Chapter 283 No ghost after Yashan (seeking monthly ticket)
"Ah, what a familiar plot." Zhu Wenkui said with emotion.

"So I finally recognized my great-grandmother." Guo Kang explained: "This is actually a very common way. You see, from Brother Tian to Hou Ji, everyone uses this term."

"That makes sense." Zhu Wenkui agreed: "So the concept of blood relationship may not be meaningful in the early civilization."

"But every ethnic group has developed in this way from the early days. The source is not clear, and it is really unreasonable to want to distinguish by blood."

"Then, can the identity of this servant be verified?" Little Rangna asked.

"A nomad hundreds of years ago, where can I go to verify his identity?" Guo Kang shook his head: "It is not clear whether it is a herdsman from the Boyawu tribe, or he was captured by them, or he was fleeing. Ma Alihei may be the sound change of Boyawutai, and the two names may mean the same thing, that is, 'a man from the Boyawu tribe'. We only know so much about his life experience."

"Also, even if it is confirmed that he is a member of Boyawu's own tribe, it is hard to say who his ancestor is. The grassland tribes are very mobile, and they often leave the tribe or join other tribes."

"During the Tang Dynasty, the Daning area was where King Xi's tent was located. Later, the Xi people moved away with their close relatives Khitan, and the vacant space was occupied by the Boyawu tribe. Therefore, these tribesmen may have come from the northeast forest. It may be Shiwei herdsmen, or it may be the remaining Xi people, Khitan people, or even the Central Plains people who went north."

"It's so complicated..." Little Jeanna could no longer keep up with these nouns.

"I suggest starting from the history of the Tang Dynasty. You can let it go for the time being." Guo Kang introduced his reading experience: "Because as long as you start from the Tang Dynasty and sort it out a little bit later, then most of Asia and Europe The mainland can be included."

"The Khitan people were the auxiliary army placed in the Northeast by the Tang Dynasty. And unlike other tribes, they did not pass Zhao'an or conquer, and the entire tribe surrendered to the Tang Dynasty. These people originally only had a loose alliance, even a unified tribe It’s not even counted. It was Tang Chao himself who organized it from scratch for them.”

"It can be said that the entire Khitan Group was personally shaped by the Tang Dynasty. So from the very beginning, the Khitan and Xi people have had a close relationship with the Tang Dynasty."

"However, in the era of Wu Zetian, the court used a series of miraculous operations to force the Khitan people back, which was called the 'Yingzhou Rebellion'. In this war, the fighting power of the Khitan people seemed outrageous, and this is also the reason-they were originally from the Tang Dynasty. It is quite easy for the regular auxiliary army that was squeezed out by hand to fight against Wu Zetian's bandit army."

"After the Yingzhou Rebellion, the Central Plains Dynasty's rule over the Northeast and North Korea finally collapsed, and it has not been restored until now. However, Xuanzong once made some efforts to set up the Pinglu Army in the old place of Yingzhou, and recruited Khitan and Xi people again. "

"During this period, the influence of the Tang Dynasty on the local area was still higher than that of other tribes. Although the various Jimi states in Youzhou and Yingzhou were named Jimi, they actually belonged to the 'Youban Jimi Prefecture', which means tribute. , have been handed over to the Ministry of Accounts for registration.”

"Oh, so they also have household registration." Zhu Wenkui suddenly realized.

"Yes, these tribes are not only obedient to the Tang Dynasty in name. In other places, it may be that the Protectorate calls for people, and the tribal leaders bring troops depending on the situation—the relationship is similar to that of vassals and lords in Europe." Guo Kang. A metaphor: "But in their Jimi Prefecture, there are also troops sent by the central government of the Tang Dynasty. Because in time of war, it is necessary to quickly use the central army as the backbone and incorporate tribal soldiers into the army to form a unified command unit to improve combat operations. Efficiency. There are many examples of this in Tang's operations in the northeast direction."

"In addition, not only military management, but also administrative jurisdiction between the two sides. Their superior is Hebei Road, so there will obviously be administrative exchanges."

"It's no wonder they always seem so confident, and they always feel that they don't regard themselves as outsiders." Zhu Wenkui said with emotion: "It turns out that they also have household registration..."

"It's not just the household registration." Guo Kang said: "After the Anshi Rebellion broke out, An Lushan coerced the local Hu people to participate in the rebellion. However, because An Lushan took away a large number of cronies, the Pinglu Army was empty, and some officers loyal to the Tang Dynasty borrowed This opportunity is anyway. A large number of Khitan and Xi people who were unwilling to take refuge in Anlu Mountain also gathered in Yingzhou to fight against the rebels."

"But the Tang Dynasty was defeated again and again, and these people were unable to support them in the end. In the end, Shi Siming captured Yingzhou, and Pinglu's army could only flee across Hainan and settle down in Shandong."

"The loyalists of the Pinglu Army did not go back later, but stayed in the local area and established Ziqing Town. Jimi Prefecture, which followed them, was also temporarily placed in the Central Plains by the court. There were many vassal tribes before and after, and they fled south to seek refuge. In the Tang Dynasty, ten prefectures were resettled in the Henan area alone, accounting for a small half of the total establishment. After the rebellion was put down, they returned one after another."

"So, the people in this area cannot be pure grassland herdsmen. Even if you don't consider the usual migration and exile, just these garrisons, officials, and the migration back and forth in the Central Plains and border areas are enough to make the tribes influx There are a lot of Central Plains people."

"This experience is really tortuous." Zhu Wenkui said with emotion.

"Yes, that's why I said that when it comes to bloodlines, I'm afraid it's even more unclear." Guo Kang said: "The place where the Boyawu tribe is located has always been the passage between the grassland and the Central Plains. Who is Ma Alihei? ...It can only be said that anyone can do it."

In his time, Iranian scholars tested the tomb of Ghazan Khan (Ghazan Khan began to believe in Tianfang religion, and there is a clear tomb), and found that from his paternal genes, he was probably a Central Plains man.

This kind of ancient sample is more convincing, and the Persians are not the relevant parties.But on the other hand, bloodline changes are actually the norm in ancient courts, so a single sample may not be able to determine anything.

"We are not at the time of the ancient Three Dynasties. You have seen too many historical cases." Guo Kang said: "Religion belongs to religion, history belongs to history, and there is no need to get too entangled in these. Otherwise, there will be a lot of unexplainable things. came out."

"Because not only the Mongols, other people's origins may not match. For example, Zhao's official family, they are actually from Rongdi around the Jin Kingdom, they may be descendants of Guifang, and Yiqu and others are also relatives—they It may be the last traditional Rongdi that is still in power. And the Yelu family of Liao State, their lineage comes from the Zhou Dynasty. How should this situation be calculated?"

"Is it true? Why haven't I heard of it?" Zhu Wenkui said in surprise.

"Because it's not important at all." Guo Kang spread his hands: "The emperor is not looking at blood, but who can obey the will of heaven and have virtue. Otherwise, we are still the Xia Dynasty."

"That's true..." Zhu Wenkui nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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