Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 417 Heavenly Father's Mercy

Chapter 417 Heavenly Father's Mercy
After Guo Kang announced his goal, everyone set off towards the destination.However, under his deliberate guidance, the team increased their speed, ahead of the crowd, and approached the destination.

Here is one of Alexander's residences, which has actually been on the fringes of what is generally believed to be a ghetto.There are some slightly mature buildings around, and this house is very recognizable even among them.

Its appearance is not like a common house here, and it is different from the old den of Sergey's gangster.Although the latter is tall and tidy, it looks like it was built by regular craftsmen, but it is just a simple two-story single-unit apartment building.And this house is a structure similar to a nobleman's house.

The traditional houses in Rome are actually somewhat similar to the courtyard houses in the Central Plains.However, the buildings on the four sides of the courtyard are generally separated and connected with each other by structures such as walls and corridors to enclose the courtyard.The courtyard of the Romans was a whole building connected together.

Since the house is generally two stories high, and there are no windows on the outward walls, the lighting is poor, and the light during the day depends on the central patio.This is not a matter of architectural style, it is simply that the law and order in Rome was so poor that even nobles dare not open windows on the wall facing the street, so everyone can only make do with it...

From this perspective, it looks like a kind of earth building, which also takes into account the defensive structure.

With the development of the times, the Romans were gradually able to pay attention to comfort and ostentation, so the house buildings gradually developed, and the main building became more and more complex, gradually bringing windows and other decorations.In addition, many wealthy people are no longer satisfied with this single building, and began to expand into courtyards with two or three entrances, and even more complex structures.

The upper layer of the Purple Horde Khan Court brought a new architectural style after most of them settled down.For example, the residence of Guo Kang’s family is a very traditional Central Plains courtyard, with a wall, a relatively low single-storey house, and a wider courtyard.Therefore, in those three days, there were female heroes running over the wall and jumping on the roof.

But so far, the influence of Central Plains-style houses is still limited. Most of the luxury houses and palaces in Greece and even Western Europe still continue the overall style of the Romans.Like the building in front of me, a corridor and a gate are installed at the first entrance, which looks quite luxurious.

"This guy really enjoys it." Guo Kang looked at the out of place mansion and said with emotion.

"I've always disliked these people." Guo Ponu whispered to him, "I'll tell you in advance: If they get close to you in the future, don't believe it. These people say every day that they know their father. They are acquaintances who have known each other since they were in the city, but in fact, they were coerced in."

"At that time, he was the leader of the gang?" Guo Kang asked.

"At that time it wasn't him, it was his elder brother." Guo Puonu told him: "But their family is of the same virtue. At that time they had already run to the city gate, but there were too many people there, blocking the road. Father and mother This is the chance to catch up, 'reason' with them, force them to spend money, and reward the warriors, which makes people feel at ease."

Guo Kang felt that this reaction was expected.So he nodded to show that he understood.

As the team gradually approached, the people in the house seemed to have discovered something, and the people who could see the door began to move around.The Cavalier Captain came over and asked Guo Kang if he wanted to attack directly.

"Let's divide it up again." Guo Kang said, turning to the crippled young man, "Which door did you use to deliver food before?"

"Go through the side door, the one near the kitchen." The other party replied.

"Are there any other doors besides this?" Guo Kang asked.

"There is also a back door. There are only three of these." The young man said: "The front one is the front door, and the back door is in the northwest, near the street. These two doors are usually used by guests. The door on the kitchen side is slightly If it’s smaller, it’s the servants who come and go there.”

"Okay, your team will follow him and go in from the kitchen." Guo Kang said to the Cavalier Captain: "If the enemy is prepared, we may not be able to go in head-on, and it depends on you."

The knight captain responded immediately.

"Take my flag and go to the back door." He said to Guo Ponu again: "Remember to hold it high so that people inside can see it."

"Being a bait, right?" Guo Ponu understood his meaning: "But you have a problem. First of all, they will indeed think that someone will attack from the back door. But this flag, I think few people here recognize it. It's no use getting up."

"I think it's enough to keep someone blocking the door to prevent the target from escaping." She waved her hand and shouted, "Captain Lucas!"

"I'm here." Captain Lucas leaned over, holding his sword.

"Call 10 people and go to the back door to see if there is a luxurious carriage." Guo Puonu ordered: "If there is, hide behind the carriage, if not, hide at the corner of the street. After that, no matter what If you see anyone, stop and hold them down."

Captain Lucas looked at Guo Kang, and Guo Kang nodded, so he also called a few guards and turned around to the back door.

"Don't take it for granted when commanding, and don't expect others to be fooled directly." Guo Ponu began to educate Guo Kang again: "Whether the enemy will be deceived by you can only be determined after the battle. We don't know if they are smart or not." People don’t know in what way and angle they think. Before that, you can’t assume that they will definitely follow your way of thinking.”

"The only thing that can really force the enemy to follow their own rhythm is actual action. Therefore, let them observe and think for themselves, it is better to attack directly and let them feel the real pressure. They have no time to make a choice, or they have no choice. forced to follow our train of thought."

"Then we... attack directly?" Guo Kang was very guilty of what she said, and asked quickly.

"Shouldn't you be in command?" Guo Ponu turned his head and pointed to the dark crowd in the distance, and asked: "Look at those people behind, they are all coming for your little war commander. You mobilized them all , you can’t stop doing it halfway, can you?”

Guo Kang was speechless for a while.He was even a little puzzled, not knowing what Guo Ponu wanted to do.

Before, he had seen more than one person who wanted to compete for power with his brother, needless to say Shi Huizhen, even Theodora probably had this idea.So much so that everyone has been wondering whether these people are too "Hellenized".

Guo Ponu was similar to them at first, and often wanted to steal the limelight from Guo Kang—even though Guo Kang had no real interest.At that time, Guo Kang felt that these people were sticking together and not learning from each other.

However, after returning this time, Guo Ponu suddenly seemed to have changed his temper, and sometimes he couldn't figure out what he was thinking.Now, she simply said that she wanted to be the head of the family, and at the same time asked Guo Kang to establish prestige and make contributions, which seemed strange no matter how you looked at it.

However, they also have a tacit understanding.Among other things, on truly important occasions, Guo Ponu would never act recklessly.In this regard, she may be more reliable than Li Xuanying...

Therefore, Guo Kang didn't think too much about it this time. He nodded and told the rest of the people: "Let's be polite first and then fight. If they hand over the person, they can have a good talk. If they are not willing, they can attack directly. .”

It will take time for the other two teams to be in place, so everyone gave up the previous plan to attack directly.They walked slowly for a while, successfully attracting the attention of the mansion.

There are still a large number of residents rushing over from behind.They did not have the discipline and restraint of the regular army, and they were noisy along the way.However, the advantage of this is that no matter whether they really want to help fight or just watch the fun, such a big momentum cannot be ignored.

In the eyes of the enemy, the waiting of Guo Kang and others is probably to wait for these helping common people to take their positions.The enemy was obviously very nervous, and many thugs could be seen rushing towards the door.Thinking about it carefully, what Guo Ponu said, "Direct pressure can mobilize the enemy more", is quite reasonable.

After waiting for half an hour, Guo Kang thought that time was enough.He took out the flag again, ready to go to the door to negotiate - he actually didn't expect the other party to surrender directly.But putting on such a big posture, with the support of the big figures in the upper echelon of the Khanate, can somewhat reduce the will of the minions to resist and reduce the difficulty of subsequent storms, which is still meaningful.

However, Father Mikhail stopped him.

"Those gang members may already know what's going on outside by now." He told Guo Kang: "They are not rational guys, and they may go crazy in the face of danger. You'd better not take risks, let me do it."

Just as Guo Kang was about to say something, the old Vladimir who had been silent beside him suddenly spoke.He raised his head and looked at Guo Kang: "Sir, let me do it. Everyone is here for my business. As a father, I can no longer hide behind others. Let me tell them."

"No, you don't have any experience in negotiation, aren't you going to die?" Father Mikhail immediately retorted: "Since we are here to save people, we must minimize losses. Let me do it."

He waved his hand to show that he was okay, and he didn't take Guo Kang's flag. He just held up the old scripture with a hardwood cover and copper edge in his hand, and showed the other party the shiny brass carefully polished on the cover. The cross, just like this, walked towards the door.

Guo Kang thought for a while, but was still planning to follow behind.He was dressed plainly, and no one here knew him anyway.If there is any situation, you can respond or take direct action.

However, before Father Mikhail took a few steps, several people rushed out of the mansion.They yelled "Go away!" and brandished their weapons.Guo Kang was still guessing whether it was because the old priest tried to protect the civilians before, so the thugs recognized him, so they saw someone holding a crossbow at him.

Father Mikhail also seemed surprised, subconsciously dodging to the side.The man had already released the arrow without hesitation, and with a whoosh, he didn't know where it went.

Guo Kang also couldn't care about the reactions of other people on both sides.Another thug on the opposite side took out a wooden pole from behind, and no surprise, it was the fire door gun that he had seen just now.He stretched out his hand to pull the matchlock, and Guo Kang also pulled out his pistol in an instant, raised his hand and shot.

The steel wheel at the end of the pistol spun with a whimper.

——In this era, the reliability of metal torsion springs is not too high, and due to material problems, the ability to maintain elasticity is not too strong.However, in this pistol, there is a metal reed adjusted by Zhu Wenkui himself. In order to prevent the strength from weakening, he even had to replace one every three shots.

The tip of the steel wheel quickly scratched a piece of flint in the barrel of the gun.

——In this era, no matter if it is flint or other kindling, there is a stability problem if you want to start a fire.Guo Kang's previous unlucky incident was a scenario that had a low probability, but would indeed happen.However, in this pistol, Zhu Wenkui personally selected and carefully polished pyrite, and even the angle of the surface was carefully designed.In order to ensure that the steel wheel can always rub in the best position, it needs to be replaced with a new one every few shots.

Large sparks from the flint flew into the medicine pool, and the gunpowder particles at the end of the gun detonated instantly. The red flame pushed thick smoke, and burst out from the barrel carefully drilled by a blacksmith with the title of "Master".

The lead bullets were wrapped in soft paper specially made by oriental crafts and roared out, and burned into ashes the moment they flew out of the gun barrel, turning into black fragments scattered in the airflow.

But the lead bullets flew straight out, penetrated into the brow bone of the gunman, tore apart the tissue violently in the sound of cracking, lifted the bones, and smashed a big hole in the back of the head, with several bone fragments, They flew out together.

Before the corpse fell down, a pointed iron rod also flew over, but unfortunately the target was already receding, so it only pierced into the shoulder of the corpse.

Guo Kang drew out his sword, only then did he notice that Guo Ponu had rushed over.

He had only heard about the speed of a master swordsman when sprinting, but he had never seen with his own eyes that someone could run so fast in armor—he really lacked real combat experience.Besides, when his adoptive father gave him a demonstration, he deliberately withdrew his strength so that he could observe and learn.

Guo Ponu might have rushed over when he threw the iron dart, but by the time Guo Kang realized it, he had already rushed over from Father Mikhail who had just stabilized his figure.

An enemy with a long knife tried to stop her, but his movements were too slow.Guo Ponu had already rushed over to him, leaped a distance of several zhang in two steps, straightened his whole body like an arrow, stretched out his long sword, and stabbed the crossbowman who had just wound up. wear.

The other four thugs looked at her in astonishment, and Guo Kang's men also ran over quickly.A man with a short gun reacted the fastest, he raised his hand and stabbed at Guo Ponu.Guo Ponu didn't bother to draw his sword, he turned around and dodged the point of the gun, stretched out his right arm to clamp the gun body, and yanked it violently.

The thug staggered towards her, Guo Ponu stepped forward, pulled out the dagger from his waist with his left hand, and stabbed the thug's neck twice.The thug let go of the short gun, clutched his neck, let out a gasping sound, and slowly fell down.

The knife hand that Guo Ponu had dodged also rushed over, and she leaned behind the corpse.The knifeman didn't hesitate, jumped over the fallen corpse, and slashed with the knife.Guo Ponu immediately turned around, using his legs as the axis, and with the body of the gun held by his arms, he directly swept the knife hand flying out of the air.

She still wanted to continue to deal with it, but the saber hand tried to stabilize her figure, and after falling on the ground, she retreated several steps and fell to the ground, which happened to be close to Guo Kang's side.

Seeing that he was still standing still, Guo Kang immediately rushed up from the side.

The swordsman was actually wearing chain mail. Guo Kang learned from the previous lesson and didn't try to let the sword and the armor fight recklessly.Seeing that the man was half-squatting on the ground, before he could get up, he immediately drew out his sword sharply, pressing down with the tip of the sword, and stabbing straight at the opponent's raised buttocks.

Due to posture problems, the chain mail jacket just shrunk up a bit, failing to protect the lower body.Guo Kang's sword pierced into the flesh without hindrance, nearly a foot deep.The sword hand let out an inhuman scream, and his whole body twitched, almost flying his sword away.Guo Kang quickly drew out his sword, leaped back, and distanced himself for safety.

Of the remaining two people, one ran towards Guo Kang and the other towards Guo Po Nu.One of them, holding a long axe, had already leaned over.Guo Kang felt that the length of his weapon was at a disadvantage, so he quickly took a few steps back.As for the thug holding the axe, he couldn't help but look at the swordsman next to him who was still screaming, hesitated for a while, and was actually a little scared, so he didn't catch up.

On the other side, Guo Ponu turned the gun with one hand, and met the last enemy who was also holding a short gun.The opponent still stabbed directly, but she shook the body of the gun, knocked off the point of the opposite gun, took advantage of the situation, and smashed it against her waist.

The armor on the thug blocked the head of the gun, but he still arched his waist in pain, and his pace was also stagnant.Guo Ponu shook again, and the tip of the gun hit him on the head, bleeding immediately flowed from the mouth and nose of the thug; he thrust the gun forward again, and stabbed it under his neck, and the thug fell to the ground without saying a word, dead.

The thug with the ax visibly panicked, and swung his long ax to chop Guo Kang.However, a book flew by and hit him on the head.It turned out that Father Mikhail was afraid of Guo Kang's danger, so he threw the scriptures out.

His book was made before the mature papermaking technology was passed on, and it was passed down by the monks.Like other important books of the Middle Ages, it has an elaborate hardwood cover and hundreds of pages of parchment.

The thick wood from the Ross region was in close contact with the face of the ax bearer.The impact made him scream, not only failed to swing the ax, but also staggered and almost fell, so he could only subconsciously use the handle of the ax to support the ground, trying to maintain his balance and stand up straight.

But Guo Ponu had already turned around, raised his hand and threw the short spear as a spear, and threw it out again.The body of the gun sank with great force, and instantly shattered the inferior iron sheet on the axe-wielder, knocking him to the ground, unable to stand up again.

In just a few breaths of time, almost all the enemies in this team were killed, and the others arrived, and now only the knifeman who was still screaming was left.

Father Mikhail went to look at it and shook his head.


As he spoke, he made a sign of the cross, recited a scripture, picked up the mace at his waist, and smashed the head of the swordsman to free him.The screams stopped abruptly.

"Father, have mercy. Amen," Father Mikhail intoned at last.

"Amen." Guo Kang and others followed suit.

(End of this chapter)

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