Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 368 The Possibility of the Female Patriarch

Chapter 368 The Possibility of the Female Patriarch

"I have never considered such a complicated issue." Guo Ponu was obviously the same as Guo Kang, and had just reacted to this issue.In this regard, she was indeed not as sensitive as Theodora, so she had to admit: "Then go back, let me help you ask your mother and see her suggestion."

"However, what does little Jeanna want to do?" She thought about it, but couldn't think of a reason: "She is in France, so she just needs a title or title."

"Let me tell you, although the relationship between the royal family and her father is not good, her family is here. Now that civil strife continues in France, other people naturally need to squeeze out people like her father who are not very capable and get in the way, so as to expand Her own power." She analyzed: "But I think that as long as the power of the Ming Dynasty and Rome is still there, and when France stabilizes, the new king will definitely show favor to her family-not even this is necessarily the case. Even if the king of England wins the battle, he will become the new king of France and continue these policies."

"That's right." Guo Kang agreed.

When Guo Ponu gets serious, he can still think about the problem.It's a pity that she is too careless on weekdays, and often doesn't bother to think about it so much.I don’t know why I’m more serious today, but my whole person is much more reliable.

"Then what else does she want to do?" Guo Ponu was quite curious: "Does she want to be the Patriarch herself like the Roman Catholic Church?"

"The story of the Catholic Church is not true." Guo Kang corrected.

"Ah?" Guo Ponu said again with surprise on his face: "Isn't the female pope real?"

"Anyway, there is no definite evidence." Guo Kang told her: "Judging from more authoritative information, it should be fictional."

"That's it..." Guo Ponu was still a little disappointed.

Guo Kang didn't know how to tell her.

The story of Pope Joanne originated in the Middle Ages and is generally considered fictional by modern people—the problem is that, in the later Middle Ages, many people believed it to be true.

Moreover, not only civilians think so, but even many priests, and even high-level church leaders at the bishop level in the area, are convinced of this, and they even made special records.

There are two versions of this story.The French version says that Joan was an ordinary village girl from the German region, but she was very thirsty for knowledge.At that time, only monasteries could provide education to common people, so she disguised herself as a man, entered the monastery to study, and through her own hard work, became a famous local theologian.

Later, in order to further her studies, she traveled to many places, and finally came to Rome, the center of the Catholic Church.Thanks to her solid theological foundation, she has been promoted step by step in the Holy See, and at the same time, because of her compassion and willingness to help others, she has also won the support of the common people.Therefore, after the death of the pope at that time, she succeeded to the throne amidst the cheers and applause of the priests and common people, and chose "John" as the name of the pope.

However, after taking the throne, Joan fell in love with a man.More than two years after she became Pope, during a procession, Joan gave birth to a baby in public on the "Holy Street", which was the main street in ancient Rome.

The crowd was in an uproar, and the people who discovered the truth were extremely angry and tied her behind a ponytail to parade through the streets.However, when the anger passed, people remembered her usual good deeds, so instead of executing her, they imprisoned her.Her child was also adopted by the church and eventually became a bishop as well.

Other versions have different endings, such as another popular Polish version, which is harsher.This version also believes that Joan was a German, and later studied in Athens. Because of his high level of knowledge, he later became a notary, a priest, and a cardinal all the way.After being exposed as Pope, she was cursed and stoned to death by the people.

The street where she gave birth is the "Holy Way" connecting St. Peter's Basilica and the Pope's official residence, Lateran Palace.Only afterwards, the popes were ashamed of this, calling it the road of shame or the road of avoidance, and tried to avoid it as much as possible.

No matter which version, the plot is very twists and turns, so it is widely circulated.

"I think the authors of this story seem to know the inside of the church quite well." Guo Kang told Guo Ponu: "Look at the election of the pope, it is actually a little bit of knowledge: the pope does not necessarily pass a secret vote. There are actually three ways to produce it.”

"Through the loud cheers or applause of the participants, the election can also be passed directly. Because this is a formal method that has been handed down from the classical period and has the same legal effect as voting-if according to the original Greek democratic system, this method It’s actually more formal than voting.” Guo Kang said with a smile:
"And the third type is 'compromise'. This is actually a system allowed within the church rules."

"I understand." Guo Puonu nodded: "No wonder so many people fell for it. It turned out that the inner ghost made it up... But what is this for? To pave the way for women to become priests?"

"How is it possible? It's almost the same in reverse." Guo Kang shook his head: "This story appeared during the Reformation of the Catholic Church. The purpose was to use exaggerated stories to tell everyone how serious the corruption of the church is. You see, women Can be the pope, is there anything more outrageous than this?"

"At that time, many priests in Western Europe called for reforms, requiring strict church discipline, strengthening self-discipline, and reversing the corruption of the church, so that it can be revived. In this general environment, the appearance of a female pope is due to poor church management, A hint of a huge problem with the system — oh, maybe not a hint, but a sarcasm.”

"They don't look at the story of the female pope like we look at Hua Mulan." Guo Kang reminded: "The original intention is to prevent such people from appearing. The story is also a lesson for everyone, not a role model."

"Then... little Rangna is out of action." After listening to his analysis, Guo Ponu realized that he felt a little regretful.

"After all, this story is not true—or fortunately, it is not true." Guo Kang said: "Otherwise, it will probably be the same as Wu Zetian, and it will be even more difficult for women to hold these positions in the future."

"Of course, this kind of story is not limited to them. I heard that for a long time, the Catholic Church also saw us in the same way." He told Guo Ponu: "The Archbishop of Rome himself doubted it."

"They also like this kind of strange stories?" Guo Ponu asked.

"No. It is believed that the Eastern Roman emperors could appoint ministers and even eunuchs as bishops. Of course, it is conceivable to appoint a woman." Guo Kang spread his hands: "If you have to say it, they have doubts. It's more logical..."

(End of this chapter)

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