Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 372 Guo Ponu Sneak Attack!careless, no flash

Chapter 372 Guo Ponu Sneak Attack!careless, no flash
Seeing this, Guo Kang raised the topic he had prepared.

"If you really want to do something, I have an errand here, will you take it?" He asked.

"Ah? What's the errand?" Guo Ponu immediately became curious and asked.

Guo Kang then told her about the situation of the Textile Religion discussed by the church before, and told her that he was preparing to recruit people.

"In fact, we are not short of participants now, but we are short of people who can host and manage and deal with other parties." Church management. At that time, there will definitely be a need for an institution that can operate independently."

"How many people do you need to manage?" Guo Ponu said in surprise.

"It must be indispensable." Guo Kang said truthfully: "Such a large production organization needs to be well managed internally. You must know that after it is in operation, it must deal with a lot of different industries-this After all, it is the beginning of industry, and you will know how complicated its system is by then."

"Moreover, in the future, this will definitely be a cross-regional organization, and people from different regions need to be coordinated for production. We have to formulate a series of standards. Both the matching machines and the cloth produced must have common specifications. After this system is completed, the traditional legion farm will be a small organization compared to it. At that time, the various industries in the farm may have to be adjusted to match it. "

"Is that an exaggeration?" Guo Ponu felt a little guilty instead.

"It definitely won't happen all at once." Guo Kang said, "However, I am very confident about its prospects."

"I actually know how to dance with a gun and stick." Guo Ponu had no choice but to admit, "I don't even know if I can do this if you ask me to do it. Then I won't hold them back, and I'll embarrass our family... "

"Dancing guns and sticks is also useful. And as I said, this job requires contact with a large number of women and communicates with them in depth, and on the other hand, it also has to deal with many outsiders." Guo Kang explained: "It doesn't matter Whether it is foreign businessmen or domestic craftsmen, farms, and officials, they must have frequent contact."

"Mother said before that you have always liked to run around. You have never had stage fright when you meet people from all walks of life, so she can take you out with confidence. I think, with a certain status like you, you won't be in front of strangers. For those with stage fright, it would be best to be responsible for this kind of thing.”

"I was going to find Theodora at the beginning, but she was too busy." He shook his head: "This kind of work, especially in the early days, must have a lot of chores. Let her take care of it, and I probably won't be able to take care of other things... ..."

"Oh, it's okay, she doesn't have time, so I'll just help." Guo Ponu nodded quickly.

"I didn't mean to trouble you at the beginning." Guo Kang continued to explain: "It's really not possible, I can do it myself. But people in the church said that the rules of different nuns are not the same, I don't know if they are happy to let me permanent guide."

"Besides, in the early days of our work, we must often go to various religious congregations to collect their feedback and make improvements in time. It's not that I don't want to deal with nuns, but I can't take care of other things when I hang around with them every day It's..."

"Don't worry." Guo Ponu immediately assured: "What's so good about nuns! Sister will take care of them for you."

Guo Kang didn't expect her attitude to change so quickly, he was stunned for a moment, and said: "That's good. Then I'll tell Master Wang later, when the two nuns come to hand over the work, you can follow them around , Let’s understand the situation. If there is something that they don’t feel comfortable talking about, don’t be too polite—if there is something, it’s not easy for people to mention it publicly, but you’ll be fine if you say it.”

"Yes." Guo Ponu responded directly: "But how long can you do this job?"

"If you succeed, you can do it for hundreds of years." Guo Kang said with a smile.

"Ah?" Guo Ponu was very surprised: "You are quite confident in it."

"Of course." Guo Kang said: "This is not only for you, but also for many women in Rome. So far, it is the best I can find. This is a job that can be compared with joining the army, farming, working, Just like being an official, treat it as a 'professional' job."

"Is that so..." Guo Ponu half understood.

"Don't worry." Guo Kang comforted.

For this matter, he is very confident.Because this job not only has high efficiency and high income, but also has a very tenacious vitality.Therefore, the continuous use time will not be short, and there will be no problem until it is fully industrialized.

Moreover, the Purple Horde can actually consider obtaining cotton from overseas.Future external expansion and domestic women's participation in production can complement each other and can fully play a role in promoting each other.

Historically, cotton in the Qing Dynasty relied heavily on imports.A simple data comparison can be seen.

Since the local area is not suitable for growing cotton, the cotton raw materials in the UK basically depend on imports.By 1801, it had reached 5600 million pounds per year.However, most of them are from the United States.And another large producing area, that is, cotton in India, was mainly exported to the Qing Dynasty.

From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, Guangdong Customs imported about 2700 million catties (about 3600 million pounds) of cotton from India every year on average.From 1831 to 1833, the total amount of Indian cotton imported each year rose to 4300 million catties (more than 5700 million pounds).For a while, the cotton trade volume from India to Guangdong even surpassed the cotton trade volume between the United Kingdom and the United States.It's just that cotton growing in the US is...probably racially endowed.So in the end it overtook India.

After the First Opium War, when customs controls were forced to loosen, some machine-made cotton yarn was sold to China, providing a cheap substitute and driving down the cost of cotton cloth.Some female workers engaged in spinning in the Jiangnan area also began to turn to weaving, which further developed the industry, and imported cotton cloth was also hit.

In the 1845 years from 1855 to 10, British cotton yarn exported to China rose from 260 million pounds to 290 million pounds, an increase of less than 10%, while the import of British cotton cloth dropped from 310 million to 200 million, a decrease of 30%.
Due to the improvement of technology and sufficient raw materials, the work of women in Jiangnan has become more professional.By 1860, the average time that weavers spent on weaving work had grown to 265 days a year—compared to later generations, when rural women participated in farmland labor during the commune and Great Leap Forward periods, the annual working time was about 250 days.

From this time, we can see the degree of development of "professionalization".

After the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, due to repeated massacres in the Jiangnan area, the textile industry was hit.But until the 1880s and 1890s, it still had a strong vitality.At this time, high-end fabrics were still being exported to the UK, and folk weaving was still going on.

At the end of the 19th century, rural weavers in Changshu still spent an average of 168 days of weaving per year; at the beginning of the 20th century, the average working time of weavers in Jiangnan villages reached 180 days per year; in the more prosperous suburbs of Shanghai, it still reached 200 days per year.

Therefore, in the ancient environment, there is actually no need to consider whether the upper limit will be encountered.It's still early...

(End of this chapter)

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