Chapter 33
Li Yinglin's battle basically determined the future situation.Even the Zizhang Second Civil War did not give more opportunities to the countries in the northeast.

Half a month later, Taiwei Wang Fangzhong led the reinforcements to arrive and wiped out the remaining enemies nearby.Wang Fangzhong gathered the captured Polish nobles and nomadic headmen.He first publicly praised the Ross people who were fighting anyway, and then reprimanded the others.He said that these people originally committed capital crimes, but the Great Khan took pity on talents and was willing to pardon those who surrendered, depending on who was willing.

The Polish nobles were very stubborn and resolutely refused to surrender.Those nomad heads immediately accepted it, saying that they had long been devoted to the Khan court, but were forced to participate only after being deceived and coerced by the traitor Boyan.They tried hard to prove that they had been trying to contact Khan Ting for a long time, but due to various reasons, they were not completely successful.

Wang Fangzhong knew that this was all nonsense, but instead of refuting it on the spot, he kept nodding his head slightly to express his approval.In the end, Wang Taiwei generously stated that it is obvious what the people want.This battle is not a challenge for us in Rome, but an opportunity to show our military might.Therefore, since the loyal ministers and brave generals have been identified, there is no need to worry about these trivial matters.

He announced that all those who surrendered would follow him to meet the Great Khan and confer official titles and titles.As for the Poles who are unwilling to surrender, they are also admirable warriors.They are not traitors, they are just their own masters, so don't pursue them, let them go back.

Everyone praised him for his kindness.The Poles were not very appreciative, thinking that the generosity of the pagans must have other motives, but the captain really sent the captured Polish nobles and knights out of the camp and let them go.Gradually, they also felt relieved and began to return along the way they came from.

However, when they walked to a village called Katyn near Smolensk, the Polish team was suddenly attacked by the surrounding Rus.Almost all the hundreds of Poles were killed, only two nobles were able to escape in good shape.

The surviving nobles fled back to Krakow, scolded the Ross people for their insidiousness and cruelty in the parliament, and asked the parliament to stand up for themselves.

At that time, Kazimierz III, the hero of Poland, had just passed away. Because he had no male heirs, he made a will and handed over the kingdom to his nephew, King Lajos of Hungary after his death, so that he could have a strong adult monarch. , Command the two countries to jointly fight against powerful foreign enemies.

Lajos is also a very capable person, but he has just arrived and had to make concessions to the nobles.

The Hungarian army was at war with the Purple Horde in Transylvania at this time. Lajos was going to take advantage of the internal instability of the Purple Horde to concentrate his forces to regain the territory, drive the enemy out of the Carpathian Mountains, and rebuild the line of defense.But in order to take care of the Poles, he could only give priority to political needs and make military concessions. He transferred back the general reserve team that he was going to send to the south and sent it to the southeast to accompany the Poles to beat the Russians.

The Polish-Hungarian coalition forces began to besiege Smolensk.Several nearby principalities formed a coalition to resist, but were defeated by the enemy.Smolensk was desperate and hurriedly asked for help from the Purple Horde Khanate, but the Purple Horde reinforcements failed to arrive in time, and the city with weak defenses was conquered.

The Polish army burned, killed and looted, and almost completely destroyed the city.The purple tent army only rescued a few hundred people who escaped, and other citizens below the grand duke were all killed by the Poles.

The destruction of Smolensk shocked the surrounding Rus people, and many southern cities began to seek asylum from the Purple Horde.Wang Fangzhong took advantage of the situation to migrate the population, and with the veterans of the Nanya Army as the backbone, he extended the military mansion model to the north of Crimea and the areas on both sides of the Dnieper River.It was also at this time that Kiev invited the Zizhang army to settle in, and since then it has become one of the three ten thousand garrisons after the reorganization of the Beiya army.

The leaders of the nomadic tribes were put under house arrest after they arrived in Varna.Under the auspices of Prime Minister Yelujian, the Purple Horde Khanate began to reorganize the ministries between the Dnieper River and the Volga River through its recent victory.In the name of promotion and rewards, the nobles of various ministries were gathered in the capital, the original tribes were dispersed, and officials were sent to supervise them.

In a place farther away, Yelujian revoked the original cast military state and guards.He imitated the prefecture system of the Han Dynasty and the customs of Europeans, conferring higher titles on the chiefs, but depriving them of actual power.The nobles of the tribe formed a parliament, and the minister sent by the Khan Court served as the speaker, granting the legitimacy of the nobles' council to govern, and at the same time organizing them to manage the daily affairs of the entire tribe.

Yelujian's reforms to the various ministries of the Beiya have been used until now.Today, as far as Kazan, the capital of Volga Bulgaria, there are resident ministers sent by the Purple Horde Khanate.The khan and berk of the tribe has become a kind of honorary title, and even more than one person has it.The actual power is in the hands of officials sent by the Khanate.

Officials often select capable little nobles and even ordinary herdsmen who are good at fighting as their right-hand men, and through the Khan court confer titles, let them join the council of nobles, gradually replace the old nobles, and control all aspects of the tribe.

Through this kind of selection system similar to that of the inspectors, the management of the tribes has become more and more formal. In relatively developed places such as Kazan and Batu Sarai, a fairly comprehensive local administrative organization has also been formed.Although it is not as good as the "native" military government for the time being, it is still pretty good compared to before.

A few years after the end of the war, the Poles began to doubt the conflict. Some people thought the attack was very suspicious, and suspected that the Purple Horde had instigated the Russians to do it, otherwise the latter things would be too coincidental.

The Zizhang side firmly denied it, and on the other hand doubted it, and did not spend the sudden death of the grand master. It was very strange, thinking that Poland and other countries conspired with the traitors in the army to kill him, and threatened to avenge the grand master.

At the end of the day, no one could come to a conclusion.

Wang Fangzhong himself did not disclose more in his life.Even the Guo family didn't know what role he played at that time.

On the contrary, the Greeks in the metropolitan city like this kind of conspiracy story very much. They also picked up the matter of admonishing the Queen Mother Maria before, and found that behind a series of things such as peace talks and troop transfers, it seems that the same Queen Mother Wei is leading.Someone even wrote a play featuring him, which is popular to this day.

(End of this chapter)

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