Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 285 Mary Opens the Door to Brother Tian——Christ Has Arrived Home

Chapter 285 Mary Opens the Door to Brother Tian——Christ Has Arrived Home

"This is just the simplest organization. If you want to form a country, you need more things." Guo Kang continued: "There are many ways to establish this kind of giant organization, but we can't just rely on these most important things." The easy way."

"These more complicated methods are religions."

"We all know that there are various religions in the world, but their common feature is that a supernatural existence is used to grant the legitimacy of the rule. Wizards and priests ensure the authority of the regime by conveying 'divine orders', Ask people to obey the order it sets."

"Beside us, there are Egypt and Persia, and Rome itself is considered a typical example." He gave an example: "The Egyptian pharaoh directly declared himself a god, and the king of Persia has always liked to associate himself with gods. The Romans have always been in this regard. Follow them, the era of the Führer began to claim that important people would become gods after death."

"After entering the era of God-worshiping religion, this tradition stopped. Otherwise, I estimate that Rome will develop like the Shang Dynasty."

"Shang Dynasty?" Princess Jeanna seemed to have only a half-knowledge about the history of Seris.

"That was a dynasty 500 years ago." Guo Kang did not know how many times he had popularized this dynasty with Europeans—and then, as expected, he received a look of surprise and disbelief.Of course, he was used to this for a long time, so he just continued to narrate without dwelling on this issue.

"Their development trend at that time is obviously similar to what it is now." He compared: "In the beginning, the king of Shang was called 'Emperor' only after his death, but later it has become so called by living people. If Rome continues to develop , it is estimated that they will be the same as them, and finally go to the god-king mode."

"I heard from you before that it is also a big country with very frequent wars and an expanding army." Little Jeanna went on to agree, "Looking at it this way, it really looks like Rome."

"Even this time is too exaggerated." Princess Jeanne said with emotion: "Rome in 2000 is already surprising enough, but it turned out to be an earlier country..."

"But the people of that era were really the same as when ancient Rome was prosperous? With a powerful army, huge public works, and a large number of slaves?"

"Serris is a country of public works. Without water conservancy projects, this civilization may not exist." Guo Kang said: "The same is true for the army."

"As for slaves, this is really rare." He explained: "The people of Seris in ancient times were all gentlemen who paid attention to morality. People in the Shang Dynasty loved freedom and would not see others being enslaved. So compared to other civilizations, They didn't have many slaves."

"That's it..." Princess Rangna nodded half-understanding.

"We have been like this for three generations in ancient times." Zhu Wenkui also chimed in after eating the dumplings.

"After the spread of God Worship, the authorization methods used by everyone have changed. Of course, the essence is still the same." Guo Kang continued: "Like Seris, Rome has also shifted from 'claiming that its ruler is a god' to 'Professing that the ruler is an agent entrusted by God'. Although it may seem alienated, it is actually more advanced in this way."

"The reason is actually not difficult to understand: Humans are not gods after all, and all kinds of behaviors that are not in line with divinity will impact the divinity itself, the legitimacy of the entire regime, and the resulting stability. .”

"So, it's better to keep a little distance like this. As long as you maintain the highest control and interpretation of the divinity, this method is also very suitable. Moreover, its stability is much better than before. Even It can be transferred between different dynasties and can also be used.”

"According to what you said, it seems that God's will is controlled and manipulated by humans..." Princess Jeanna couldn't help but said.

"This should also be God's permission and support." Guo Kang was prepared this time, and immediately said: "France itself is a good example. Everyone should know that His Majesty the King's title of 'the most Christian'. "

"It's called 'Rex Christianissimus'." Little Jeanna nodded: "But I don't know how to translate it well. The latter word is a derivative word. Its root is 'Christianity', and then it becomes an adjective, and finally adds the most Advanced. Greek is okay, but Chinese doesn’t seem to have this way of changing the part of speech by adding affixes. I don’t know how to translate it properly.”

"It's okay. Chinese is very flexible. Specific nouns can be directly used as adjectives under conventional circumstances. Look at the last time the two of us said, 'So so so so, it's too Song'. Isn't this just an example." Zhu Wenkui I think it's about the same: "It's okay to change it to the highest level, it's like 'You are the most Song'."

"Here, it's okay to just say 'the most Christian king'." He concluded: "Anyway, everyone knows that this is used as an adjective, which means that he is the highest in Christianity and the closest to Brother Tian."

"Spoken language is even easier." Guo Kang also nodded, and said casually: "It can be said that His Majesty the King is Mary who opened the door for Brother Tian-Christ has come home."


Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Princess Ma almost laughed out loud, Monk Daoyan also smiled and shook his head lightly, and Lama Wang just went to drink the soup.Zhu Wenkui looked at the cheap stepmother and sister, wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to laugh directly.Theodora looked at the mother and daughter Jeanne who hadn't reacted yet, and then at Guo Kang.

"Let's get on with the topic." She reminded aloud.

"Well, in short, this is the way, and it is also used in Europe, but people may not pay much attention to it. Although there may not be a systematic theory, in the long-term process of governing the country, the courts of various countries have actually summed up these. Conclusion." Guo Kang said hastily.

"The previous kings of Hungary were called 'Apostolic Kings', while Castile claimed to be 'the most Roman Catholic king'. There are many examples of this, and obviously everyone likes to claim that they are the closest to the Heavenly Father."

"That's easy to understand." Zhu Wenkui breathed a sigh of relief: "In fact, everyone is doing this, so there is nothing to be taboo about."

"Yes, this is a necessary behavior. Using this method is obviously permitted by the Heavenly Father, because this is the most in line with the core concept of the doctrine - that is, to build order in the name of the Heavenly Father." Guo Kang explained : "This is also the only way for historical development and the evolution of the church."

"In Serris, it is not that there is no church - because their church is the government itself. Correspondingly, they also have a whole set of procedures to maintain their legitimacy. For example, the prophecy that prevailed in the Han Dynasty is a typical example. This is obviously Not an exception."

(End of this chapter)

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