Chapter 261 The Ugly Greek
Faced with Shi Huizhen's doubts, Frajos was still quite speechless.But with so many guests still watching, he had no choice but to face the problem directly and said, "Your accusation makes no sense. What does philosophical theory have to do with war?"

"Of course it has something to do with it. These theories are the same as the reason why you don't want me to carry a sword. They are the rules of society. Of course these subtle social rules have a great impact on the army?" Shi Huizhen asked: "Dior Dora told me its importance every day, you are also a person who has read the book, you don’t know it?”

"Then why doesn't philosophy work?" Frajos said angrily.

"Shouldn't you know better yourself?" Shi Huizhen said: "In the whole world, how many people who study Greek philosophy do you think are living well?"

"The Arabs were able to conquer everywhere at the beginning, from the Mediterranean Sea to India, and they were frightened by the enemies. But later, since they learned Aristotle, they started to be beaten. Isn't this obvious enough?"

"Can an example illustrate it? There are too many influencing factors." Frajos objected.

"It's true that one doesn't work, but isn't it because everyone is like this now?" Shi Huizhen asked back: "In the Eastern Mediterranean, the people who learned Aristotle the best were Greeks, but they were beaten every day by the Turkmen who believed in heaven. Looted by Catholic Crusaders;"

"In the Western Mediterranean, the Andalusians who learned the best from Aristotle were beaten every day by Castile who believed in the Catholic Church, and robbed by the believers who believed in the Catholic Church."

"Look, what has become of each of these." She shook her head and said, "Every civilization that has been poisoned by this Greek 'rational knowledge' has become this weak and powerless. Man, isn't it obvious?"

This time, not only Flajos, but also the other guests around couldn't hold back anymore.

"Little girl, how can you attack the sages like this?" A middle-aged man with a big beard said dissatisfiedly: "These are not simple black and white questions as you think. They are closely related to our entire civilization. of."

"He was there first, talking about drama and philosophy, and I just mentioned it along the way." Shi Huizhen pointed to Frajos, and argued: "What I said is also the reality, so it can't be considered an attack, right? "

The other guests looked at Frajos, not knowing what to say for a moment.

People who understand drama, of course, understand the meaning of his words.Frajos hints that Shi Huizhen, like Medea, is a crazy foreign woman.

He even integrated the allusions of Serris, knowing that the source of Shi Huizhen's nickname was Queen Serris, who was known for her crazy behavior and killing offspring.For one example, he quoted two civilizations and allusions of Seris and Greece to insinuate each other. It can be said that it not only satirized Shi Huizhen, but also demonstrated his cultural attainments at the same time.

The only problem is probably that Shi Huizhen didn't understand - of course, this is actually nothing.After all, the essence of the debate is to perform for a third party, and it is enough to win the approval of the audience.From this perspective, Frajos did win the first round.

The biggest surprise was that everyone couldn't beat Shi Huizhen, so they couldn't force the loser to leave the field.Under her stalking, she forcibly entered the second round.In the second round, although her nonsense was illogical, the problem was real.

What makes people even more hesitant is that, if you think about it carefully, this kind of behavior is indeed somewhat similar to the development of civilization in form: a civilization, after losing a game, cannot take advantage of the situation to make it exit.As a result, a new round was dragged into, and both sides changed to a new environment.Then, what will happen is hard to say.

Sure enough, when this question was mentioned, everyone hesitated.

At this time, another noble lady stood up and accused sharply: "You are a typical rote. You just observe the phenomenon, without theoretical analysis, and it is not convincing at all. Because you can't prove where the root cause is."

"Besides, the two of them also said just now that whether it is drama or philosophy, they are not just a single piece of knowledge, but are related to the entire Greek civilization." She pointed to Flajos and the bearded middle-aged man, The two also nodded in self-effacing.

"The art of drama is important because it is an important activity in the city-state, a way to express opinions, educate and appeal to citizens. And philosophy, also from the early wise men, is to meet the needs of citizens in city-state politics, It just grew.”

"This should be very simple knowledge. Why doesn't the lady with the sword understand?" She asked: "Is it worthy of approval to criticize other people's civilization without knowing anything?"

The others nodded in agreement.After all, most of them are Greeks, and they certainly don't want to accept this kind of accusation.However, Shi Huizhen still disagreed.

"If you say I don't know anything, you underestimate people." She insisted: "Although I really don't know much about philosophy, I still know the real historical events."

"You think that philosophy and drama are part of city-state culture, and I agree. Because I think that's where the problem lies."

"Don't you know how much the Greeks have suffered because of the city-state habits?" She asked, "Because of this tradition, the entire civilization has been fighting among itself. If the country is a little bigger, it will fight endlessly because of various contradictions." .Even Alexander the Great can’t bring this group of people along.”

"People say that in order to compete for one silver coin, two Greeks will each offer two silver coins to bribe foreigners to intervene. Is this a proud tradition?"

"What's the reason for the infighting? It's because the Greek civilization didn't know unity, and didn't understand the principle of great unification. The officials of the Great Song Dynasty were far less crazy than these people when they were fighting among themselves."

"Just like this, we have been fighting among ourselves for thousands of years, and finally defeated our ancestors' foundation. Then why don't we know how to unite? Isn't it because we are used to the identity of the city-state, and we can't unite at all?"

"And bribing foreigners—don't dodge, I'll ask you!" She pressed her sword and questioned the lady just now: "Isn't bribing foreigners also a tradition of city-state politics? The Athenians take money from Sparta, and the Spartans Isn’t it routine to take money from the governor of Persia? Do you think I don’t know where your habits come from?”

"Greek civilization has a long history, I admit. But look at what this civilization has done in the past 2000 years."

"The politics of the past 2000 years are all democratic political manipulations and kitsch wishes."

"These 2000 years of learning are all knowledge of city-state culture, and they are all deceiving thieves."

"For 2000 years, the gangsters have colluded with Xiangyuan, and Xiangyuan has used the gangsters. The two have always been confused and entangled with each other based on their interests. They both put their actions on the name of Socrates. This is the status quo of Greek Neo-Confucianism ah!"

"I have always insisted on this kind of thinking that poisons people, insisting on a theory that went wrong 2000 years ago. The self-proclaimed wise man does not think about it, and is proud of his deep research on this kind of thing. He always looks down on ordinary people and dislikes others for being uneducated ’ she reprimanded.

"Everyone, don't you think this kind of behavior is ugly?"

There was silence in the field.

(End of this chapter)

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