Chapter 32
After stabilizing the morale of the army, Li Yinglin led 3000 soldiers as the front army, and Cao Xun led [-] people as the rear guard. They marched northward. On the bank of the Prut River, a tributary of the Danube, they encountered the main force of the advancing rebel army.

The generals suggested setting up defenses by the river to intercept the enemy. 8000 people are still too few for a decisive battle, but it is enough to prevent the opponent from crossing the river.You can wait for the reinforcements assembled by Wang Taiwei to arrive before a decisive battle.

Li Yinglin explained that although there were many rebel soldiers, they each had their own ghosts.The reason why the tribes of the Beiya rebelled was for the self-interest of the nobles. Under this premise, it was impossible for them to advance and retreat together and sacrifice themselves for the "comrades in arms".

Let's not spend the time when the grand master is still there, he can suppress them with prestige and rules, and force them to abide by military discipline and military orders, so as to maintain their combat effectiveness.But now, the Boyan they supported was just a puppet acceptable to the nobles of all ministries, without the power of commander at all.

As for the "friendly troops" from Poland, Russia and other countries, they each have their own ideas.They gathered simply because of the prestige of the Khanate, which made them afraid of being annexed, so they wanted to fight together.If you see that the army of the Khanate is small and will not threaten your own safety for a while, you will immediately start intrigue and do what you want.

These people don't even have a unified order.An army without a commander is called a mob.Even if there are many people, what kind of battle can we fight?

Now, the enemy is weak.If you give them time to integrate, or wait for more Polish and Hungarian troops to arrive, the situation will be more passive.So don't wait any longer, now is the best time for a decisive battle.

10 people is a lot.In Europe, such an army can even determine the fate of a country.

But a 800 army is not too big.If there is no effective organization and command, let alone [-] people, even [-] people can still try to fight.

Therefore, instead of guarding the ferry, Li Yinglin moved upstream, looking for a ferry to cross the river.

The rebels had spotted them early on. Seeing that they were few in number, they dispatched vanguards to continue preparing to cross the river, and at the same time let the army go out immediately to meet them, preparing to wipe out the troops before they could completely cross the river.

The various ministries of the rebel army are dispatched differently, some are fast and some are slow, and it is impossible to form a situation of keeping pace.Of course, the disparity between the numbers of the two sides was too great, and no one took it seriously.The cavalry of the left guard, the elite Qincha of Beiya, rushed out first and surrounded them.

Li Yinglin ordered the other soldiers to continue crossing the river, mounted his horse himself, and led 200 armored cavalry to fight back.The Qincha Guards surrounded them, Li Yinglin shouted and galloped, fighting left and right, and everyone in his position was invincible.Seeing this, Bokedier, the commander of the left guard, led his companions to intercept him. Li Yinglin clashed with his spear and stabbed him under the big banner.The Chincha guard cavalry retreated one after another, and Li Yinglin's troops were able to cross the river completely and lined up high on the bank.

Seeing that the left guard of the Qincha was frustrated, the leaders of the ministries really hesitated, and wanted others to go first.Li Yinglin sent troops to yell and scold Boyan everywhere, saying that Boyan is a useless puppet, come and surrender quickly, don't follow him to death.

The rebels started to clamor, and Boyan had no choice but to mobilize more than [-] main force from the left and right backs of Chincha and the right backs of Buliar that he could control, and go forward to attack. Dyslaw acts as a backup for himself.Boyan truthfully said that although there are many people now, only the combat effectiveness of the Polish army can be trusted.For the common goal, at least this time, I hope everyone will work together.

Boyan put on his horse and came to the front of the battle to command.The cavalry archers of Qinchawei and Buli'erwei kept throwing arrows at Li Yinglin's troops.After shooting at each other for a while, he found that the opponent's armor was solid and could not take advantage of it. Boyan ordered all the troops to charge in turn, and the right guard of Buli'er, who was in the best condition before, went first.

Buli'er Youwei fought with Li Yinglin's troops for a round, but there was no winner.Li Yinglin said that the enemy will definitely be anxious.So he ordered the soldiers to dismount, throw away their bows and arrows, and retreat behind the slope, leaving only sentries on guard.Another thousand veterans were drawn to the back of the defensive mound and on the bank of the river as a reserve.

The striker of the Boyan army saw that the opponent stopped shooting, and started to retreat, disappeared behind the ridge, and hurriedly reported to him.Sure enough, Boyan increased his troops, put all the cavalry into the formation, and began to charge.In the rear, the Polish army also adjusted its formation, led by the knights, and followed slowly.

The cavalry of Boyan's tribe rushed close to the slope, and the sentinel waved the flag to signal, Li Yinglin's tribe returned to the top of the mountain and rushed down towards the enemy.

The two sides crowded together, and the advantages of the cavalry could not be brought into play, but became very passive.Some cavalry went around to the side, preparing to go around the mound and attack Li Yinglin's rear.However, in the woods under the mound, there were also people blocking it, so they couldn't pass through for a while.Boyan became ruthless and decided to rely on the number of people to squeeze through, so he ordered all the ministries to attack, and at the same time sent a signal to the Poles for help.

The Duke of Wladyslaw sent some Polish knights to support, and the Bryar Zuowei also agreed to join.This time, Li Yinglin's troops were successfully pushed down the hill.Boyan then put all the reserve troops in his hand into the battlefield, and sent someone to call back the few troops that were still trying to turn around, telling them not to wander around, and come back quickly, adding another weight to the enemy that is about to collapse.

After fighting for more than half an hour, Li Yinglin's troops were squeezed and retreated. They had retreated down the slope and reached the bank of the river.Boyan's cavalry and Polish knights all thought that they could be driven down the river in one fell swoop, and their morale was high for a while.Boyan's reserve team had just arrived and had the best physical strength. The officers made way for them to lead the way and prepare for the final charge.

However, here is already a river beach, the soil is muddy, and the horses can't run at all.The thousand veterans that Li Yinglin had prepared before took the opportunity to countercharge.

Each of these people held a big axe and an iron rod. When they saw people smashing people's heads, they saw horses chopped off horses' legs.The cavalry cannot be turned around, and the density is not as high as that of the infantry. Often one person is besieged by several people in front and behind.One person resisted him, and the others held longaxes and sledgehammers, and they took turns to greet the upper body.The hundreds of people in the front row were almost killed and wounded as soon as they met each other, and the others couldn't hide, so they had to bite the bullet and fight their way up.

Some soldiers also jumped off their horses, trying to form an formation and fight on foot.Others turned the horse's head and tried to squeeze in another direction.Amidst screams and cursing, the commanders tried their best to shout and wave flags, trying to restore the order of their subordinates.

Boyan also came to the top of the mountain at this time to observe the situation.After finding that the front was blocked, he hastily ordered the follow-up troops to dismount and prepare for infantry.

The veterans of Li Yinglin's department were not greatly affected, and they were still pushing forward, knocking off the enemy's head methodically like wielding a hoe in the farmland.Among the soldiers who were pushed to the rear, some recuperated and stood by under his order, while others with good physical strength regrouped and circled towards the enemy from the woods.

The remaining cavalry in the forest were quickly driven away by them.Afterwards, everyone turned around to the front of the mound and attacked the enemy's rear.Some of the more clever enemy cavalry found that something was wrong and started to run away.

The nobles from other ministries just tried a few detours, and after finding out that they couldn't win, they began to watch the excitement from the sidelines.Some people found that the fighting situation was too tragic, and they were timid and wanted to find an opportunity to slip away.

Boyan found that the situation was wrong, and immediately sent another message to the Poles to ask their knights to intercept Li Yinglin's infantry who were trying to surround him.If successful, use infantry to detour and surround the opponent from the outside.

However, the Polish knights ignored his orders at all.The knights complained, did they come here just to mix in the civil war of the pagan barbarians, and to roll in the mud for the ambition of a few Tartars?The enemy situation in the woods is not clear at all, even if those people are intercepted, God knows if there will be more people coming.

Now some of my colleagues have been trapped because of the blind command of the Tatar prince, and their lives and deaths are still unknown.They either look for opportunities to save people and then hurry home, or they simply watch these people finish fighting first.In any case, I will not die again.

The knights didn't like these temporary comrades in arms very much, and the current situation made everyone resentful, and the duke's personal persuasion was useless.

But their judgment is not without reason.Not long after hesitating, there were signs of collapse ahead.

Qincha Zuowei was defeated head-on once before, and the main general died.It was just smooth sailing just now, and their previous records were not bad, so Boyan assigned them to the second wave and asked the new commander to lead them to charge together.

The situation in front of them was obviously not right, and these people first began to waver.However, it was pushed too hard just now, there were people in all directions, and I couldn't get away even if I wanted to.

Boyan could see clearly from a high place, but the soldiers everywhere didn't know the situation on the battlefield at all.The people on the front line want to retreat and open up space, but the people behind don't know what's going on in front, and they are still squeezing down from the hillside.

Finally, probably more and more people understand what it means for those on the front lines to try to back off.Fear began to spread in the army.

At this time, a fire broke out in the direction of the ferry camp.

3000 people from Cao Xun's department rushed here. They brought engineers and supplies, so they were slower.However, after arriving at the place, Cao Xun saw the battle on the hillside on the other side of the river, and immediately ordered the soldiers to make a big show of fighting, and at the same time recruited warriors to cross the river.

On the front of the ferry is the army of the Grand Duke of Smolensk.Seeing someone coming on a raft, the soldiers formed an formation on the river beach, ready to intercept.

When the raft touched the shore, everyone rushed forward.However, the cabinet at the bow suddenly spewed flames, and the Ross soldiers were burned screaming and howling. The survivors shouted "The Romans are coming!" while hiding.

The Grand Duke quickly looked around and found a large pile of flags of all kinds appeared on the other side of the river, covering his sight.Looking at the river again, only a few rafts were launched. The soldiers on the opposite side did not intend to continue to release the boats. Instead, they were assembling and fixing the pontoons. It was obvious that they wanted to build a pontoon bridge on the spot to let the army rush over.The people who crossed the river were not afraid of them, but shouted everywhere, saying that the imperial army had arrived, and those who knew their senses would surrender quickly and be exonerated.

He looked at the front line here, and there was still a stalemate between them.If I remember correctly, Boyan said at the time that there were at most a few thousand people there.Looking at it now, it is obvious that it is just a vanguard force, and the result has not been resolved until now. If the army presses up, I am afraid that there is no way for me to survive.

The Grand Duke hurriedly told the soldiers not to fight, and they all withdrew.Then the nobles were summoned, and someone was sent to contact Grand Duke Chernihiv, who was also in the army, to discuss together.

The relationship between the Smolensk people and Poland and Lithuania is very bad, because the two countries have always wanted to annex them as they did when they partitioned the Principality of Galich-Volyn.Chernigov is also the main target of the Lithuanians. If it hadn't been for the intervention of the Purple Horde, it would have been wiped out by Lithuania.

Although they were coerced by the Beiya army, everyone discussed a few words and reached a consensus immediately.Boyan, that good-for-nothing who can't even beat the purple curtain striker, is obviously a playboy who can only boast.Once the army comes, it will definitely be finished.

Moreover, even if he wins by chance, so what?Smolensk is a place that the Poles have coveted for a long time, and he will definitely turn around and sell it to Poland, which has helped a lot.Mrs. Chernigo, will face a similar fate.

Now that the battle has been fought so badly, instead of waiting to be sold, it is better to sell him first and show favor to Khan Ting.

Everyone is determined to act immediately.The Grand Duke of Smolensk personally held the lowered flag and rushed to the river to negotiate with the purple tent army.Grand Duke Chernigov gathered soldiers from the two countries to hunt and kill all the Poles in the camp to prevent these monitors from finding out that something was wrong and it would be bad for him.

Soldiers roared and stormed the tents everywhere, chopping down anyone with a Catholic cross.The scene was so chaotic that some Ross people were killed by mistake.Some Polish and Lithuanian mercenaries guarded the camp, and the Russians couldn't attack several times, so they set fire everywhere.Soon, thick smoke rose high and could be seen from far away.

This signal is too obvious, and the Boyan Department on the front line has also noticed the situation.

At the end, Buli Arzuowei was not Boyan's confidant, and when he realized something was wrong, he immediately retreated and exited the semi-encircled circle.Boyan still had the illusion of a comeback, hoping that they would replace the Poles in intercepting and flanking missions, and sent a messenger to take his token, promising that as long as they obeyed the order, they would appoint their leader as a grand master.

However, Buri Al Zuowei ran away and disappeared, and the messenger did not bring a reply at all.I don't know if he was intercepted and killed by the enemy on the way, or if he just didn't bother to heed his orders.

In the chaos, the front line began to collapse.The soldiers pushed and trampled each other, scrambling to run backwards.Duke Wladyslaw fled in a hurry under the protection of his attendants, gathered the remaining knights, and rushed out of the encirclement.Seeing that the situation was over, Boyan drew his knife and committed suicide by the river.

In the long strip of open space near the river and the mound, there were tens of thousands of corpses from the guards of the Beiya, and almost all the elite were lost.The Polish knights escaped a lot, but after Cao Xun's engineers came to help, they quickly broke through the camp.Most of the left-behind infantry and Lithuanian mercenaries were killed by the angry Ross people, and even the purple tent army couldn't stop them.

The nobles of the tribe who fled ahead of time even disappeared without a trace. Some people simply wandered outside the battlefield to loot the deserters.The so-called one hundred thousand army fell apart within a day.

 It was originally planned to be divided into two chapters, but I feel that this kind of plot is better written at one time, so I postponed it until now.everyone forgive me

  By the way, tomorrow should be the first round of recommendations. I don't know what data to look at here, but I still ask everyone to help count more votes.It should be better to show the editor...


(End of this chapter)

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