Chapter 315
Guo Kang's thoughts are not questioned for no reason.Moreover, he also knew what would happen to the French.

According to the progress of his world, in less than two years, the slightly slowed down French will reorganize and fight the English army, and they will be defeated in Agincourt, causing the whole country to almost collapse.

It's just that in this world, due to Zhu Yunqi's previous miraculous operation, the strength of the French royal family has been weakened, so I haven't heard of their plan to organize a decisive battle with the army.

Guo Kang also thought that since history has changed, the same thing may not happen again.But later, he also understood that as far as the French are now, losing a battle is nothing more than a matter of time and method.Even if they gain an advantage for a while, these people who are either eager for quick success or are timid will create even greater troubles.

The battlefield is an extension of the court.The catastrophic disorder of command on the battlefield of Agincourt is probably a manifestation of the chaos within the court.The nobles are intriguing with each other, and they are more anxious than the British whose supplies have been exhausted.After the battle failed, they naturally fell into depression and fear, and lost the courage to resist and fight back.

The queen herself quickly capitulated to the British.In the treaty, she recognized the succession of the King of England to the French throne and denied the succession qualifications of her own son, the Dauphin of France.Probably in order to satisfy the British and maintain their own power, they also advertised that their son was an illegitimate child, which made the situation even more chaotic.

Of course, the motive here is just Guo Kang's speculation.Because even if you know the historical facts of later generations, the behavior of the queen is too outrageous.To say that she is Lafayette is flattering her, after all, the original Lafayette must at least consider the interests of the family.She is so decisive in betraying the country and even the family that Cixi has to call her big sister when she comes...

There are people like this all over the top, and it would be strange if France didn't suffer.

"The more you talk, the more guilty I feel." Little Jeanna also thought about it, and finally said hesitantly: "But one thing is still uncertain. Grandma is now cooperating with the main combat faction, right? If she is really afraid of England , Why did she wait until now instead of joining them as soon as possible? For this kind of thing, the sooner you stand in line, the more benefits you can get."

"Who made her react slowly." Guo Kang was not surprised, and replied: "From her standpoint, she still has a lot of political capital, so she didn't worry too much, and let the Duke of Burgundy hook up with the British first. Time to go, not only passive, but also not too much benefit. So before there is a big change, we can only resist."

"What you said, it seems that the resistance is only because other people surrendered to the enemy first..." Little Rangna wondered: "Can it still be like this?"

"Hey, of course I can." Guo Kang said helplessly.

It sounds weird, but it's possible if you think about it.Little Jeanna hesitated for a moment, but did not object again.

"Everyone is clear about the current situation. So the worst strategy I thought of was aimed at this." Guo Kang said: "Since these people are not good, we will replace them."

"In the current situation of the kingdom's court, I guess it will be defeated. At that time, many people will lose confidence and turn to the British." Guo Kang said: "If you play the banner of resistance to the end, there will definitely be people who will support it."

"At that time, if we can take advantage of the situation to control the already chaotic court and strengthen the authority of the central government, the possibility is very great. However, I don't know much about court struggles, so I can only think of a general idea. How to do it, you have to think about it yourself gone."

"We don't have any foundation there, and my mother escaped by herself." Little Jeanna thought for a while and said, "Even if we can really organize a group of people, our influence, according to your words, is 'virtual' Yes. The follow-up will probably be very troublesome. What is your middle strategy?"

"The best strategy is not to rush to the court." Guo Kang said: "The so-called influence is actually the strength in your hands. Only those with strong soldiers and horses are the nobles with the right to speak. Therefore, it is entirely possible to find someone in the south of France. The place is regarded as the territory to be based on, just like we did back then, starting from the most basic things, and managing our own direct power."

"At this point, you still have a great advantage. Unlike us, at least you really have royal status and foreign support. Although you can't directly take over the kingdom, it is enough to frighten the local small lords. Wait until you have your own Territory and power, other things can go smoothly."

"This method is relatively safe, but it is estimated to take a long time, and we have to consider how to deal with the relationship with other members of the royal family and the powerful lords around." Princess Jeanna said: "If the situation is really bad enough to be irreparable, This method can also be considered. It’s just that the current situation should not be the case.”

Guo Kang shook his head.

"At that time, King Cheng didn't know Zhou Gong's thoughts, so he had a misunderstanding, so Zhou Gong wrote "Owl" to persuade him. In hindsight, it was precisely because of Zhou Gong's preparation in advance that the impact of the chaos of the three prisons was minimized, and the Zhou Dynasty It can be continued. Therefore, it is too late to prepare after the chaos. It is better to make plans early, and no matter what happens, there will be a way to deal with it.”

Everyone listened, regardless of whether they understood or not, they all nodded in agreement.

After agreeing, Princess Jeanna asked curiously: "What do you mean by persuasion?"

Guo Kang had no choice but to explain: "This is a poem in the "Book of Songs". It is said that the evil bird owl—probably a bird like an owl destroyed a nest and took away the chicks. The mother bird wailed, While rushing to strengthen the bird's nest, repair the door of the nest before it rains."

"This owl is like the English. They have destroyed your castle and killed your people. How can it be appropriate not to repair it now and wait until the next time?" He persuaded: " People in the Central Plains have a saying of 'preparing for a rainy day', which is derived from this poem, which means to remind everyone to prepare early."

"Confucius said that the person who wrote this poem was probably a person who understands things. Such a person can govern his country, so who can insult him? Of course we have to refer to these experiences."

"That's a good point." Zhu Wenkui immediately agreed: "I think this idea is not bad."

"Stop booing." Little Rangna stopped his flattery again, then turned to Guo Kang and asked, "Then what's the best policy?"

"The best strategy is the strategy offered by Pang Tong, taking Xichuan's strategy." Guo Kang replied.

"Ah?" Little Rangna didn't respond this time.

"It is to directly take advantage of the chaos to attack and control important people and important places." Guo Kang explained: "This method is the most effective, but it is also the most difficult. If it can be done, perhaps the future of the Zhu family will not be far away." .”

(End of this chapter)

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