Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 369 Heavenly Father Kills Heavenly Brother, Caliph Can't End

Chapter 369 Heavenly Father Kills Heavenly Brother, Caliph Can't End

"But this is also a misunderstanding." Guo Ponu said bluntly: "You also know that we don't have such rules here."

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded: "I told her at the time that if I really wanted to be a priest, I might as well apply for the Tianfang Sect. Their upper limit is much higher."

"How high can it be?" Guo Ponu asked curiously.

"You can go to the caliphate." Guo Kang told him: "Many Tianfang religious regimes have examples, including women as sultans and even those who compete for the caliphate."

"Why can they accept it?" Guo Ponu felt a little strange: "I always thought that they, as well as Catholicism and Orthodoxy, should be similar in several religions."

"Probably because they are in chaos." Guo Kang thought for a while and said.

"Is that so..."

"Since the establishment of Tianfang Sect, their internal strife has never stopped." Guo Kang gave her a brief introduction: "After the prophets who worshiped God disappeared, most of the disciples could still cooperate with each other and cooperate with each other to develop this It was still only a civil society organization. But Tianfangjiao was already a very complicated organization with military and political forces at that time, so the competition among them was more intense."

"Besides, the political level of the Arabs at that time was not as good as that of the Mongols." He shook his head: "Since the death of their prophet, the disciples have started fighting each other with armor."

"First the caliphs attacked and killed the prophet's daughter, and then many leaders began to assassinate and attack each other. Of the four orthodox caliphs, three were killed."

"Not only these people, but also Aisha, the youngest wife of the Prophet. After the third caliph Uthman was killed by the rebels, she publicly opposed Ali's succession and wanted to take the opportunity to seize power by herself."

"It's so early." Guo Ponu was also a little surprised: "However, in the midst of civil strife, how can we participate in the struggle without an army?"

"Yes, there is." Guo Kang said: "Many people neither like Othman nor Ali, so she has the support of forces headed by Zubayr and Talha. In addition, she has served as an imam before, so He is also famous, and successfully attracted a large number of people to attack Ali."

"The decisive battle between the two sides is called the 'Battle of the Camel' because Aisha sat on a camel and encouraged the soldiers. But Ali was better at fighting, so they were still defeated. Zubair and other major military forces The chiefs were killed, and Aisha was driven back to Medina."

"If it hadn't been for the military failure at a critical time, there might have been a woman holding the highest power during the orthodox caliphate." Guo Kang said: "Looking at the situation, you can see how chaotic it was at that time."

"What I've read before are all the stories about the founding of the country in white clothes. Many Tianfang believers like to emphasize these. Their sectarian conflicts seem to have started at that time." Guo Ponu thought for a while and said: "The previous I don’t know much about the situation.”

"It was actually the same before, but the intensity was not as great as later. But the impact on believers and the damage to sanctity began very early." Guo Kang corrected:

"For example, Zubayr is the highest-ranking group of disciples. It is said that he is the first group of people who joined the religion. He is ranked fourth or fifth. Another leader, Talha, is also ranked in the top eight. Moreover, they were also He was given the responsibility of reciting the scriptures, and he was one of the few elders who specialized in maintaining the orthodoxy of the scriptures. As a result, it was only the first round of the civil war, and this kind of figure who was equivalent to worshiping the twelve disciples of God was killed two at once, or by other The disciples killed it. It can be said that 'the heavenly father kills the heavenly brother, and the caliph cannot sit forever'."

"It's already the second round when the Umayyad family who established the white-clothed food came out. This round was more fierce. In order to suppress the rebellion of the residents in their hometown, the Umayyad army went on two expeditions to Mecca and plundered the holy city. After one pass, they smashed all the black stones in the temple. So up to now, the high-level holy objects in the Tianfang Sect world have been fixed with silver frames."

"Looking at it this way, the Arabs are quite... tolerant. After all this has happened, they can still maintain a caliphate." Guo Ponu muttered, "Do they really believe it?"

"Others don't know, but the high-level officials of the Umayyad Dynasty probably... just like that." Guo Kang thought for a while, and said: "Later, the Umayyad army chased and killed Ali's second son, Hussein, massacres in the former capital of Kufa."

"Hussein's younger sister, Zainab, was arrested by the Umayyad governor. The governor showed her the heads of her two sons and laughed and said, 'What do you think of Hu Da and Ni's elder brother and family members?' It’s all said and done, and it’s short of directly saying, ‘The agreement between your family and Hu Da is nothing, the caliph is the one with strong soldiers and horses’. You say they really believe it? Anyway, I don’t think so.”

"So I agree with you on this point. They may really not care much about legality." Guo Kang finally concluded: "I suspect that it is for this reason that the promotion ceiling for the priesthood over there is higher."

"Does it matter?" Guo Ponu asked.

"You can compare and see." Guo Kang reminded: "What do the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church during the period of Rome's dominance have in common? What is the difference in organization between the various denominations of the Tianfang Sect?"

"You mean their organization is more chaotic, right?" Guo Ponu thought for a while and said.

"We can also add another comparison object." Guo Kang said: "For example, the Seris court, how about comparing it?"

"What's the comparison? It's too far behind." Guo Ponu was very surprised.

"No, they do have common characteristics." Guo Kang corrected: "The church and the imperial court both have the attributes of bureaucratic organizations."

"I remember you said that the Seris court also had the function of managing theocracy. So it means that, as a management institution of theocracy, they cannot accept women as leaders?" Guo Ponu guessed.

"Not as a leader." Guo Kang shook his head: "Worshiping God teaches the world, there are many saintesses and nun leaders, many of whom have influence on the religious and secular world. The same is true in Serris, not to mention There are a lot of empress dowagers and empresses who directly participated in sacrificial activities, and there are many folk fairies. These people can indeed be religious leaders."

"As for other aspects, it's not impossible. For example, in Europe, there are a lot of female lords, and there are some powerful people among them. But the church is not good. Because the lord is not a bureaucrat, and the church is a bureaucracy."

"In the same way, the church in the Eastern Empire is also the same, and it goes without saying that the Siris government is the template of the bureaucracy." Guo Kang analyzed: "I think the real connection is here."

"It means that this kind of organization is the reason why women are forbidden to join?" Guo Ponu reacted.

"Yes, when other customs and environments are similar, the higher the degree of bureaucracy, the more unacceptable it is for women to serve." Guo Kang nodded: "In fact, this is the case in Serris. Back then, there was still an aristocratic society. At that time, they also had female lords. Even in the era when bureaucrats were the mainstream of the court, outside the bureaucratic system, such as the inner court, chieftains, and the army, there was still the possibility of women taking power."

"Then this is very interesting..." Guo Ponu muttered while thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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