Chapter 381 Why do we need revenge
Hearing Guo Kang's announcement, the priests looked at each other.Some people nodded in agreement, but some showed hesitation.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me." Guo Kang then told everyone: "We met this time to solve these problems."

"I have a question." A priest raised his hand: "The church has always told believers to remain humble and calm, and not let hatred disturb their hearts. If this statement is made to believers this time, will it cause misunderstanding? If What should I do if there is a contradiction with the previous interpretation of the scriptures?"

"We have considered this issue from the beginning. Please rest assured that there will be no conflict." Guo Kang explained: "Because hatred and revenge are two different levels."

"Actually, this question should be thought about before asking for revenge." He spread his hands and asked everyone: "You are all people who have studied and traveled in various parishes. During the time in Dadu, you should also contact The culture of the Greeks. No matter what civilization it is, there are a lot of myths, literature, and folklore related to revenge. Have you ever thought about why there is such a common tendency?"

"Since this is the case, this should be an instinct shared by mortals." Someone speculated.

"I think so too." Guo Kang nodded: "So I think there must be logic behind this simplest emotion. Because people don't do things for no reason. All behaviors, even if they are not seriously thought out, are just Actions made subconsciously must have deeper reasons."

"Brother Konstantin, don't be so secretive." Father Mikhail said with a smile: "Let's tell everyone directly."

"No problem." Guo Kang also smiled: "Actually, it's very simple to finish—although it's deep, the deep motivation itself is not complicated."

"In many cases, revenge is delayed, and the loss cannot be recovered. The property damage suffered may not be recoverable, and it is even more impossible if the person himself is killed. After all, no matter how revenge is, the deceased will not be able to recover. It may be resurrected, and the loss cannot be directly changed back."

"So, the ultimate goal of revenge is not for the past, not for those people and properties that have been lost." He told everyone: "The purpose of revenge lies in the future."

"I think, since you all live in the folk all year round, you should know that there is no strict order in many places. In this case, if someone is bullied but dare not retaliate, everyone may wish to think about what will happen in the future ?”

"This person will probably be targeted." A priest said firmly: "If a person who has not been protected is cowardly, then thieves will think he is easy to bully, and the risk of robbing him is lower. In the future, there will be more to bother him."

"If he is richer, it will be even more troublesome." He shook his head and said, "We have met such a person before. He inherited the family business left by his father, but he can't maintain it, so let alone those local thieves , even villains from other cities came here specifically to try to make a fortune from him."

"Not long after, a large group of bandits even came and ransacked his house. This man had nowhere to go, so he came to our monastery to ask for refuge. That's how I learned the story."

After hearing his words, the other priests also sighed.

Obviously, although this kind of thing is a case in his parish, it is not difficult for everyone to think of similar things.

"In the revenge culture in many places, it is mentioned that at least retaliation should be retaliated." Guo Kang continued: "The reason is not difficult to understand: if the price paid by the enemy for the crime is not enough for him to gain, then this kind of revenge There is no doubt that it is meaningless. Although they have suffered some losses, they still make money on the whole, so they will definitely dare to come next time."

"So, the real reason behind this kind of culture is not that you will be satisfied emotionally if you retaliate reciprocally; A habit of reciprocal retaliation must be pursued."

"After the habit is formed, if someone fails to do it, he will feel anxious, depressed and even angry. Like many other emotions, this kind of anger is ultimately derived from the long-term habit. And behind the habit, there is It's reason that drives it."

"So, people's emotions are not mysterious. Just like children do addition and subtraction, sometimes they need to think for a long time, but a skilled accountant may know the result at a glance. These 'sensibility' are actually a simplification of rationality. ’” he concluded:
"In daily life, there are too many influencing factors that need to be considered, and it is impossible for everyone to have enough ability and time. Every time there is a condition for such a serious analysis, so a simple emotional response is used instead to provide a way to deal with emergencies. tool of the situation."

"Therefore, these emotions do not necessarily conflict with reason."

"Since these behaviors and emotions have reasons and are understandable, no matter what mental state they are in, they can actually be analyzed, and then persuaded and guided. What we have to do is not to prohibit the reasonable behavior of believers, It’s about careful investigation, proper guidance and education.”

"Although it is all for rational needs in the end, for specific individuals, due to ability and environmental issues, it may not be considered well enough. At this time, we have to stand up and help them straighten out their thinking."

"This is not to say that we should blindly persuade them not to take revenge. On the contrary, sometimes we have to take the initiative to persuade them to take revenge, and even take them to take revenge." Guo Kang reminded everyone: "Because all of this is for the pursuit of justice. , to frighten Xiaoxiao."

Many priests began to nod, indicating that what he said made sense.

"Since the Heavenly Father has given us the ability to be angry, he must hope that we can use it well." Guo Kang continued: "This kind of power is like a flood, which cannot be stopped by blocking it, and it does not conform to the laws of the world. The Heavenly Father obviously hopes that we can make good use of the situation and guide this force to the right direction."

Speaking of this, Father Andre, who had been participating in the discussion before, also stood up.

"Brothers." Amidst the discussion among the crowd, he said loudly: "Before, we had a lot of discussions and disputes about the oriental myths and classics brought by the Roman Church. But I think this time is just a test. chance?"

"No matter how we look at those stories, the church must also admit this: we must be able to distinguish right from wrong and guide the believers in order to fulfill the mission of the pastor and get the approval of the Heavenly Father. Now, it is time for us to try and see if we can These responsibilities cannot be fulfilled.”

This time, everyone expressed their approval.

(End of this chapter)

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