Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 319 Eating meat and not horse liver is not because of lack of taste;

Chapter 319 Eating meat and not horse liver is not because of lack of taste;

Little Rangna's proposal obviously attracted Lama Wang very much.After all, this is one of the major goals of the church, which is related to the future development and prestige of the church.If he can do it well, he can also go down in history like the patriarch.

"Settling the churches on both sides is just a matter of personnel. The difficulty here will not be very difficult. After all, what needs to be moved is basically something in name." Little Jeanna continued: "I believe that history will definitely remember this moment."

"In this case, it is also possible in theory..." Wang Da Lama thought for a while and muttered.

He wanted to ask more about the situation, but Theodora began to stare at him sternly.Lama Wang was very guilty, so he shrank back and only drank tea without talking.

Theodora looked at Guo Kang again, and said, "This idea is too whimsical. What do you think?"

Seeing her forcing himself to express his opinion, Guo Kang had no choice.However, he did feel that Jeanna was thinking too far, so he agreed: "The matter in France still needs to be investigated. Now we can find the problem and collect information. This idea may not be suitable. Need to think again."

"Besides, at your age, don't even think about getting married." He said to little Rangna, "You haven't said anything about the whole thing."

"Yes." Theodora shook her head and taught her a lesson: "Even if you want to get married in the future, your father will help you arrange candidates, so you don't have to worry."

Little Rangna immediately looked at Zhu Wenkui, but Zhu Wenkui looked at his mother, then at Monk Daoyan, and did not dare to deny it openly, so he could only say: "This is the case in principle. Marriage should be arranged by father and brother in theory. Wang—or me, will help you choose first."

Probably because he was also worried that Zhu Yunqi was unreliable, so he deliberately added himself into it.

"This is my own business, and there is no need for my father to interfere." Little Jeanna insisted: "Of course our marriage should be voluntary, and my mother knows it very well."

"And this is not only the requirement of the Catholic Church, but also the Orthodox Church." She looked at Lama Wang: "Master Wang, are you right?"

"Uh... this..." Da Lama Wang didn't want to get involved at first, but she deliberately pulled him out, frowning for a moment, not knowing what to say.

According to the early teachings, the church does support voluntary marriage.Early weddings were quite simple, requiring only the consent of the husband and wife, and the oath could be sworn under the witness of the priest to complete the process.There is no need for complicated ceremonies, nor the approval of the family and the delivery of property.In extreme cases, even without the presence of a priest, both parties can declare the marriage established, as long as it is recognized afterwards.

Rather, this way of marriage is actually a rebellion against traditional Roman marriage.And those who adopted the early Christian marriage ceremony, many of them participated in it because they were dissatisfied with the traditional marriage method.

Early Christianity came from the lower classes of society. Because of the simple ceremony, it was very popular with young people who could not afford marriage or who were obstructed by their families.This also provides great convenience for missionary work.

After the power of the church gradually became stronger, it was gradually forced to compromise with the upper class of society.In aristocratic and wealthy families, "voluntary" is often just a formality. The marriage of children must obey the arrangement to protect the interests of the family, and the church can do nothing about it.But even so, because it is related to the earliest teachings, the church still cannot make concessions in theory, and often makes repeated orders.

Therefore, this kind of question is not easy to answer.If there is no big trouble, it will be fine to settle it within the family and let both parties "voluntarily".Once the troubles get out of the circle, it must be on the outline and online, and the church will be more difficult to manage.After all, doctrine is the lifeblood of the church, and it really cannot be compromised.Sometimes, even if some nobles are offended, they must be defended.

Lama Wang didn't answer in the end, so he had to say: "I can't decide on such an important matter. A meeting needs to be held and scholars can discuss it before they can come to a conclusion."

Theodora also nodded, and said: "Other suggestions are fine, but this idea of ​​marriage is too unrealistic. Even if you want to marry, it is a marriage with Tuo Huan, right? Why do you want my brother Kang?"

"The key now is not the marriage itself, but to control the position of French King and Roman Inberado through marriage." Little Jeanna said calmly: "Letting Prince Tuhuan come is tantamount to taking back this position." The title of Rome, and directly annexed France. It is impossible for the three-level meeting to agree."

"On the contrary, Brother Kang is an important figure in Rome. I dare say that he will definitely be among the future co-rulers. Therefore, the key to the strategy is to bring France back into the Roman order. Let a co-ruler become the king of France , managing various affairs over there, is acceptable to both Rome and France."

Her idea was indeed reasonable, but Theodora still refused to accept it.

"Then you can just find anyone." She shook her head: "I think this kind of thinking is too rash. According to your thinking, the best way is not to marry, but to let the eldest son be the Roman co-governor."

"He is the official clan of the Ming Dynasty, and he is the direct descendant of the vassal king. If we can control France, he will also be the person of your family generation with the highest inheritance qualifications. If he is allowed to sit in this seat, it will be France, Rome and Ming Dynasty. North Korea, the three parties can be most satisfied."

"If I were from the standpoint of the French nobles, I would also feel that it would be more appropriate to accept a noble eastern king than a Roman noble. It saves face and avoids direct interference by too close forces. This is not good What?" she reasoned.

"I even think that he can marry a great French nobleman—or England." She suggested: "This can better control the country."

This suggestion was indeed convincing, and little Jeanne couldn't answer it for a while.

Zhu Wenkui was also a little surprised: "Me? Can I do it?"

"Do you have a girl in mind now?" Theodora asked bluntly.

"Uh, no." Zhu Wenkui said honestly: "I'm busy with work and blacksmithing every day, and I haven't paid attention to this. I don't think there are any women in these two professions..."

"Then it's time for you to think about it." Theodora smiled and said, "I would like to ask Her Royal Highness to introduce you to some ladies, wouldn't you?"

Zhu Wenkui was still confused and didn't know how to answer.Lama Wang remained silent, and even Monk Daoyan cautiously did not speak.Both Theodora and Little Jeanna looked at Guo Kang, wanting him to make a statement.

Guo Kang also hurriedly prevaricated: "The ancients said that eating meat and not eating horse liver is not ignorant of delicious food. Your suggestions are very good. Even if you don't need to marry, it is still a good strategy. In my opinion, what we said can only be said. It’s just a rough idea, or even just a simple daydream. Let’s wait for the elders to study it formally before making a decision.”

"Everyone eat dessert, eat dessert." He greeted.

(End of this chapter)

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