Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 233 The New Spartan Warrior Commune

Chapter 233 The New Spartan Warrior Commune
Hearing Guo Kang's words, Theodora also helped him smooth things over.

"What you said is indeed a very special place. Then, how does this affect the recruitment of the army?" She asked proactively.

"Of course." Mrs. Elena nodded: "This is actually the most difficult part."

"Roman soldiers are mainly recruited from legion farms. But in the Ross region, the main soldiers of all countries are basically from cities."

"The prince's personal guard is called 'Druzhina', which is the core of the principality's army. Most of them live in the central city of the principality, and some are distributed to various places. Other reliable troops are basically from the townspeople."

"Villages generally can only provide some conscripts. Their quality and fighting will are very poor, and they are not very useful except to fill the front line."

"The most important thing is that, as I said before, the relationship between the village and the city is very tense. Many village communities are actually hostile to the prince, but they just don't talk about it because they can't fight."

"So, unless it is absolutely necessary, the village community will not send people to join the war. Even if it has to, it will deliberately choose the most annoying assassins in the village, and strive to kill people with a knife and get rid of them. In this case, you can't expect any What a high-quality source of soldiers."

"There is no way." Tuo Huan understood this: "If people follow you to fight, they have to be paid. Looking at the situation over there, they probably won't be treated well, right? normal."

"The main problem is that according to general experience, their efforts are useless." Mrs. Irina told him:
"The villagers are always unable to defeat the citizens. When taxes are collected every year, in many cases, the princes take the citizens to the countryside to plunder the villagers. Although some villages resist desperately, and there are indeed cases of heavy losses due to tax collection, the vast majority Sometimes, even if they try their best, they still can't beat the princes and the civilian army."

"In the past, everyone didn't care too much about the combat effectiveness of the village militia, but don't we just need it now?" Mrs. Irina shook her head: "So, in view of the situation in the Ross area, I feel that we must think more about it. Method."

"Then how did you come up with the idea of ​​organizing them to join the army?" Theodora asked.

"Unlike other nobles, our husband and wife have stayed in the countryside for a long time." Mrs. Irina replied: "My husband was persecuted by the wicked and fled to my hometown. My father and the ministers did not dare to let him stay In the main city, I was afraid of retaliation, so I hid him in the countryside. Later, I left Dadu to find him, and the two of us lived in the countryside for several years. We returned to the city after the limelight passed."

"I'm afraid other people won't have so many personal insights." She sighed: "After all, we have seen it in various places, so we always feel that we should... we can do something."

"A few years ago, we just helped my younger brother and did some charity. But last year, I met the organizer of the 'New Spartan Commune', Mr. Posopoulos. Their actions inspired me a lot."

"Oh, it's them." Theodora seemed to understand what she meant.

"What is this?" Guo Kang asked curiously.

"You are bored at home and the cathedral every day, and you have too little contact. From now on, I will take you to various activities." Theodora shook her head and said: "This is an organization that appeared a few years ago. Grandma and I went to see it."

"We talked to them." The queen mother also said: "Pousopoulos was a businessman before, and he always liked things from the classical era. Later, someone said that the Greeks today are too depraved, so they had a dispute with him. So In a fit of anger, he decided to start a school to cultivate the moral character of young people, so that the new generation can regain the mental state of the ancients."

"He had some like-minded friends, so he found Marsalis, a philosopher who taught at the University of Constantine, as the principal. Marsalis believed that the essence of Greek culture lies in wisdom and fighting spirit. Now everyone is not short of wisdom. But the fighting spirit of unity and cooperation is too scarce."

"So, they bought a piece of land in the old land of Sparta, established a school, and taught philosophy and martial arts." She recalled: "I even went to compete with them, and there were a few children with pretty good qualifications. of."

"So that's the case." Guo Kang nodded: "But why did the school choose this name?"

"It was not called this at first." The Queen Mother said: "After a few years of operation, everyone thinks it is still a success, but Marsalis thinks there is still something missing. He studied ancient documents and believed that the fighting spirit did not come out of thin air. Yes. Education alone is still a tree without roots, and the effect is limited.”

"He believes that the fighting spirit of the Spartans comes from their social organization. It is the warrior commune of the Spartans that provides support for this spirit. It is because of the relatively fair and equal rules within the commune that Spartans The people became more united. Later, the commune gradually collapsed, and the Spartan spirit disappeared.”

"This argument is somewhat reasonable." Guo Kang thought for a while and said.

"Yeah, so many people have been inspired." Mrs. Elena said: "We also listened to his speech at the time, and after thinking about it, I think it may be the same for my hometown."

"Marsalis felt that if he wanted to restore this spirit, he had to find a way to maintain this fair rule for a long time. He studied all the materials he could find and thought that even the Legion Farm was not perfect. So, still A better way has to be found.”

"Have you supported him in his exploration?" Guo Kang asked with interest.

"Yes, although the slogan is to revive the Greek spirit, it is difficult for them to get the support of the Greek nobles." Mrs. Irina replied: "We also hope that his research can provide us with reference, so we sponsored him."

"That idea of ​​'fighting spirit' was also very inspiring to us. I've always felt that the key to gaining recognition and equal power is being able to fight. But you know, that's exactly what the residents of my hometown lack the most. "

"Now, they have purchased another manor near the school and are trying to manage it. If there is any result, we will find a place with suitable conditions in Ryazan and give it a try. Although we don't know if it will succeed, at least You can also provide some ideas.”

"I see." Guo Kang understood this.

Obviously, the Caos didn't do it on a whim.They presumably have considered a number of approaches, and may even have made some progress.The decision to join forces with myself this time should also be seen as an opportunity, so I took advantage of the trend.

For Guo Kang, this is a good thing.At least it can be proved that the other party's support is in line with their consistent goals, so it is more reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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