Chapter 382 Rational Rage

Seeing that everyone agreed, some priests who originally supported took advantage of the situation and continued to ask: "Are we doing this experiment for an experiment? Are we going to promote it in other places in the future?"

"I hope it can be so." Guo Kang told them: "In my hometown, this is a complete set of theories. Not only for the people, but also for the countries."

"Because revenge itself is not a destructive act. On the contrary, it is to establish order. This is true whether it is among the people or between different countries."

"I also said just now that the ultimate goal of revenge is not to cause harm to the enemy. Because harming the enemy actually does not bring any benefits. Its real purpose is to deter, and this deterrence brings a more orderly, more just new order."

"The simplest, for example, we have to deal with other barbarians. If we do business directly, they will most likely rob directly. But if we can show the ability of revenge, let them know that as long as they dare to touch us, they will die It's very miserable, after a long time, the barbarians will learn to be good, and are willing to do business with us honestly. In this way, order will not be formed?"

"That's true." Several priests agreed deeply: "On our side, there have always been many rogues who came from the grassland and the river beach. They often came to rob us, and no one listened to their persuasion. Organize people and beat them a few times, and after that, those tribes and village communities will be much more honest. If there is no corresponding punishment, this order will indeed not be established.”

"You are right. The people of Seris have summed up this experience for a long time." Guo Kang nodded and told them: "People at that time first proposed this theory to explain how to restore order. At that time This example is described in detail in the scriptures."

"It was more than 2000 years ago. There was a conflict between the two countries of Qi and Ji. The king of Ji slandered the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, and the emperor killed the king of Qi. After nine generations, the king of Qi arrived. At that time, I finally accumulated enough strength to eliminate Ji Guo."

"Qi Xianggong is not a noble and virtuous monarch, and he has enmity with the Lu State, but the historian of the Lu State praised him in this matter, and called him in the way of recording sages. This is because he can take revenge, which is very in line with the then moral and ethical concepts."

"In any era, from the court to the folk, there must be order. The philosophers of Seris at that time called this order 'ritual'."

"This order is different in each dynasty. The philosopher Confucius concluded that the Xia Dynasty had the Xia Li, and the Shang Dynasty added and subtracted from it to form the Yin Li; the Zhou Dynasty also built on the Yin Li. The Zhou Li was formed by adding and subtracting above. But no matter what, there needs to be a set of order.”

"However, in the Spring and Autumn Period when the nations were fighting each other, this order disappeared. The Zhou rituals were gradually abandoned, but the problem is that no new rituals came out. The order tended to be chaotic between countries and within each country. It became more and more serious, which aroused the great concern of many scholars at that time. Because at that time, the history of Seris was not long, and everyone did not know what the collapse of this order would bring."

"Moreover, while the internal order is collapsing, a large number of barbarians are active everywhere outside, so that there are various tribal activities in the core area of ​​the Central Plains. Outside the capital Luoyang, less than a day's journey, there are self-competition emperors, using Liujia The barbarians of the carriage. Therefore, the far-sighted people are very worried, fearing that the entire civilization may disintegrate all the way to the end, and it will be completely over."

"The classical philosophy of Serris was born in this crisis-ridden environment."

"So, although there are many schools of philosophy over there, they are all one in the final analysis. I think it can be called the 'order school'." Guo Kang shrugged and concluded: "Different theories mean what kind of order is being established. Above, there are differences."

"Then this act of revenge is part of restoring order and establishing 'rituals'?" A priest already understood what Guo Kang was going to say.

"That's right." Guo Kang nodded: "According to the understanding of philosophers, the ultimate effect of revenge is to correct the mistakes of the year."

"Qi State and Ji State became enemies nine generations ago. Ji State in Qi Xianggong's era did not commit any faults, but it is still reasonable to eliminate it."

"Because the Lord Ji committed crimes back then, if there had been a wise emperor at that time, according to the system of etiquette and law, the Lord Ji would have been killed at that time, and there would be no Ji State after that. However, there was no wise emperor at that time. Come to uphold justice, making Ji Guo last for more than nine generations-but this state is not normal, and the current Ji State should not exist. Therefore, Qi sent troops to destroy Ji to correct this mistake on behalf of the emperor. It's the right thing to do."

The priests thought for a while, and gradually figured it out.Even Father Mikhail, who took the lead, had an expression of enlightenment.

"It turns out that what they are after is here..." He sighed.

"At the end of Gongyang Zhuanquan, it is concluded that the goal of compiling this scripture is to 'set out the troubled times and reverse the righteousness'. It means to rectify the chaotic situation at that time and restore order to normal." Guo Kang told him: "This is indeed It is the focus of their entire school's pursuit."

"Qi's act of revenge is part of the 'restoration of order'. Therefore, philosophers have always used this as an example to call on everyone to carry out this kind of 'great revenge' that can rise to the level of the country and civilization. Just like me before As I said, this kind of revenge is not only a destruction, but a correction and reconstruction of the order. Therefore, everyone is actually supporting and encouraging the attitude.”

"Moreover, the scope of application of this theory is very wide. Not only the ancient Seris, but also not only our civil order, even for the whole of Rome, it is the same."

"How to analyze this?" The priest who asked the question just now became more and more interested.

"Think about it, everyone, if the order here was still normal, if the rulers of Rome were not so stupid, would there still be so many barbarian countries in Western Europe?" Guo Kang asked rhetorically.

"Of course not." The priests were quite sure of this.

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded with emotion: "So, you should be able to see it, right? Just like Serris' example, the emergence of a barbarian country is actually a mistake."

"We don't want to hate the current barbarians - revenge is an act of restoring order, and it is an extremely rational choice." He pointed out: "What we should really hate is the distorted and abnormal order itself. This is not Emotional venting, but rational rage."

"What the order should be, we will restore it to what it should be. Obviously, there should be no barbarian countries in the order, so we should correct this mistake."

He warned everyone: "This is the correct revenge."

 Today, I will help to promote a book friend's work: "Warhammer: Purple Phoenix of Nirvana".It's the story of Warhammer Fulgrim and Space Byzantium.

  Thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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