Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 234 The Unpopular Old Greek Aristocrat

Chapter 234 The Unpopular Old Greek Aristocrat

"Is there anyone else helping them besides you?" Guo Kang felt that these people might also be an option to help: "We can organize these people to provide support for our attempts."

"Actually not much." Mrs. Irina shook her head and said, "These people are basically farmers and citizens with a little money. And the Greeks who are still living in the upper class are mostly old people from the previous dynasty. The relationship between the two sides is actually ……not so good."

"Their interests are inconsistent, right?" Guo Kang felt that he had guessed the general idea.

"It's not very good, it's already a mild way of saying it." Theodora said bluntly to him: "In fact, those who advocate the revival of the Greek spirit have always regarded the traditional nobles as moths, and believed that it was because of their misconduct that caused The loss of the Greek spirit and the decline of the Roman Empire."

"When Marsalis talked with us, he was quite tactful, but I know what they really think." She shrugged: "In their hearts, these people not only disrespect, but also despise traditional nobles, and even their The theoretical basis is based on attacking traditional nobles. Those people are not stupid, and of course they don't like them."

"Then this group of people can be dealt with." Tuo Huan nodded: "I also think that those upper-class Greeks are the biggest sinners. Think about it, if they didn't attack each other without a bottom line every day for the sake of power, both internally and externally Without a little integrity, will the reputation of the Greeks be ruined like this?"

"Of course, these ordinary Greeks are also responsible. I suspect that many of them are still stuck in the era of city-states coexisting 2000 years ago. When thinking about problems, they only care about their own region and have no long-term vision at all. It is because They always think that the local aristocrats can represent their own interests, connive and even support these people to rebel, and finally lose their family fortune."

"These thoughts of ordinary people are determined by the cultural influence and education they receive. Therefore, his conclusion is also reasonable."

"I think so too." Madam Irina nodded: "Persopoulos has also done some research in this area. He and Persopoulos have collected a lot of books, and finally think that Seris's solution is the best. the best."

"How did he think about it?" Guo Kang asked.

"I also talked to him specifically." Theodora said: "Masalis believes that Rome has been viciously divided for a long time because ordinary Greeks lack a sense of unity. Those who are literate educate the people."

"But the church—whether the Roman Catholic Church or our Orthodox Church—doesn't do this well. The best place in the world to do it is in the East."

"Pethopoulos was a businessman before, and he often came into contact with various people. He made a lot of comparisons, and finally believed that the core of the Seris system lies in their Confucianism and Taoism system, which has cultivated a large number of people with a preliminary level of education."

"These people read the same kind of books and believe in the same kind of political philosophy, and they actually play the role of a religion. In other words, this is actually a partial monotheistic religion that excludes the church."

"Where is the excluded part?" Tuo Huan asked casually.

"In the imperial court." Theodora glanced at him, as if he was surprised that he didn't know this: "The basic composition of power in every country is similar, but each force has divided different parts. We, The Roman Catholic countries and Seres are three different divisions."

"In Serris, these Confucian and Taoist people went deep into the grassroots to educate and publicize in various places. They are common grassroots priests here. It's just because the political power and the combination of religious power in Serris are very stable, so these Confucianism and Taoism Many of them have official or semi-official identities. Their functions are still similar to our priests here, but they are obviously more efficient than priests."

"Then these Confucian and Taoist priests won't ask for full teaching rights from the government?" Tuo Huan asked.

"Taoist priests don't just ask for the right to teach. When they ask for it, they will be 'the king of the sky'." Guo Kang complained: "They have always been the unity of politics and religion..."

"As for the Confucian scholars, of course they will. For example, the impact of the 'Qingliu Celebrities' on public opinion and intervention in education is similar to that of the church. This is the teaching power of the classics." He continued to explain: "You can ask Zhu about this. Ask in a big way. Their old Zhu family has a deep understanding of this aspect."

"Is that so..." Tuo Huan scratched his head, probably understanding.

"However, it is also possible to study Seris." Guo Kang thought for a while: "Although there are various problems there, compared to the previous Greece, it is still somewhat better."

"They think so too." Theodora said: "Pesopoulos believes that our Roman Church is an organizational method between Seris and traditional Orthodox Church. If it continues to develop, there should be hope Reaching the level of Serris. With a concept that everyone agrees on and a solid organization, it can be achieved by popularizing a unified consciousness."

"I think this idea may have hit Patriarch Zhang's original intention back then, so I have been paying attention to their follow-up research. These people are still somewhat wise."

"It's normal, wise people always think of similar things." Guo Kang nodded.

Although in his time, some people have always believed that unification is not conducive to development.But in this era, it is the unanimous pursuit of all European countries to demand unification and prevent the division of local nobles.

Since the late Middle Ages, people of insight in various countries have been working hard, and as the conditions gradually matured, the central courts of various countries have basically begun to control the localities more and more powerfully.The monarchs consciously weakened the power of the aristocracy, cracked down on local separatists, and strengthened the centralization of power.And these have indeed strengthened the strength of countries and laid the foundation for their subsequent development.

The remote UK is, on the contrary, one of the best countries at this time.Not only was the king's authority not limited by later myths such as the "Magna Carta", but it was strengthened day by day.After that, the Tudor dynasty after the civil war was further strengthened.

It was Henry VIII and Elizabeth, not the anti-unification local aristocracy, who saved Britain's fortune as a top power.

Although Serris has always had a stronger tradition of grand unification and a higher degree of centralization, this does not mean that the idea of ​​grand unification is wrong.

In the same way, the streets in Europe are full of poop these days, but it does not mean that going to the toilet is a wrong habit.Ordering all citizens to use the toilet in the street obviously cannot make Rome dominate Europe in an instant.This kind of thing has nothing to do with it...

As an optional way of thinking, the direction of consideration of these Greeks is indeed worth trying.

(End of this chapter)

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