Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 235 "The Rose Truth"

Chapter 235 "The Rose Truth"

"I probably understand the theoretical situation now." Guo Kang nodded: "Then what we should do now should be Lixin first."

"Lixin." Tuo Huan repeated the word: "This is also... ancient political wisdom."

"Old, but very important." Guo Kang emphasized: "Look, the local situation is obvious. Their cities, it is better to say that they are the tribes of the princes."

"The people in the city alone cannot meet our needs, but the people in the countryside are at odds with the city. In this case, without first establishing mutual trust, it is impossible to get the response of the local people and take the first step."

"Then we have to publicize it well." Tuo Huan thought about it: "We have to find a way to let them know that we have changed the military system now and it is fair to everyone."

"Yes. This is the difficulty." Mrs. Irina agreed: "Since the era of Rurik, the Ross region has undergone many rounds of military reforms. But over the years, there have indeed been few reforms that have benefited the countryside. Change: For village residents, the army comes from the city to rob."

"At the beginning, these armies were mainly Nordic-style infantry. Later, influenced by the grasslands, they gradually evolved into cavalry. In the early days, many people still used leather armor and cloth as protective gear. Now there are many main soldiers. Armored."

"But to the villagers, these military changes are actually irrelevant. Even if we continue to implement reforms, in their eyes, it is nothing more than changing to more advanced tactics and weapons, and then continuing to rob things in the village. There is no way to change Their attitude is not going to solve the problem.”

"Then where do you plan to start? After so much hard work, you should have made some breakthroughs in your hometown, right?" Guo Kang probably understood her thoughts, so he continued to ask.

"Yes, in my hometown, there is now a certain foundation. But this is not mainly due to my credit, it is the legacy left by my father." Mrs. Irina said.

"In Ryazan Principality, the prince is very powerful. Of course, this may be due to a coincidence."

"Back then, like other principalities, we were also trapped in civil strife for a long time. The aristocratic council had a great influence on the city-state, and the inheritance of princes was mostly passed down from brother to brother, so there would always be a generation between uncles, brothers and nephews. Endless struggle."

"But then, suddenly, the Mongols came."

"Ryazan is one of the principalities closest to the grassland, so it became the first target of Batu. The city was quickly conquered and then completely destroyed. At that time, my ancestors just failed to fight for the Grand Duke and were forced to flee from Ryazan city , took refuge in the fief of Pereslavl, so he survived."

"At that time, almost everyone in the city, including the entire family of the opposing grand duke, and most of the nobles who could challenge the duke, were all killed by the Mongols. Later, the Golden Horde needed someone to rule the area on behalf of them, so they searched for Liang Members of the line of Zan Maharajas found that only my ancestor was left, and appointed him as the new Grand Duke. This is the beginning of our line of history."

Having said that, she paused slightly.The others also thought about it.

"Should I apologize, or...congratulations?" Tuo Huan hesitated for a moment, and said cautiously.

"Maybe all of them." Mrs. Irina herself seemed uncertain: "After that war, the old city of Ryazan was destroyed, and it was not rebuilt afterwards. The current Ryazan was actually the city of Pereslavl at that time. .”

"Because this is our family's traditional sphere of influence, we did not encounter resistance from the citizens like those princes who changed their territories. Moreover, Rurik's bloodline gradually only remained with us and Prince Vladimir. Therefore, the legitimacy of the family is rarely challenged. In addition, the great nobles who can restrain the prince are gone, which makes the rule much smoother."

"After that, within the Principality, a relatively stable father-son inheritance system has been maintained in accordance with the wishes of the Grand Dukes of all dynasties, and there have been no serious civil strife."

"That's it..." Tuo Huan nodded: "By the way, I remember that at that time, the late Emperor Basil II married his younger sister to the Prince of Ross in exchange for the people of Ross being baptized. Are you descendants of that princess? ? If so, you and Rome have an additional layer of relatives."

"Probably not." Mrs. Irina shook her head: "The one you mentioned is called 'Anna of Constantinople' in the Ross history books. She was depressed after marrying Grand Duke Vladimir until her death. They are all engaged in religious activities, and there is no news about their offspring."

"In our chronicles, there are records of various wives and their descendants of Vladimir, but none of them are related to her."

"So that's how it is." It seemed a bit regretful that the relationship between love and friendship failed.

"Princesses who get married generally end badly. It seems that this is not the only case in Rome." Theodora sighed beside her and glanced at Guo Kang.

"But that's also their responsibility." Joanna, who hadn't spoken much, suddenly interjected at this time: "The descendants of nobles have always enjoyed the benefits of blood. Then they should also serve the interests of the family. Among them Of course including marriage."

"Your family is also considered a nobleman?" Theodora retorted: "So do you have this awareness?"

"Of course." Joanna said without hesitation, "I understand how marriage is best for the family, and I'm really willing to do it."

She answered so quickly that Theodora couldn't keep up for a moment.

"Okay, don't talk about it." Tuo Huan instinctively felt that the atmosphere was not right, and quickly changed the topic: "Madam, you continue to talk. After the rule is stable, what did you do?"

"Oh, at that time, they chose to make a code of law." Mrs. Irina replied.

"The earliest law of the Rus is said to have been formulated during the period of Vladimir I Sviatoslavich. The main part that is currently circulated is the 'Yaroslaw' compiled by Yaroslav I Vladimirovich. Slavic Truth'. These laws were compiled into the earliest legal code called the Rustic Truth."

"However, these laws are basically a compilation of the customary rulings of the Ross people at that time, mainly Nordic-style rules, which are generally crude."

"I don't think I can remember this name." Tuohuan muttered.

"It's hard for us to remember, there are too many people with the same name." Mrs. Irina said dumbfoundedly: "You can call Yaroslav 'Wise Man', which is his nickname, so it will be easier to remember. "

"Where's that Vladimir Vitch?" Tuo Huan continued to ask.

"That person is what I just said, the first one to be baptized and then marry the Greek princess?" Guo Kang remembered.

"Yes, that's him." Mrs. Elena nodded: "This person is one of the most important figures in the history of Ross. But he doesn't have a particularly popular nickname."

"Then let's have a code name." Guo Kang couldn't bear the name, and decided that since he didn't have one, he would start on the spot: "Isn't he the first to be baptized, or the ancestor of each principality's lineage? Then call him 'Fu Zu' 'Bar."

(End of this chapter)

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