Chapter 25 Public Opinion War

Compared with the era of the Golden Horde, the Purple Horde had stronger control over the countries of Rus, because the Purple Horde controlled all parts of the Black Sea coast and the lower reaches of the Don River and the Volga River, and mastered the second half of the entire "Amber Road".

Commodities from the East came to the Volga River Basin through the Central Asian grasslands, joined with Persian commodities from the Caucasus, and along the criss-crossing water network in South Russia, some of them went west to the Black Sea, and passed through Dadu into the Mediterranean world; some went north to Russia. The hinterland of each country, or go further, enter the Baltic Sea, and flow to the countries of the North Sea.The special products from London to Finland along the North Sea coast, as well as animal skins, beeswax and other materials provided by the Ross people, also flowed on this trade route, nourishing the cities along the way.

As long as Moscow plays the role of a dog's leg, it can obtain huge profits from the trade network of the entire Ross region.Therefore, they have been so active, lest the Great Khan feel that he is not loyal enough and give the privilege to other cities.

"In the eyes of other Russians, the image of Moscow is not so bad." Li Xuanying said, taking out a booklet from his sleeve: "Look, this is the script I got from their theater company. It is said that it is a Russian They thought it was a current trend of cultured Russians, so they hurriedly presented it to me.”

Guo Kang doubted whether it would be good to watch this kind of thing in the venue, but judging by the appearance of Li Xuanying and others, it didn't seem to be a big deal.He turned his head and looked at his adoptive father, wanting to see what he had to say.

At this time, Jon Olafsen, the captain of the Cowardly Quiver, came in and greeted his adoptive father.

The quiver is the guard of the Khan court. It is named because it can carry arrows in front of the Khan. In theory, it is responsible for guarding during the day.However, the quivers of the Purple Horde Khanate are not so formal, they are pure palace guards with a famous name.Jon himself was not very good at archery, he had been recruited because he was good with the sword.

The two knew each other very well, and started talking when they met.Guo Kang wanted to signal to his foster father, but his foster father didn't notice at all—he beckoned Jon to sit across from him, and the two began to wrestle in the venue.

"Forget it." Guo Kang turned his head and said to Li Xuanying speechlessly, "Please show me the script."

He took the somewhat crudely bound booklet, and saw that on the cover, it was written in Greek: "Story of St. Olga's Rebellion."

Over the years, Guo Kang has learned Greek, which does not seem to be too strenuous.It's just the name, which feels a bit strange.

"What's the story?" he asked.

"The script printed by the Russians tells the story of a fictional Grand Duchess of Vladimir who rebelled against the rule of the Great Khan." Li Xuanying said: "Olga is a common female name on their side, and there is really an Orthodox female saint. , that’s what it’s called.”

Guo Kang nodded.He was afraid that the meeting would start soon, and he didn't have time to read it carefully, so he casually flipped to the end to see what ending they made up.I saw the lines were roughly recorded on it, and there were some notes, which should have been made by other people in the troupe.The last scene reads:

"(Olga and Ivan walk out from the Persian trading post)

Ivan: It's really quiet, and there are no Mongolians on the street. It's so different from Sarai.

Grand Duchess Olga: That's right, they probably transferred all the Ordo's combat power to Tsargrad.

Ivan: But those are not important anymore.

Grand Duchess Olga: Look at your happy face.

Ivan: Of course, everyone is saved, Yegor is working so hard, I am also a knight who works hard! (refers to secretly joining the Teutonic Knights)

Grand Duchess Olga: Yes, it is true.Everything we have been doing has not been in vain.

(Going out of the shop, the carriage is parked at the door)

Grand Duchess Olga: It will be the same in the future, as long as we don't stop, the road will continue to expand...
(Horseshoes. Olga looks back.)
(A high-end black carriage came abruptly, and three Mongolian assassins jumped out of the carriage, and shot the three of them with their bows.)
(Nikolai falls with an arrow in the shoulder. Olga shields Ivan with his arms.)
Ivan: Grand Duke, what are you doing, Grand Duke!
Grand Duchess Olga: Huh, uh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
(Olga picks up a hand crossbow to fight back, and knocks down one assassin. The other assassins, seeing the situation, hurriedly drove away.)
Grand Duchess Olga: (gasping) What, my shooting is still pretty accurate
Ivan: Grand... Grand Duke... ah...

Grand Duchess Olga: Ivan, why do you make that sound?
(band playing music)
Ivan: But, but...

Grand Duchess Olga: I am Grand Duchess Olga Vladimilovna of Vladimir, a few arrows don't matter

Ivan: Why, to protect someone like me...

Grand Duchess Olga: Protecting vassals is my job

(Nicolas tears)

Ivan: But—

Grand Duchess Olga: go, everyone is...waiting for you.

Grand Duchess Olga: And... Anastasia, I finally understand that we don't need a final resting place at all, as long as we keep moving forward.As long as you don't stop, the road will continue to expand...

(Olga gets up and takes a step with a hand crossbow)

(Memories of Olga)
Anastasia: If you apologize, I will never forgive you
Grand Duchess Olga: Yes, I understand
(the two shake hands)
(The chants in the church sounded, implying the ascension of saints)

Grand Duchess Olga: Because I won't stop, as long as you don't stop, there must be me in front of you! (referring to saints leading believers)
(Olga was seriously injured, staggered and walked a few steps, then fell down in a pool of blood)

So...don't stop! (referring to non-stop uprisings against the rule of the Khanate)
(Olga points forward)

(choir boys sing, women die)

(scene switch)
Grand Duke of Moscow (loading tribute to the Great Khan): Olga? (no concern)


"..." Guo Kang didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Obviously, some Russians are planning to use this method to incite the people to fight against Rome." Li Xuanying said: "I know drama very well. The threshold for appreciation of this thing is very low. Ordinary citizens who are not very literate can watch it with a little spare money." .The content in it can easily spread out and have an impact. We have to be careful of this new trend.”

"Can such an abrupt thing really move the people of Ross..." Guo Kang expressed his doubts.

"This..." Li Xuanying scratched her head: "In short, we have to be careful of this trend."

(End of this chapter)

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