Chapter 345 Nurhachi is a Korean

In terms of culture, people like Father Mikhail did not have much resistance to this kind of plan.

For them, they have to use Greek characters instead of Chinese characters anyway, the difference is not big.But these days, there is actually no common understanding of "Russian culture" among the people.For most ordinary people, the oppression and suffering brought about by Prince Ross far outweighed their sense of identity with the common people.For local nobles, this "Russian community" is more like an excuse used by powerful parties such as Moscow to annex themselves.

In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon.In this era, the same ethnic group does not mean that they will be treated well. This belongs to political common sense that all Mongolians know-Mongge Khan conducted an investigation back then, and was surprised to find that the tribute that Mongolian military households have to pay every year is theirs. 1.5 times the total annual income.Even Da Khan couldn't stand the result, so he could only urgently order to reduce the burden on everyone.

As for the Ross area, not to mention this era, even in Guo Kang’s previous life, the sense of identity between different "Russians" was just that...

Their focus is primarily on religious differences.However, this matter is not a major issue at present, because the Roman Church defines these doctrinal contradictions as different understandings in theology and academics, and does not think that this violates the fundamentals of the Church.Therefore, compared to the Polish and Hungarians who use the same scriptures, the Purple Horde, who directly revised the scriptures, was more friendly to them.

As for the principle, Guo Kang is also very clear.Other churches insist on excluding heresies because that's all they have left of the common beliefs they use to keep their organizations together.But the belief of the Church of Rome is based on the "religion of Rome", and the foundation of belief in maintaining the organization lies in "Rome", so as long as there is a common belief in this aspect, the details of the religion can be ignored.

From this point of view, the religious foundation of the Purple Horde Khanate is more solid than that of Eastern Rome: the churches in Eastern Rome are only subordinates of the imperial court, and they often fight each other, and even affect the political situation and hinder foreign wars: but the churches of the Purple Horde Khanate , is Khan Ting's own son brought out by himself, and the relationship between the two parties is much closer.

With this foundation, the language problem itself is not difficult.

Examples can be found in the places where the Central Plains regime ruled, and even where it was affected.For example, in Guo Kang's time, the most familiar Vietnamese sentence in the Central Plains was probably a shout of "Nuo Song Kong Ye".

This sentence, written in Vietnamese characters, is "Na Gun Kong (Mie)".Na and Gun are both words from Chinese, which means to hand over the firearms; Kong is a particle in the local language, which means negation;The combination of the four words means "hand in the gun and don't kill".

In other words, three of these four characters are actually Chinese words, and the pronunciation is also close to ancient Chinese pronunciation.If someone from the Ming Dynasty yelled like that, they could still understand it...

There are quite a lot of similar examples. In Vietnamese, a large category called "Chinese-Vietnamese words" has been formed. Even if Vietnam later switched to phonetic writing, it would not be able to eliminate so many words.Especially in the military field, such as weapons, encirclement, and captives are almost the original sounds of Chinese.

In fact, Vietnamese and Chinese are not even a language family in linguistics, and the gap with Chinese and Greek is on the same level.But even so, Chinese has successfully adapted and penetrated into the local language.

Chinese is still the dominant language here.Maybe the Greek language is a little more resistant, and people in other places don't even have much resistance.

Of course, the performance of the Greeks is actually a matter of attitude. To put it bluntly, the Purple Horde was too lenient to them.Historically, the Greeks in Asia Minor accepted the Turkic language brought by the Seljuks within two generations. It stands to reason that the Greek language has an advantage in terms of cultural level, which in turn influenced the Turkic language. It is normal that even those Turkmen tribes are not willing to speak Turkic.However, the Greeks have always been quite flexible in this regard...

Under such circumstances, Guo Kang believed that the Greek language is difficult to take on a major role, and the promotion of Chinese is indeed effective.

For the lessons learned here, just refer to the Qing Dynasty.

When Yongzheng was in power, he tried to promote the official language throughout the country, and even issued a mandatory order for this, stipulating that those who could not speak the official language could not participate in the imperial examination.The fuse of this incident was the inconvenient communication between Guangdong and Fujian officials and others, but behind this, there is also a whole set of considerations and measures.

The biggest difficulty of the Qing Dynasty was the low legitimacy brought about by foreign rule.In order to solve this problem, Yongzheng tried to start with the distinction of ethnic groups.The core of his theoretical conception is to replace the division of nations with the division of regions.

According to Yongzheng's statement, Huaxia and Yidi are actually the same group of people, with little difference in blood, and there is no distinction between good and bad in culture.The difference between them is due to the geographical distinction.Manchuria is also a place of origin, not a nation. It is the same as other places in China, and it belongs to the name of people living in a specific area and should not be excluded.

On this basis, we should rely on virtue, not specific regions, to decide who will be the ruler, and finally establish a "Huayi family" unified regime covering Han, Manchu, and Mongolian, and realize "the barbarians advance to the nobles, and the world The Confucian ideal of Great Harmony, that distance and near are the same in size.

The promotion of Mandarin is one of the supporting measures.In theory, breaking down geographical barriers through Mandarin can provide this new dynastic model with greater legitimacy and stability.

In all fairness, this idea actually has a lot of merit, and it will also have an impact on future generations.But it also faced the same embarrassing situation as many other strategies of the Qing Dynasty.

In other words, many policy theories of the Qing Dynasty were not backward, some organizational methods were even advanced, and the government and the people did not lack sufficient wealth and vitality as a basis.The biggest problem of the Qing Dynasty is the Qing Dynasty itself...

Yongzheng's conception, the first problem he faced was that he could not really treat Manchuria as an ordinary place of origin, as he said.Not only that, in order to maintain the existence of the Eight Banners organization, it is necessary to constantly emphasize the learning of Manchu, otherwise the Banners will soon forget all of these.

Similarly, since it is demonstrated that the Yi and Di are not inferior, there must be supporting measures.Yongzheng himself realized this, and changed the original two-layer structure of Huaxia and barbarians to three layers of Huaxia, barbarians, and beasts.In this way, to offset the traditional view of "barbarians = beasts".

(End of this chapter)

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