Chapter 328 Save This Land
The question that Guo Kang thought of, other people probably understand.The old priest Mikhail, who was still a little hesitant, also agreed with their judgment.

"Brother Andre and I will provide help within our ability." He promised: "We are usually active in the poor areas of the city to help the church members who came from afar."

"After many of them came here, they lost contact with the church. Because of problems such as language and customs, they are also relatively alienated from the church here, which makes their religious life unable to be guaranteed. Sometimes, they are also met by some Greeks. Deliberately squeeze out. If necessary, the Patriarch will let Brother Ivan find us at any time."

Lama Wang nodded and agreed.

"Our universal church needs to protect every believer, otherwise this name will be called in vain." He said: "I will tell the bishops."

Father Mikhail also crossed himself in thanks.

Guo Kang felt that it was not that the two Ross brothers did not want to cooperate with the imperial court.The theory they mentioned before is not so much an expression of opposing views, but more like a hope to raise more moral requirements.

Of course, they are not to blame for such a bargain.

He had also heard before that among Brother Ross, this idea of ​​self-exile and isolation from society was quite popular, and it also corresponded to the idea circulated among lay believers.

Not only ascetic monks, many ordinary believers also pursue a simple autonomous life and reject all government management.In Guo Kang's view, the two are clearly related.To put it bluntly, it is impossible for theological concepts to be divorced from the actual local conditions.

As for the situation on Rose's side, everyone understands it very well.Whether it is the Mongols, Lithuanians, Poles or the local princes of Ross, they are all equally brutal in terms of cruelty.With so many people coming and going, it is ordinary people who suffer.

Most grassroots monks are engaged in non-governmental activities, and they have a deep feeling for this.It’s not surprising that they don’t trust any regime—to put it bluntly, on the “Russian land”, no matter which ruler is changed or what method of governance is used, this is the result.

This is not necessarily the same thing as the "small country with few people" deduced by Lao Tzu with his philosophical thinking.The locals probably didn't think so much.The reason can indeed be attributed to the fact that this land is too difficult.Therefore, if there is a possibility of getting better, quite a few priests are still willing to cooperate.

After coordinating the opinions on this aspect, Lama Wang started the topic.

"How to reply to them, we still need to conduct more consultations." He made a decision: "On the missionary part, Father Marco will take the lead in making a report. Regarding the application for the protection of believers, I will present it at the next court meeting, Report to the meeting of 13."

"I believe that in order to handle this matter well, we need more detailed investigation. Father Leo, please go to Bishop Maxim, the representative of the Church in Kiev, and ask him to collect relevant information and see if other dioceses can Help me, first provide civil asylum. Also, Father Andre, I would like to ask you to ask if any other monks have been there and are familiar with the local conditions. We may also need to ask them for advice.”

Several priests responded one after another.The Great Lama Wang turned to this side and asked Theodora, "Is the princess still seeing her?"

Theodora shook her head: "That's fine. Master Wang can arrange the internal affairs of the church by himself."

"Okay, okay." Lama Wang smiled and nodded.

He glanced around at everyone: "Next, we need to discuss the expansion of the new diocese. And here, the biggest change is the level, reorganization, and appointment of nuns for each nun order."

"You come from different regions and environments in Rome. I believe this consultation will enable the church to obtain more information and provide reference for future affairs."

He looked at the two Father Ross and Master Pronsky, and the three of them also nodded, expressing that they would try their best to provide appropriate advice.

"We have no objection to the adjustment of the diocese," said Father Mikhail.

"Yes, as long as you don't rob our monastery like the Boyars did." Father Andre interrupted with a self-deprecating expression.

Father Mikhail also smiled wryly when he heard this.

"Our monk brothers over there sometimes seem to be stubborn, but everyone is not unreasonable. They have been deceived too many times before." Father Andre explained: "I believe that as long as we can achieve this A few basic requirements, the vast majority of people will not resist."

After hearing this, Lama Wang nodded, expressing that he was considerate of them and would pay attention to them.And Pronsky turned his head in embarrassment - I don't know if he also blackmailed the monastery.

"What we have to do is mainly to subdivide the administrative divisions and adjust some places." He told the priests: "Some of the current divisions are more than 40 years ago when we officially realized communion with the Kiev Church. , established standards. Some of them are even older, dating back to the time when the Golden Horde first ruled here and enfeoffed."

"Many of these divisions are seriously outdated. Over the years, the population distribution and the borders of countries have undergone many changes. Some dioceses were even occupied by heretics and could not function normally, while some were later regained."

"In recent years, due to various wars, the local situation has changed particularly complicated. Fortunately, most places have stabilized now. That's why we plan to re-region."

"This is not a question of power, but to provide better services to all local believers." He told the crowd:

"Now, some dioceses have very high standards, have monasteries and many excellent pastors, but the local believers have already migrated in large numbers because of the war. Similarly, some dioceses were not paid much attention at first, but now the population grows, and more A large number of believers has caused the local church to face a shortage of manpower."

"There are also some dioceses that are divided into two by the changing border. When the priests travel between the two villages, they are sometimes harassed and blackmailed by the boyar lord. In some places, even the rivers have been diverted. It is a pastoral area, but it is quite inconvenient to come and go. We need to take these situations into consideration, and then come up with a solution—such as whether to change the boundaries of the parish, how to change it, and whether we need the church, or even the Roman government, to deal with it. Communicate with local lords. These all need us to plan.”

"This is all a good thing." Father Mikhail said: "We will convince other brothers to let everyone help."

Among those priests and monks, he seems to have more prestige.Seeing him say that, Lama Wang also expressed his gratitude.

"And then." He flipped through the notebook in front of him: "It's the problem of our serious shortage of basic-level manpower now..."

(End of this chapter)

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