asked, looking down at the surroundings, and then at the audience arriving one after another.

"It's not quite the same. Soldiers usually stand still when watching soldiers, and the inspectors go to watch; the triumphant ceremony is for officers and soldiers who have won meritorious service to walk in line in the city." Guo Kang said: "This ceremony process is very long. .Most of the time, it’s actually wandering around the city, showing the results of the war.”

"Oh, just to give everyone a chance to show off." Zhu Wenkui nodded.

"That's right." Guo Kang thought for a while, and replied, "I just won a big victory, so of course I want to show it to everyone. Our army and citizens like this kind of ceremony very much, so we do it very well every time. Bustling. They're going to make a turn on the main street so everyone can see."

"The scale of wars is getting bigger and bigger, even approaching or even surpassing the trend of the classical era." He introduced: "The triumphant team is very long, because there are nearly 1 people who just entered the city to participate. Only those who have been elected and who have made credit in battle."

"They should have been walking for a while now. In the morning, I heard noises from the city gate. It is estimated that the citizens who got up early were watching. Of course, the most important part of the sacrifice will still be held in this square. That's why we're waiting here."

As he spoke, he greeted the servants, brought the chairs over, and invited all the guests to sit down.

Their position is at the front of the viewing platform, near the center.Beside, there are many other visitors.

Zhu Wenkui made arrangements for the female family members of the palace, and also stopped the heroine Jeanna and Captain Jieshika from walking around and deliberately showing off their official uniforms to other envoys.

But Monk Daoyan was already silent, took the interpreter to other missions, and started chatting with them.Zhu Wenkui couldn't control him, so he simply gave up, sat back on his seat, and rested with his head raised.

After a while, a group of musicians set up a few big drums in the square.Others held musical instruments such as suona and gong, and stood still on the side of the square.

"It's coming soon." Guo Kang said to everyone.

Princess Ma just nodded slightly, and Princess Rangna remained calm.Zhu Wenkui sat up straight with some embarrassment, and turned back to let little Rangna sit up too, but she was laughed at by her who was more prepared.

Zhu Wenkui was in a hurry, so he had to teach the two "beasts in clothes" again, and let them be more honest, and then he was relieved.

In the square, the approaching cheers could already be heard, and after the human voice fell back temporarily, the drums sounded together.

"The lead is coming soon." Guo Kang explained again.

"You seem to be very familiar with this process? Did you often do it before?" Little Rangna, who was sitting behind him, asked curiously.

"Not very often." Guo Kang said: "According to our tradition, it has to be a very important victory to be worthy of a triumph. According to the tradition of classical times, it is above [-] ranks."

"This standard is already very high. After the whole war, it is very common to have less than 1000 people. In the early days of our founding, it has not been done for a long time."

"The first time to meet the standard was the 'War of Cowardice'. General Li Tiance fought against the Magyars. He fought fourteen times, captured five cities, and beheaded more than [-] soldiers. But this kind of victory is rare. After more than ten years, it has never been held again."

"What is timidity?" Zhu Wenkui also asked.

"It means lowly." Guo Kang said: "When the Mongols marched westward, other countries basically recorded the name, title and country name of the country's lord. La IV is called 'Qi Lian'."

"I don't know what they did to sow hatred." Guo Kang shook his head: "Anyway, after that, 'King Lian, Chief of the Magyars' became a special title for the King of Hungary."

"I heard that the Hungarians are also nomads who came from the east. Maybe they are enemies." Zhu Wenkui speculated.

Guo Kang scratched his head and realized that it seemed possible.

"And after that?" Little Jeanne seemed very interested in all the wars.

"Then it was the Li family again." Guo Kang said: "His son Li Yinglin achieved the results of World War I in the Prudt River, and his efficiency surpassed that of his father. At that time, some people thought that this war was a civil strife that could have been avoided. There is no commemorative value, and there is no suitable spoil to sacrifice. Therefore, the Khan court discussed and counted his subsequent battles against Lithuania as qualified, and held it again."

"After that, during the time of Queen Helena, it was held three times in total. When Basil III was in power, he held it ten times, three of which were by himself. But these years, it has decreased again. Today's John IX Khan , only held twice. This is his first triumph.”

"During this time, you are recuperating." Zhu Wenkui said.

"It also has something to do with it." Guo Kang nodded: "But I think it's mainly because the barbarians don't attack very much. Before we wiped out a few large groups of enemies in the field, we could make up enough. But now, often You have to take the initiative to find it and force the enemy to gather."

"Now, there are more soldiers in Europe than in the past. They are also improving their craftsmanship and producing more armor. The nobles are also learning from us and building a larger regular army. Otherwise, it will be even more difficult .”

"What about other directions?" Little Jeanna asked, "Is it okay to hit Osman?"

"It doesn't work now." Guo Kang shook his head: "The last time the Ottomans triumphed, it was bought by Tinicus 20 years ago. When my father defended the city, he didn't have enough money, so he had to hold a small game on the spot." Triumph ceremony. If it is really going to be held, I guess Emperor Timur would have to be invited to make one for him..."

"He directly disintegrated Ottomans that time. After that, the Ottomans became a lot more cunning. Although they also come to harass us now, they will hide in the mountains as soon as our army comes out."

"Even if we meet on the battlefield, as long as the situation is unfavorable, they will choose to sacrifice those church members who came to the jihad to avoid head-on confrontation with our main force. Therefore, in a fight, they can only destroy a large number of cannon fodder, and cannot wipe out the enemy on a large scale. The result of Fang Jiashi."

"It's really strange. How did they survive?" Zhu Wenkui shook his head.

"Ottoman is not a normal country, and we can't judge it by our standards." Guo Kang explained: "Their old den is in the mountains next to Bursa. There is a lake in that place, which can be used in dry and cold Asia. There was a steady source of water, so they built a village there."

"Why does it sound like a bandit..." Little Rangna complained.

"It's the bandits." Guo Kang nodded: "That stockade was also a literal stockade back then. After Osman became richer, he occupied Bursa City and made it his capital."

"Then there's no need to call it the Ottoman Sultanate." Little Rangna teased as always: "Call it Shuibo Ottoman."

"This metaphor is actually quite vivid." Guo Kang scratched his head: "The foundation of the Ottoman state is the 'Gazi' movement."

"The Middle East and Minor Asia have been in a state of separatism and chaos for a long time, resulting in endless refugees and gangs. These people have nowhere to go, so they like to look for opportunities to rob everywhere. And Ottoman's stockade is located at the junction of Tianfang religion and God worship religion. The border between the poor pastoral areas of Asia Minor and the relatively wealthy Roman agricultural and commercial areas."

"The so-called jihadist movement is actually the same as the crusaders. The organization method is religious, but fundamentally, I think it is still an economic problem." Guo Kang said: "Ottoman is in the border area, so it is easy to gather these people who are trying to participate in the robbery... oh no , who participated in the Ghazi movement."

"They have been involved in plundering operations all year round. They are very brave and tough when fighting. Moreover, because they are in the border area, the atmosphere of the Ottomans is actually relatively open. No matter which religion you believe in or which ethnic group you belong to, as long as you work together Robbery can be counted as one of our own."

"How do you say that, it seems that they are not bad?" Zhu Wenkui asked.

"If they don't have the slightest advantage, how could they persist for so long." Guo Kang shook his head and said, "For a hero who is good at robbing houses, compared with European lords, Ottoman's village is obviously a better place to go."

"Although it is said that they are cruel, as long as they are good men who can fight, the Sudan is really willing to give money. In this regard, they are much better than Europeans, so there are so many God-worshiping soldiers, and they are always willing to go Work for them."

"With these benefits, Osman has been able to maintain an elite family. Even if Uncle Timur dealt a devastating blow to the Ottoman army, these people can regroup."

"So that's what happened." Little Jeanna thought for a while, and said, "So, as long as there is another capable leader of the Ottoman family, who will use the banner of the ancestors to re-establish the stockade, there will soon be a large number of newcomers." Qi Haohan, he answered the call and came to Juyi. Is this what you mean?"

"That's right." Guo Kang said helplessly, "Therefore, Osman's military strength is not directly proportional to the territory he apparently controls."

"This is also the reason why they are so difficult to eliminate. His country is actually a stockade, but as long as the chaos in the Middle East continues, there will continue to be heroes from all walks of life who will come to the mountains for his reputation. This is not just about politics and politics. It's not a religious issue, it's an economic issue."

"Either completely control the Minor Asia Mountains and seal off the passage for outsiders to enter, that is, throttling; or level the entire Fertile Crescent and Caucasus to prevent new heroes from being produced, that is, close the source. Zhaizi is indeed very tricky."

"So that's how it is." Zhu Wenkui thought for a while, and said with a smile: "I heard Mr. Li said that there was a girl from the Ottoman family who used to go to you often. It turns out that she wanted to catch a villager."


"Brother, this is not funny!" Little Jeanne said dissatisfied.

Zhu Wenkui laughed a few times, but turned around again, pretending to study those banners and golden drums.

(End of this chapter)

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