Chapter 318 Roman Wedding
Facing the question raised by Guo Kang, Monk Daoyan felt a little difficult.He hesitated for a moment, saying that he still had to think about it.

Guo Kang did not go to urge.Instead, Zhu Wenkui took the initiative to ask, "Then what can I do?"

"You should read more books." Guo Kang told him helplessly: "At least read the "Book of Songs" and "Spring and Autumn" and so on. When I was a human, I was afraid that I would be like the state of Jin, and I could only watch others read "Bluebottle"."

This requirement is logically not high.Guo Kang was also urged to study by his adoptive mother and grandfather back then, knowing that the Four Books and Five Classics themselves can only be regarded as introductory books.At that time, my grandfather also said with emotion that this place is far away from the homeland, and the style of writing is thin.If you want to learn good things, you have to communicate with people in your hometown.It is reasonable to say that Wu Wang and his son were taught by the great Confucianism in China, and they don't know how to learn it like this...

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Jin presided over the alliance and wanted to arrest Juzhi, the leader of the Rong people, at the meeting to show its prestige.But Juzhi argued hard, and defended the accusation of Jin State layer by layer, and finally quoted an article from the Book of Songs "Bluefly" as a reply.Jinren couldn't refute, and couldn't answer with poems, so he had to apologize and let him go.

As the uncle of the surname Ji, the state of Jin has never debated Xirong.Lu Guo didn't know if it was intentional, but specifically recorded this incident in detail.Until now, "Juzhi Unyielding to Jin" is a famous piece in the Spring and Autumn Period.

In this regard, Zhu Wenkui could only respond quickly, saying that he must study hard.

Speaking of this, basically everything that should be said has been said, and the rest can only be left to the family to think for themselves.Guo Kang feels that this discussion is enough.

He was about to say that if everyone had some dessert, the banquet would be over.But at this moment, little Jeanna suddenly spoke.

"This question is actually not difficult." She looked around the crowd and said, "It's just that my brother is not used to the environment in France, and if I go, there will be inheritance problems, right?"

Seeing that no one spoke, she continued: "In that case, why don't you just give it to my husband-in-law?"

"Then who do you choose?" Zhu Wenkui asked.

"Facing the previous conditions, it's fine." Little Jeanna listed: "We lack the starting base and the capital to start a business, so it is best for the husband-in-law to have a certain influence and provide us with sufficient support; we lack the church's support. Therefore, it is best for the husband-in-law to have a close relationship with the church and have a relevant background to facilitate the support of the church; we also need to ensure sufficient authority, so it is best for the husband-in-law to have a certain influence on the many titles in France and Rome. In this way, all the power and title can be directly taken back, preventing others from taking it as a disgusting person."

"You see, there is nothing worth studying in this comparison. What should be done is obvious." She pointed out: "As long as Brother Kang and I marry, won't all problems be solved directly?"

"What did you say?" Theodora, who was drinking tea calmly just now, didn't realize it all at once.

"Didn't Master Wang just say that the French king also had the title of Rome before? Why don't we just let the two Romes merge through the wedding?" Little Jeanna threw out her plan.

"Don't underestimate the impact of this matter. The attraction of Rome to nobles from all over the world cannot be described in a few words. Otherwise, it would not have spent so much money for a 'fake name'." She told the still Surprised people: "Many European countries are unwilling to recognize Rome. To put it bluntly, this Rome is uncontrollable, which is not good for them. If Rome stands on their side and provides them with moral support, then they will immediately rush to show their friendship. "

"Together, we can also promote the reconciliation of the churches on both sides, and even go further. In the future, it is very hopeful to learn from the East and realize the unity of politics and religion. I believe that this kind of alliance is not only good for the two secular regimes, but also for the The civilization of the entire Mediterranean world can play a role in promoting it."

"If the church reconciles...the Roman Catholic Church has never agreed." Lama Wang said that he was more concerned about this aspect.

"That's okay, if we control France, the Pope will agree soon." Little Jeanne didn't care.

"I've heard people talk about the history of the church before, as well as the previous cases of church mergers. For example, the church merger promoted by Michael VIII actually abandoned the Orthodox Church and completely turned to the Catholic Church. Therefore, there will be differences in status and power. Only the Orthodox Church, which suffered heavy losses, would oppose it with all its strength. Moreover, Byzantium at that time was unable to completely expel the Latin princes. Many Greeks were victims not long ago, and there may even be relatives and friends who are still being persecuted. Naturally, they cannot accept the Latin bishop Bring it back."

"As for the Catholic Church, the situation at that time was also very unstable. He asked the Pope of Rome to talk, but the Pope himself was restricted and even directly kidnapped by the Italian princes. Even if he made concessions and negotiated conditions, the time Pope Ren accepted the agreement and granted him membership, but soon after, the new Pope under the control of Naples tore up the agreement again and expelled him."

"Greek kings always think that this is a religious or diplomatic issue, but it is not." Little Jeanne shook her head: "The issue here has never been a doctrinal issue, but a political one—even more importantly, a military issue .”

"Your negotiations have been very smooth, but it wasn't back then." She shook her head and said, "When the two envoys of Michael VIII went to see the Pope for the first time, the Italians captured one of them, skinned him and killed him, and then filled Put up the straw and show it to the crowd. The other one survived by running fast."

"That's all from the thirteenth century, right? So they used this first?" Zhu Wenkui said in surprise.

"Peeling real grass is a common torture from Italy to Asia." Guo Kang told him: "To be precise, basically all tortures come from this area. Orientals should not compete with them for the first place..."

"Okay..." Zhu Wenkui could only scratch his head when he found out that his grandpa had failed to compete for the patent.

"Look, here is the problem. Think about it, why have the Italians never tortured your envoys?" Little Jeanne took the opportunity to ask, "Is it because they suddenly became merciful? Or your teachings, more Are the teachings of the Greeks more acceptable to them?"

"Obviously not." Zhu Wenkui said.

"Yes. The reason is very simple. If someone does it, you will really be crucified." Little Jeanna said: "It is impossible to let others accept the negotiation through negotiation. Even if the church is relatively The same is true for reasonable institutions.”

"That's why I think our plan is the best way to promote the merger of churches."

(End of this chapter)

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