Chapter 380 Revenge For Everyone

The two came to the Niangniang Temple all the way, and Guo Kang asked Guo Ponu to find Lama Wang, while he went to find Father Mikhail and others.

He came downstairs and found that a group of Father Ross had gathered there, and Father Marco was also there, discussing something with them.Guo Kang then stepped forward and greeted everyone.

Father Mikhail introduced him to everyone, and everyone greeted each other. Guo Kang gave the document in his hand to Father Marco and asked him to take it for registration.

Father Ross looked at him curiously or with concern.Guo Kang feels that he still needs to speak up and explain the importance of this matter to everyone.

He looked around at everyone, and then said, "I have something urgent to do today, so I have to call everyone urgently. I believe Father Mikhail has introduced the general situation, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"Originally, I didn't think it was a big deal. After all, this kind of private case happens from time to time, not to mention every day." Guo Kang shook his head and said, "If you only look at the matter itself, it should be that the government's execution ability is insufficient. , causing criminals to run rampant and infringe on the common people. It is enough to issue a document and urge the Secretary to deal with it, and we don’t need to join in the fun.”

"But at the end of the day, I agree with Father Mikhail's opinion. This time, we just want to take care of this nosy business."

"In my hometown of Serris, more than 3000 years ago, there was a king named Xia Jie. Xia Jie was fatuous and abused the people. The people were lazy and unwilling to support him. A minister told Xia Jie that his rule was in the midst of a crisis. In danger. Xia Jie didn't take it seriously."

"The monarch at that time compared himself to the sun god. Xia Jie retorted that he was the sun, how could the sun perish?"

"This incident later spread to the people, and the people were extremely resentful, so they all said, 'When will the sun perish? I would rather perish with it'. And Xia Jie's rule was finally overthrown by the merchants."

"We are not gods." He said seriously: "Even the existences that were called gods in the past have been pushed down from the position of gods now. In Greece, there are relics of that time everywhere. How can we mortals?" How can you think that your power can last forever?"

"Similarly, God's gift is not eternal." He continued to talk about the next topic.

"The last king of the merchants was King Zhou. When King Zhou ruled, the princes of the Zhou State attacked Li, the merchant's important place in the west. The minister Zu Yi was very panicked and immediately reported to King Zhou."

"Zuyi warned that the king was keen on lewdness and playfulness, and the people were very dissatisfied. They all hoped that the Shang Dynasty would perish quickly, and they all said, 'Why hasn't God sent down punishment? Divination, but the result is not auspicious; we go to pray to the ancestors, but the ancestors are unwilling to help us. What should the king do now?"

"King Zhou said, I was born to be a king, and the destiny has been determined by the heavens. What can the subjects do to me? So they don't take Zooey's words seriously."

"So Zui said with emotion, you have made too many mistakes, and God has already known about them, so how can you count on His protection? The Shang Dynasty is probably about to perish. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Shang Dynasty to be destroyed by Zhou's army. Attacked."

"This is a story from two or three thousand years ago." Guo Kang said to the people who were still reminiscing: "Whether it is the Xia Dynasty or the Shang Dynasty, it was a long time ago. Not only did they perish long ago, but the people who replaced them The dynasties have also been destroyed for thousands of years, and they have changed countless times since then."

"People at that time didn't know how to address Heavenly Father, so they used references like 'heaven' to describe it. But the truth itself is exactly the same as it is now."

"The nobles and princes here like to say that their power is given by their heavenly father. But their power is far less powerful than Lord Seris, and their bloodlines are not as ancient and pure as the ancient nobles, and their family's achievements are even more powerful. It is not as good as Dayu and others who dealt with the great flood in ancient times."

"As a result, the ancient nobles of Seris are still declining one after another, and they almost disappeared more than 1000 years ago. The various dynasties of Seris have changed one after another. So who does the Heavenly Father care about?"

None of the priests could answer—of course, this was what Guo Kang expected.After all, for the people of Ross, this question is indeed too superficial...

Not to mention changing dynasties, they didn't even play very smoothly with the divine right of kings.This kind of question makes Greek theologians think, and it probably takes a little brains, let alone them.

Therefore, Guo Kang reported the answer directly.

"We have gone through so much history, and we have actually been able to draw conclusions." He told everyone: "It's actually very simple, the heavenly father doesn't care about anyone."

"Gods transcend everything. He loves the world, but this kind of love is universal and equal. When it comes to a certain person or a certain regime, God is extremely just, even to the point of being ruthless." He said:
"I think everyone should know that my own family is one of the pillar kingdoms of Rome. Therefore, I need to understand this truth even more. Today, I just want to tell you about it."

"Will Heavenly Father bless a person without looking at his performance?" He asked.

"Of course not." The priests replied one after another.

——This answer will probably piss off the Protestants of later generations, but at present, this is indeed the teaching of the Orthodox Church.They do not recognize the concept of "once chosen, always chosen", and believe that if they commit too many crimes, those who once received the grace of the gods will also incur the wrath of the heavenly father and lose the grace.Therefore, it is easy to accept Guo Kang's rhetoric.

"That's true." Guo Kang nodded and said taking advantage of the situation.

"We ourselves are no different in front of the Heavenly Father. Rome has changed its dynasty many times, and faced serious crises many times, even on the verge of disintegration and extinction. Think about it, if the Heavenly Father has always favored someone , will this happen again?"

"Serris also has a fable, saying that fungi that live and die in the morning and evening do not know the existence of a day; insects that live in spring and die in summer do not know the changes of a year. Ethnic groups with too short history have no concept of the rise and fall of civilization. Around us There are too many people like this, they really feel that they have been favored by God and will continue to do so, but I can only say that this attitude is similar to these fungi and bugs.”

"But we are different. We have to be more sober and not like them."

"Then what are you going to do?" Someone in the crowd asked.

"We have to uphold justice for ordinary people, otherwise we—whether secular officials or pastors of the church—will be resented by them and abandoned by the heavenly Father." Guo Kang said: "We have to avenge these people who have suffered injustice. "

 The starting point is 12:00 to settle the number of words every day, and it must be counted up to a thousand to count, which is very annoying.Especially as an amateur writer, I mainly rely on coding every night, and I often can't keep up.

  In fact, it’s better to settle at four o’clock in the morning next door, but unfortunately I can’t control this...

  If the whole thousand is not enough, I will just lie down on the same day; if there is a few hundred words short, I will fill in the number of words first, and then replace it with the text.

  In fact, this has been done for a long time, but it is mentioned every time, so I will talk about it specifically.Please forgive me if there is any inconvenience.

  After all, four thousand a day is too scary...

(End of this chapter)

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