Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 284 Is it possible to reconcile?

Chapter 284 Is it possible to reconcile? (seeking a monthly ticket)

"These terms are really hard to pronounce." Princess Jeanna said with emotion: "To be honest, I still don't quite understand them."

"Because the concept of 'virtue' is something unique to our country." Zhu Wenkui thought for a while and said, "At least when I was here, I didn't hear a lot of similar concepts from Europeans."

"Does it mean the same thing as piety?" Little Jeanna analyzed: "Any ruler, whether it is a monarchy or a republic, needs theological support to provide legitimacy. Whether it is Catholicism or worshiping God Whether it’s the belief in the ‘Heaven’ in the East, it’s probably the same idea.”

"That's right. If you want to persuade different people and organize everyone, you must rely on these." Guo Kang ate a freshly served Roman dumpling, nodded, and said simply.

"Then Mr. Guo, what's the difference between these organizational methods?" Monk Daoyan, who was drinking soup, suddenly raised his head and asked.

He hadn't spoken before, and Guo Kang was a little surprised when he spoke suddenly.

He was not sure whether the other party wanted to check his own knowledge, or wanted to understand the understanding of this concept on the European side, or the Purple Horde Khanate.

However, Theodora told him before that if you encounter any problems this time, try to answer them as well as you can, and just show yourself.So Guo Kang didn't hesitate too much, and said directly: "I think the main difference lies in the slogans put forward when calling on others, and the difference in the logic behind them."

"Logic..." Monk Daoyan murmured, "Since the poor monk has been harassing your land and discussing the scriptures with your masters, I have often heard this word, but unfortunately I still can't understand it. How did Mr. Guo understand it?"

Guo Kang thought for a while and replied: "In my opinion, logic is the knowledge of analyzing and clarifying the relationship between 'cause and effect'. All the scholars in Haixi like to delve into this theory, trying to use it to understand the world and understand the relationship between 'cause and effect'. Know yourself."

"So, Mr. Guo thinks, what is the ultimate purpose of cognition?" Monk Daoyan continued to ask.

"It's close to God." Guo Kang said without thinking this time.

"What is God?" Dao Yan continued to ask without stopping.

Princess Jeanna frowned, little Jeanna and Theodora looked at each other, and then at Guo Kang.Princess Ma and Lama Wang didn't make a sound, they just kept their normal smiles.And Zhu Wenkui continued to eat dumplings.

"God is an unnameable spirit. He is the Father, the One, and the personal image of the Tao. We don't know how to call him, so we take the liberty to call him God and respect him as the Father." Guo Kang said.

"The Tai is born of water, so God also walks on the surface of the water. The water rejoins the Tai, and then gives birth to the sky; the sky rejoins the Tai, and then gives birth to the earth; the heaven and the earth together rejoin the Tai, and thus gives birth to gods, that is, many angels called "Gods". Therefore, all things in the world come from the One, so there is a saying that one generates two, two generates three, and three generates all things."

"In this way, worshiping God is close to Taoism." Monk Daoyan didn't express his approval or disapproval, but just commented bluntly.Then he asked again, "Then, where is God?"

Guo Kang patted his chest: "For you, for me, and for everyone's heart."

Little Jeanne looked a little surprised, while Theodora looked at him calmly.Monk Daoyan also didn't express his opinion, just laughed a few times.

"In this way, the poor monk understands a little bit better." He said: "Just now the princess said that every court needs the support of theological theory, and Mr. Guo also agrees. So, how does Mr. Guo think about this issue?"

"That's how I understand it." Guo Kang organized his words and said, "If you want to organize people, you have to provide a reason. This reason can have many aspects, such as following me to protect your prosperity and wealth in the future; or not Follow me and we'll get killed by other people, stuff like that. But no matter what, there must be one, to convince others."

"The easiest way, of course, is the most direct reward. But there are two main problems here: First, in many cases, before the action, the reward does not exist, and it can only be obtained after the action. And the action itself , may be risky, even life-threatening. How to make people work hard for something that doesn’t exist yet? This is an unavoidable problem.”

"The second point is also equally important: After obtaining the rewards, if you guarantee that you still have the power to distribute them? If you do not distribute them according to the relatively fair principles agreed in advance, this organization may directly disintegrate and cease to exist. But on the other hand, why should anyone else abide by this rule?"

"The first point is the common problem of Italian mercenaries. After learning about their deeds, I believe everyone can understand the consequences of this." He gave an example: "The second point is that there are actually examples."

"At that time, the Duke of Wei Zhuang climbed up the city wall and saw the city where the Rong people lived. He said, 'I am a monarch with the surname Ji, how can there be Rong people in the country', so he ordered the city to be demolished. The wife of the Ji family in Rongzhou has beautiful hair. Duke Zhuang ordered her hair to be cut off to make a wig for his wife."

"Duke Zhuang also likes to enslave craftsmen, ordering them to work for a long time and not allowing them to rest. The craftsmen resented Duke Zhuang, so Shi Po, a doctor who had a conflict with Duke Zhuang, used the craftsmen to launch a rebellion, and the Rong people also came to help them. Duke Zhuang Unable to resist, I hurriedly asked the craftsmen, hoping to reconcile. But no one agreed."

"Duke Zhuang fled over the wall in a hurry, hid in Ji's territory, showed him the jade he was carrying, and said, 'Help me survive, and I will give you this jade'." Ji replied, "Kill you, this jade Where can the bi go?” So he killed Duke Zhuang and got his jade bi.

"Wei Zhuanggong has the power to command others, but this power is not born, but depends on his authority. When this authority ceased to exist, he himself did not realize it, thinking that he still had the power to reward and punish. So, in the end, he was killed in such an absurd way."

"The meaning of this story is that the monarch owns property and can reward it, but protecting property and protecting the power to distribute property requires strength as support." Little Jeanne said.

"Yes, the question we need to discuss is where does this power come from." Guo Kang nodded.

"When there are few people and the organization is very simple, personal force is enough. If you have the ability to fight against a hundred with a few followers, then of course you can be a leader. These powers. There are indeed many such people in history.”

"But the problem is that there are not many such people, and it is impossible for every organization to have such people to lead, and these warriors may not be good at management. Second, this kind of organization will not be very large, because one person can manage The number of people who can live is very limited, and the scale of this kind of organization will tend to disintegrate when it reaches a certain level. The upper limit of the range that its order can cover is also very low."

"So, organizations maintained by rewards and personal force are actually the most primitive. In reality, there are very few organizations that rely solely on it, because it is too weak. Even street gangs have to come up with some 'citizens' 'Concepts' such as mutual aid' and 'brotherhood' help to maintain. I think that's the reason."

(End of this chapter)

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