Chapter 26 Dulu Dulu Lucia

Guo Kang didn't care much about this.

"The so-called Ross people are actually not in the same group." He pointed out: "I think our biggest problem now is to force them into one category. This is not realistic."

"There can't be a few Ross people who feel that they are of the same race, so we should treat them as the same race?" Guo Kang shook his head and said, "The chief of the Alemanni is still promoting himself as the emperor of Rome. Are they also ours? of the same race?"

"Then what do you think ... should be done?" Li Xuanying asked after thinking about it.

"I think the current management method is still too crude." Guo Kang said: "In the past, we were not strong enough to control them, so we could only deal with them in general. We can't do it now, can we? We know too little about them, so It’s impossible to do well.”

"If you're serious, even the name 'Woros Province' is problematic," he pointed out.

"I also know there is a problem. This place should be called... Du, Dulu Ross." Li Xuanying tried hard to make her mouth tremble, but failed: "But I can't pronounce it. I can't say this stuff since I was a child. "

"You said, how should we translate it?" He asked back: "The name Woluosi is really lazy, and the string of sounds is replaced by 'oh'. But even if you write down the pronunciation of the local people directly, it will be true. The pronunciation is the same? I don’t believe it anyway, why don’t you try it yourself?”

"I think it's almost enough." Guo Kang hesitated for a while, and began to experiment: "Du, dou...doo...doo...doo Ross..."

"Look, let me just say it." Li Xuanying showed a look of being as expected: "It's not that I haven't tried it, it's like this every time: Dulu... Dulu Dulu..."

"Doo Ross...Doo...Doo Ross..." Guo Kang was a little anxious, and was continuing to try to show that this was not impossible to read.

"It's useless if you try again. I haven't learned this sound after speaking Greek for so many years." Li Xuanying added: "Duludulu... Look, I can't pronounce it."

"That's not right." Guo Kang was rather embarrassed: "Duludududududududududududududu..."

"Toot, toot, toot..."

The people next to them all turned their heads and looked at them in surprise.

"Hey, hello." Shi's eldest son, Shi Ke, patted Guo Kang: "What are you two doing? Don't go crazy in front of the palace!"


"Not insane, not insane." Shi Ke was a few years older than Li Xuanying, and Li Xuanying was timid about him since he was a child, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "We are studying Fanyu."

"Look, let me just say, this doesn't sound like a serious person's words." He turned his head and complained to Guo Kang, "I'm so speechless."

"Maybe people are used to it." Guo Kang smoothed things over, "Look at the different languages ​​here, they are all so... blah blah blah. It's normal for outsiders to pronounce it incorrectly."

"What is wrong with us? I think they are wrong. There is no one who talks first." Li Xuanying lost face and was very angry: "We must correct them. I think the Khan court should issue regulations, people from Ross Do not poke your tongue when you speak."

Shi Ke glanced at him with the eyes of a fool, turned around, and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Then pretend I didn't say anything." Guo Kang offered to compromise: "I think Woluosi is also very good."

"I can't help it. Completely follow the pronunciation of the local people. This name has to be written in a long string. The Ross people's name is ridiculously long. With these inexplicable pronunciations in front, how long does it have to be written..." Li Xuanying agreed: " In my opinion, script writers dare not write like this, otherwise the shopkeeper of the troupe will think that he is forcing the number of words."

Guo Kang could only nod in agreement.

The word Oros was probably invented by people who could not tremble their tongues.

As for his time, the difference between this translation and the actual pronunciation was even greater.

Woluosi is the simulation of "duludululuo".In this era, these eastern Slavic city-states and principalities did call themselves "Duludulurus", but they changed their names afterwards.

According to the word-making habits of the Greeks and Romans, the nouns denoting regions have a unified suffix added to the end of the word, becoming a name such as "XX Asia".The "Rose" that the natives called themselves became "Rosia" in this way.

When Peter the Great was in power, in order to connect with Europe, he used this Greek/Roman term as the official name for diplomatic occasions, so the name of the country became "Durudululucia".Since then, it has been used until his time.

As for which one is right between "Woros" and "Dulu Dulu Lucia", it is actually hard to say.Because the country does have two sets of titles.

It is also a simplification that later generations called the unified Russian country "Tsarist Russia".

The title of Tsar originated from Bulgaria, and it was not an "emperor" but Caesar.Simeon, the ruler of Bulgaria, forced the Byzantine regime to grant himself this title through war, because his ultimate goal was to enter Constantinople as emperor.

This move was not new at the time. In theory, anyone could be a Roman emperor-the Armenians had already succeeded, and the Serbs would try it in the future.

It's just that Simeon didn't enter the city in the end, and couldn't be regarded as the Barcelius of all Rome, so he had to stop at this step for the time being and become the Caesar of Bulgaria.This is also not surprising, because the regime at that time was different from the nation-states of later generations, and did not have very clear boundaries.In theory, everyone can join the Roman system, obtain and use Roman titles.Therefore, this title has been passed down in Bulgaria.

Later, the Slavs farther away also learned this term.

However, in the era of the rise of the Slavs, the power of Eastern Rome had already declined, and the managers they directly contacted were the Mongols.So, although the term Caesar is used, its meaning has changed in the Slavic world.

In the literature of the time, the Great Khan of the Golden Horde and his branches were also called Tsars.Until modern times, in the official documents of Russia, Poland and other countries, the Khan of Crimea was also called the Tsar of Crimea.

Back then, Ivan IV even performed a performance of abdication: he first elected Moscow's puppet Kasim Khan as the tsar, and after more than half a year, he asked Kasim Khan to abdicate to him.Therefore, many later documents will also regard the Qasim dynasty as part of Tsarist Russia.Tossing back and forth like this makes people wonder whether he, the tsar, is Roman or Mongolian...

The Rurik dynasty to which Ivan IV belonged was later extinct. After the war, the Romanov dynasty inherited the title of tsar.But the founding tsar of Romanov was only the nephew of Empress Ivan IV, probably similar to the blood relationship of the Slavic Wang Mang.This led to the inherent lack of legitimacy of the Romanov family, which later caused a lot of trouble.

By the time of Peter I, he finally couldn't take it anymore and decided to leave. He established a new capital, Petrograd, on the northern Gulf of Finland, and used the European-style "Imperador" title, which was equivalent to creating a new legal system.The name of the country should actually be called "Lucia of Impelado".

From "Caesar of the Russians" to "Imperador of Lucia", there are actually two sets of things.As for which one counts more, it's really hard to say, because many times, including official occasions, they use both.

The Ming Dynasty had almost no contact with this country, but the Qing Dynasty had contact very early.However, the Qing Dynasty avoided this issue by directly calling the Russian ruler "Chahan Khan", which means "White Khan".

Later, the "White Khan" Romanov dynasty came to an end.The newly established Red Horde Khanate uses a new set of legal principles.In this set of narratives, "Duludulu Lucia" is called an Ulus under the Red Horde Khanate.

But the Red Horde is also very unstable.In the early days, under the leadership of the powerful Yusuf Polo Timur Khan and others, the Khan Court was still very prestigious.But later, once the sweat became weak, it became more and more difficult to maintain.Not long after, the Red Horde Khanate also disintegrated, and all the Ulus became independent and no longer recognized the authority of the Great Khan.

Which legal system they are now, it is estimated that they themselves can't tell clearly.It is estimated that for the time being, no one still has the leisure to worry about the choice of words for translation.

(End of this chapter)

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