Chapter 374 I was my ancestor, I am my father——Patriarchy is the root of Rome

Guo Kang still felt that Guo Ponu agreed to this matter too hastily.

The main problem was not that Guo Ponu would not be able to stand it after two days, and eventually lose the job—anyway, she is the eldest lady of the Guo family, and she would not starve to death without this job.

He didn't really want Guo Ponu to work either.Simply being a mascot, communicating on behalf of everyone, and selling face, is actually enough.For specific affairs, it is natural to find specialized personnel to be responsible.

What he was more worried about was whether Guo Ponu's departure would affect the progress of the whole plan.If other people see her giving up halfway, they will probably be affected too.

He knew Guo Po Nu well, and knew that she was impatient.I don't know if it's because her parents didn't control her strictly enough, so she tends to do whatever she wants.If you want something, you want to do it right away. The corresponding thing is that you will quickly lose patience when you lose your interest.Such a temper is really not suitable for running such a long-term business.

However, others do not know this.If because of her reaction, it caused outsiders to speculate and waver, thinking that there was something wrong with the plan, it would be bad.

However, Guo Ponu was extremely certain.She told Guo Kang that she didn't really care about the job, as long as Guo Kang arranged for her.If she can help, she will be satisfied - anyway, she really doesn't rely on this for a living.

Guo Kang was a little overwhelmed by this.

Guo Ponu, on the other hand, became curious about the plan itself, and wanted to ask along the way how Guo Kang came up with this method.

"The reason is quite complicated." Guo Kang didn't hide it: "The direct reason is that I should hope that more women can get jobs with enough income."

"How did you come up with this?" Guo Ponu asked.

Back then, Guo Kang really didn't think so much.

Due to the experience of the previous life, it seems to him an "instinct" to let women participate in labor.But after communicating with Tuo Huan and others, Guo Kang also began to think, what is the reason behind this "instinct"?
Guo Kang knew very well that as a time traveler, he had some unique features.But even in this world, the principle of "know yourself and know your enemy" is applicable.Whether it is the philosophers of the East or the sages of Greece, they have repeatedly warned students and future generations of this truth.If you want to develop your abilities as much as possible, you must first have a basic understanding of yourself.

And this, to be honest, is not an easy job...

Are traversers advanced?Guo Kang was very confident back then, but now he dare not speak up.Because after the actual operation, he found that he couldn't even determine what was "advanced" - which civilization was the benchmark of advanced civilization, it was enough to argue for a long time.

In his time, the word "evolution" in biology was replaced by "evolution".So is society evolving, or is it evolving?Is it right to use biology as a metaphor for society?None of this can be determined at all.

Therefore, only by personally investigating and experimenting can you find the most suitable method.The classics given by others, whether written by Confucius and Mencius or by modern people, can only be used as a reference.If you read these as scriptures, problems will arise sooner or later.

Therefore, he really needs to think about why he did this, and it is also necessary to explain to everyone to strengthen their confidence.

"According to the result of our discussion, this is more beneficial to everyone." He told Guo Ponu: "Compared with other types of work, this kind of work is more efficient, so it can free up more manpower and gather more financial and material resources. Use it in more important places. For the participants themselves, they can also get better rewards."

"Sounds very real, I think it's reliable." Guo Ponu nodded.

"Now I think it should be true." Guo Kang thought for a while and said, "If I say it is to improve the treatment and status of women in the seems meaningless."

"It's really... empty." Guo Ponu thought for a moment, and agreed: "This goal is too big, it seems... that it loses its sense of reality."

"Yes. For example, I can help you unconditionally." Guo Kang gave an example: "But why should I help you? It's because you are my sister. In fact, there are reasons and conditions for this: if our relationship, and The brothers and sisters of the Cao family are equally embarrassed, so they may not be able to help like this."

"Besides, this reason is indeed very 'real'-not because you are a woman, but because you are my family. There are too many women in the world. What's the point of helping them and what benefits can I get? I don't even know Don't know them."

"So, I now feel that the original idea should be more down-to-earth." He said: "We also have to reason with others, and these empty slogans probably won't convince anyone."

"That's right." Guo Ponu thought for a while, and then warned: "As the pillar of our generation, it's best not to get involved with too many women. If you want to help them, I can do it for you, otherwise you will be with me every day. Contact with others will not have a good influence.”

"Ah... okay..." Guo Kang always felt that what she understood didn't seem to mean the same as himself.But anyway, if you can explain it clearly, that's fine.

He himself is not very clear about this part of the theory, and he may have to think about it seriously in the future.

In the world of his previous life, there were indeed theories advocating the improvement of women's rights, but unfortunately those theories were too rough and incompatible with the way of thinking of the Central Plains people.

More seriously, the core of this set of theories is to oppose patriarchy.This is the complete opposite of Rome...

The basic state structure of Rome is patriarchy. The elders are called "father", the motherland is called "father's land", patriotism is "love of father", and the title of generals and heads of state with meritorious service is called "father of the motherland".

And the church has also fully absorbed these concepts. The word priest is "father", the pope is also "father", and even the heavenly father is a god in the image of a father...

That is to say, in the Roman system, father and patriarchy have penetrated to the level of vocabulary.

In this era, most civilizations are theoretically patriarchal, but Rome may go further than them, to the point where it is deeply bound to legitimacy and state construction-compared with it, the patriarchy of Seris is just something symbolic.

In this way, this theory of women's rights is tantamount to going against Rome from beginning to end.

After all, every Roman knows that his civilization comes from the pioneering of his ancestors, the inheritance of his grandfather, the history in his lineage and the glory passed down to him by his father.Without these, is there still Rome?
Wanting to promote it is tantamount to dismantling Rome's national philosophy and digging out the roots of Roman civilization until it is completely defeated.It belongs to the contradiction of having you but not me.

Other barbarian nations might try, but Rome is definitely incompatible with it.

(End of this chapter)

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