Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 373 Guo Ponu Sneak Attack!careless, no flash

Chapter 373 Guo Ponu Sneak Attack!careless, no flash
The real end of the textile industry came in the late 1920s and 1930s.

American surveys found that at the end of the 1920s, in Jiangning County, which was once the center of the weaving industry, the total amount of labor performed by women had dropped to 0-4.62%; in Wujin County, it was only 1%, and the records of women engaged in sericulture and weaving were quite limited. Almost out of productive labor.

In Jiaxing County, women accounted for 42% of the total labor force, while in field farming, the proportion of women's labor was 41.8%. It can be seen that women have almost completely left the textile industry and returned to the less efficient and more primitive co-cultivation of men and women. model.

Only in Changxing and Wuxing, where the sericulture industry is well-developed, women's sericulture industry still exists, thereby maintaining more than 30% of the total labor force.

This decline rate is very exaggerated, indicating that all local industries that can absorb women's employment, from rural cottage industries, to rural workshops, to new machine factories, have all collapsed.Working women are almost completely unemployed, and can only engage in the lowest-end raw material production.

In contrast, even the long-term tug-of-war during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the brutal massacre by the Qing army failed to cause such serious damage.

By the early and mid-1930s, the local textile industry in the south of the Yangtze River, which had lasted for six to seven hundred years, was basically completely destroyed, and thus withdrew from the stage of history.

In other words, the vitality of this industry and the enthusiasm of women to participate in labor can flourish under the rule of the Qing Dynasty.The traditional ancient Seris dynasty did not have to worry about hindering its development.Only some modern regimes can do it...

Although the management ability of the Purple Horde Khanate is not as good as that of its counterparts in the Central Plains, in order to survive, it has always been more lenient to ordinary citizens, for fear of annoying this group of uncles and causing them to be beaten to death by barbarians.So, you shouldn't have to worry about that.

Moreover, Guo Kang feels that even if it develops further, this industry still has great prospects.

There is actually a very interesting question here: Why did the machine industry fail to destroy the handicraft industry, and was even "anti-killed" as an "abnormal" phenomenon?
This situation is not even due to the "tyranny of distance" problem.

After the opening of the port at the end of the Qing Dynasty, in Songjiang alone, the value of imported goods in 1846 fell by 13% compared with the previous year; But extremely unstable.Until 1847, it had not recovered to the level of 5.4.

In fact, in 1844, the British came to Fujian specifically to investigate the production of cotton cloth.He collected samples of various textures, marked the price of each, and sent them back to England for reference.However, according to the marked price, the factory in Manchester could not make it.And Fujian was not considered the most developed place at that time.

And other countries are even more powerless. In 1850, the U.S. consul in Xiamen even had to report specifically to the country that a large number of American bed sheets, shirting cloth, and twill cloth had been backlogged and could not be sold at a suitable price. They did not know what to do.

There are only two possibilities for this result:
Or, every weaver woman in the south of the Yangtze River is the female captain of Seris, and the output power of the steam engine level can be stepped on by stepping on the loom. The British called Maria down to earth after seeing it;
Or, the British themselves are too good at steam production potential, and they can't compete with other people's manuals with machines.

After much deliberation, the latter is more likely.

In the early steam factories, the operators tried to save costs wherever possible, which was squeezed to an exaggerated degree, making the living standards of ordinary people even worse than in the Middle Ages.But even so, judging from the results, his efficiency is actually not that high...

This management ability basically falls into the category of stupid and bad.

In other words, if the Central Plains people can use the same steam engine, they can also beat foreigners.Judging from the development of later generations, this is not a wild guess.

Therefore, if hydraulic power and steam power are mature, just use them directly.Guo Kang felt that he might see this day with his own eyes.Changing the power source is not a big deal for a skilled weaver, but it can increase efficiency and put it into production more efficiently.

Moreover, Guo Kang believes that in the foreseeable period, there is actually no need to squeeze weavers as in modern Europe.This textile organization is directly under the Khan Court. The goal is not so much to make money, but to organize production, and then liberate more people and more resources so that they can go to war.

——War is the foundation of the Purple Horde Khanate.

If there is a situation where other countries also participate in the competition and try to lower the price, in fact, according to the idea of ​​​​Taihuan, just beat him directly.After all, instead of oppressing your own people and letting them reduce costs, it is better to feed your own people and let the enemy no longer have costs.

If you eliminate your competitors, you won't win the competition.

Only the Ming Dynasty can really compete with the Purple Horde Khanate.But the Ming Dynasty was too far away after all, and under the current sailing conditions, it is impossible to import a large amount of ordinary textiles in the short term.When the technology reaches the unimpeded ocean trade, it will be another scenario, which cannot be considered now.

Such a long golden development period, if the management is still not good, it can only show that it is a waste of resources to manage it by yourself.If the dishes are like this, it is better to vote for the Ming Dynasty...

Guo Kang thought about it, and then introduced the characteristics of this industry to Guo Ponu.Although I don't know if she can understand it, but it is enough to strengthen her confidence anyway.

It's still early days.After all, the theory is different from the actual operation. When it is actually implemented, there will definitely be a lot of problems.As long as you can stick to it, you will be fine.

Guo Ponu is actually very kind-hearted, and she has always been generous. Both nobles and ordinary people like her very much.But her temper is always too impatient, and she wants to do something when she encounters some unpleasant things.To put it mildly, it's called a chivalrous spirit; to put it bluntly, it's like a gangster...

This kind of person can do justice, let her run an organization, Guo Kang feels that the biggest problem is that she may not be patient.She probably knows this herself.

But this time, Guo Ponu made up his mind.She said that she would go to the Niangniang Temple with Guo Kang and finish the work.

Guo Kang began to feel guilty instead.He felt that Guo Ponu promised too quickly this time, something was wrong.As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and I don't know what happened this time.

"You can think about this matter more, or go back and discuss it with your parents. There is no need to agree directly." He told Guo Ponu: "If you really want something, just tell me directly. Don't be coy and anxious. Please cater to me. Which of us is with whom, can I not agree?"

"Really?" Guo Ponu, who was walking diagonally ahead, stopped and turned his head to ask.

"Why am I lying to you?" Guo Kang said helplessly.

Guo Ponu turned around, hugged Guo Kang suddenly, and kissed him.

Guo Kang didn't expect this kind of development at all, he was careless for a while, and he didn't miss it.He froze for a moment before reacting.

"Hey - what are you doing?" He was shocked and at a loss for a while.

"Thank you." Guo Ponu became confident: "What are you afraid of? Isn't everyone here like this?"

Guo Kang thought about it, and it seemed he was right.According to Roman and Greek customs, it is normal for acquaintances to greet each other with a kiss.But Guo Ponu had never done this kind of action before, which made him tangled up again.

But Guo Ponu didn't care about him at all, he took his hand directly, and ran towards the Niangniang Temple while urging him.

(End of this chapter)

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