Chapter 316 Fourth Aunt Taught Nephew
After Guo Kang finished speaking, everyone was silent for a while, obviously thinking about it.

The first to speak was still Zhu Wenkui who had the least calculations.He asked directly: "Brother Kang, do you think the local people will approve it if you go directly? This is not here in Rome. Everyone knows that you are a good person and other nobles are bad people. They will probably follow the custom and go directly Boycott, don't give us a chance to publicize."

"No problem, we can just use the existing inheritance system. We can let the English do it for us," Guo Kang said.

"How do you say that?" Zhu Wenkui asked curiously.

"Isn't the English propaganda saying that they have the right of inheritance from the matrilineal line?" Guo Kang replied: "Of course everyone knows that their relationship is too far away. But there is no way, who can let them fight? "

"So, their current actions are actually helping you to prove that the issue of inheritance is not strict, as long as there is some relationship. In this way, you have an advantage. Because no matter how you say it, you are closer than them."

"They still have a chance to get in touch now, and that is through marriage." Guo Kang continued: "I heard that the King of England has been asking to marry the unmarried youngest daughter of the King of France, right?"

"It is my aunt Catherine," said little Jeanne.

"That's probably her." Guo Kang couldn't remember the family line and name of the Europeans, so he nodded directly: "It is also a common way of merger to ask for a marriage, and then let the heirs of both parties inherit the kingdom. Of course, there is no need Worry."

"If they really succeed, it will be exactly the same as the situation on King Wu's side. In this case, their inheritance is legal, which means you are legal. Therefore, their efforts to persuade other vassals and strive for inheritance qualifications are also It’s like working hard for us.”

"It's actually all right..." Zhu Wenkui was speechless for a while, but this time, even he reacted immediately: "No, there is a premise, there must be a male heir, right?"

He looked at his sister, then at Princess Jeanne, and didn't know what to say for a moment.He still doesn't understand how the relationship between his family is calculated, and he can't urge the princess to have a younger brother as soon as possible...

Guo Kang didn't care about it.He looked at Monk Daoyan and felt relieved when he saw that the other party had no objection.

The logic here is not complicated, and the great monk must understand it at once.For Wu Wang, it also helps to solve the current chaotic and embarrassing family relationship problems.

When it comes to the throne of a big country, this level of major interests cannot help discussing whether the marriage is emotional or not, and whether it is legal or not.

Even if it was not formal enough at the beginning, it must be said to be a formal and complete ceremony - at worst, let the Roman Church make up for them; even if there are some problems with the titles of Concubine Wu, now she has to recognize it first, compared to the trivial court As for the ranking issue, the prestige and assistance of the Ming Dynasty are far too important.

Therefore, Guo Kang felt that even if this idea failed to come true, he could help their family solve their internal problems.

In the eyes of most Europeans these days, Seris is almost a mythical country, and its prestige is not comparable to that of ordinary nobles.Even if Zhu Yunqi suffered a big loss before, only the nobles knew about the situation.For others, just do some publicity. After all, as long as the silk, porcelain, and iron pots from the East continue to flow in, everyone's admiration for the East will always be restored.

Seeing that Guo Kang didn't express his opinion, Zhu Wenkui didn't know what to say for a while.He looked at Princess Ma again, but his mother still didn't speak.

Guo Kang guessed that she was also waiting, so he simply said to little Rangna directly: "I still can only offer advice on this strategy, after all, I am really not familiar with these. In my opinion, everyone should help think about it. Master Daoyan How do you feel?"

"The poor monk is not familiar with it." Monk Daoyan smiled and shook his head: "If it's just the king of Wu, the poor monk can talk about Buddhism and advise everyone to relax and take peace as the most important thing. But the countries in the west, the custom There are so many different habits, and although I tried my best to understand it before, it is still very limited. I can’t tell where to start to help everyone.”

"This is actually not difficult." Guo Kang was already prepared: "Master, you can just look at it this way. Now there are only two choices for the warring parties. The faction that supports the Fawang family can only support the king's youngest son now." , Her Royal Highness is his fourth sister." He looked at Princess Rangna.

"As for the UK, it's too far away. Of course, if their union plan is successful, then Her Royal Highness will be the fourth aunt of the new King of England and France." Guo Kang continued: "It's okay for the fourth aunt to teach my nephew a lesson. Bar."

Monk Daoyan didn't answer right away, but he could clearly feel his eyes sharpen, as if he really accepted the proposal and began to think about it seriously.

After waiting for a while, he said: "Since the Western countries accept women's inheritance of the throne, it is indeed possible. However, it is necessary to plan the starting base and travel route carefully, and find out the local situation in advance."

"In those countries, the etiquette and laws are far less sound than those in the Central Plains. Many so-called rules are not followed by the monarchs and nobles themselves, and they can be accommodated and adjusted." Guo Kang said.

"Moreover, in the past few hundred years, Europe has become increasingly 'declining etiquette and music'. Back then, people had to believe in some doctrinal constraints, but now everyone simply pretends that they are too lazy to pretend. I think, although it is said that they hope to change the rules of succession ,, but in fact, the difficulty is much lower than that of Quwo Daiyi.”

"The English nobles are relatively grouped, and the order is relatively strict. The French nobles simply pretended to be a lot. From the founding of the Capet Dynasty to the present, many local lords have changed. The king is not restrained by the emperor, and the church once wanted to be a The Son of Heaven, but he was randomly arrested by the king. The nobles are very realistic, so there is no need to think too much about it."

"Then use these top, middle and bottom strategies together." Monk Daoyan nodded and said bluntly.

"How should this be used?" Princess Jeanne asked curiously.

"Before Quwo replaces the wings, there must be a Quwo, right?" He finished speaking, remembering that Princess Jeanna may not understand these allusions, and added: "If you want to realize the best policy, you need a stable territory first. With a stable Only then can the follow-up goals be achieved.”

"If you have land and soldiers, then you will have a bargaining chip. You can use Mr. Guo's bad strategy to stabilize some nobles and win over others. Similarly, having a starting point is also conducive to carrying out surprise attacks and implementing the 'best strategy'. We always Can't start from here?" He laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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