Chapter 418 Horus Battle Banner

After solving the few people who stood out from Tang, everyone knew that there was no need to negotiate.Moreover, in this kind of place, it is even more unsafe.Therefore, they did not stop, and rushed to the wall outside the gate in one breath.

Sure enough, the people in the house began to shoot out continuously. Several crossbow arrows shot out from the second floor, and Guo Kang heard a gunshot.However, maybe their skills were not good enough, or maybe everyone ran too fast, and none of them could hit the target in the end.

The residents who followed gradually caught up, but Guo Kang didn't wait for them.He looked at the enemies at the door, and found that more people with long soldiers were running out from inside, trying to block the passage at the door.There was also a musket shooter, probably the one who had just fired, scrambling to reload.

Seeing this, Guo Kang didn't bother to announce what crime these people had committed and why they wanted to attack.He raised the small flag and shouted: "Follow me, follow me!" Then he pressed his helmet visor and rushed over.

He didn't have time to watch the reaction of the people behind, because of this distance, he arrived in a few breaths.He wanted to follow Guo Ponu's example and stab the one with the gun to death first, but the other thugs rushed forward and stood in front of him, all wanting to stab him with spears.

Guo Kang dodged a few times, and felt that this was not the way to go. In desperation, he simply roared and ran directly over.

He was hit several times. Although he was protected by armor, he was not afraid of being pierced, but it still hurt.

However, for these years, he has been dragged by his adoptive father to practice kung fu every day.It's hard to say how about martial arts, at least I have developed some strength.After all, this spear was not an iron fork or iron ruler used by a fast catcher, and it couldn't stand him. The armor slipped away and stabbed a few times, and he bumped into it.

The two spear-wielding thugs at the head were pushed back by him.The distance between them was too close, Guo Kang immediately raised his sword and stabbed it from top to bottom.However, the place was too crowded, and the sword fell halfway, when a scream was heard, it turned out that it had stabbed someone else.

Guo Kang didn't care which unlucky guy got the sword, because the person in front had dropped his spear and drawn his dagger.He immediately raised his hand and drew the sword back.

At this time, the panicked fire door shooter was holding the matchlock and slamming into the gun body.It's just that he was still cleaning the barrel of the gun just now, and now he hasn't even loaded the gunpowder, so what can he ignite?
After trying a few times, he might have discovered the problem, and immediately picked up the gunpowder sac on his body, ready to reload it first.As a result, in a panic, he forgot to pull out the matchlock that was still inserted in it, and just slammed down a bag of gunpowder, trying to install it as soon as possible.

Guo Kang was startled when he heard a bang in front of him, thinking that they had brought some large firearms out.But screams and screams came from behind the enemy, and some people dropped their weapons and ran away.

Before he could react, the guards had already rushed over and hacked to death the spearmen who had lost their spears.The rest of the people dispersed immediately.

"Did you die?" Guo Ponu ran over and yelled at Guo Kang.

Guo Kang didn't feel timid this time, instead he felt a sense of enthusiasm.He turned around and shouted: "If you die, you will go back!" Then he jumped into the thick smoke from the explosion.

Behind the gate, there is a long porch that encloses the garden in the atrium.There are already many thugs gathered here, Guo Kang rushed to the nearest one without saying a word.

The man also stabbed at him with his sword, but Guo Kang didn't hide at all, he raised his hand to block it with his arm armor, and stabbed his sword at his leg.However, the thugs nimbly dodged sideways.Guo Kang made another sword strike, but he still blocked him and failed to hit.He twisted the blade again and turned to sweep, but the thug was wearing armor and couldn't cut it open.

This person seems to have also practiced swordsmanship, so he is not so easy to deal with.However, Guo Kang's eyes were already red at this time, he just felt angry from embarrassment, and he was no longer in the mood to think about sword moves.He used the sword as a throwing spear, threw it suddenly, took advantage of the man's time to dodge, and rushed forward, grabbed his arm holding the sword with his left hand, and grabbed his neck with his right hand, pushing him against the wall .

The thug stretched out his hand to grab the dagger at his waist, but Guo Kang clamped his sword arm, turned around with a roar, and exerted force from his waist, with a "click", the arm was twisted alive.The thug let out a heart-piercing scream instantly, and the other hand also let go.

"I told you to hide!"

Guo Kang stretched out his hand again, held his head down, and slammed into the wall with all his strength.The helmet collided with the wall, making a muffled sound.

"I'll let you hide!" Guo Kang roared angrily, and kept smashing his head against the wall: "I'm a maidservant! Hide! Why don't you hide?"

Concentrated by him, after a few hard knocks, the thug has already gone limp, and he doesn't know whether he fainted or died.

At this moment, the three thugs next to him held short spears, looked at each other, and rushed forward in unison. Guo Kang used both hands to throw the man half a circle and threw him over.A thug with a spear instinctively raised his weapon to block, prodding him to roll aside.

It was only now that Guo Kang realized that he was out of weapons, so he simply picked up the floor candle holder next to him and smashed the enemy head and face.One of them was hit directly on the side of the head and immediately fell to the ground.Another person was also hit by the barrel of the gun and dropped his hand.

The third person managed to poke his chest, but still didn't break through his armor at all, and just made him take a step back.It doesn't matter now, the pain in his body made Guo Kang even more angry, he stabbed him back regardless, and pushed him down.

The man tried to get up quickly, and the people next to him also wanted to help, but Guo Kang had already jumped up screaming strangely, using all his strength to beat him down.The thug stretched out his hand to stop him, his arm collided with the iron rod, making a tooth-piercing cracking sound, and folded down on the spot.After breaking his arm, the iron rod continued unabated and hit his chest, preventing him from even screaming, before falling back to the ground.

Guo Kang was still dissatisfied, so he held the stick in both hands again, raised it high, pressed all his strength, and smashed it straight at his chest again.This time, the thugs couldn't dodge and ate everything.I don't know how many ribs were broken at once, and the entire chest cavity was sunken by the smash, and I couldn't breathe completely, and I saw that I was dead.

The last thug was obviously frightened by him, and he didn't even dare to pick up the weapon, so he turned around and ran away.Just as Guo Kang was chasing him, an iron rod flew towards him again, and it went straight into the back of his head.The thug fell straight to the ground.

Guo Ponu walked over quickly, raised his hand, and hammered Guo Kang's helmet with his fist, knocking his head down.

"What are you crazy about!" She said angrily, "Did you hit like this? If you don't know how to hit, just follow behind."

Guo Kang didn't know what to say for a while, so he just stood there stupidly.

Guo Ponu seemed to want to continue to reprimand him, but another group of people rushed out from the corner of the corridor.She let out a long breath with obvious displeasure, stretched out her hand and pulled out another sword.

The thugs rushed forward, Guo Ponu stepped forward quickly, and swung the two long swords at the same time, dancing with a flash of steel.The leader was stabbed in the door by her as soon as he met his face; the person next to him took the opportunity to rush up, but she cut off his hand with one sword, stabbed his armpit with another sword, and fell to the ground.

She took advantage of the situation and turned around, unleashing two swords in a row, knocking down a thug who came around from the side to the ground.Immediately after that, he jumped back, opened the distance, dodged the spear points of the enemies who were stabbing at him, and then turned around and rushed forward, facing each other face to face, and stabbing another enemy down.

As the first few people were killed one after another, the condition of the thugs who followed behind was even worse.They didn't even have armor, Guo Ponu rushed over, swinging two swords alternately, creating a bloody storm among the crowd, almost killing someone every time he swung his sword.The surviving enemies were terrified, and immediately dispersed, running all over the yard.

At this time, the second floor of the main building behind also heard the sound of killing.Guo Kang raised his head and saw a few knights rushing out of the room, cutting anyone they saw.The minions ran away in fright.

A strong man in bright armor ran out from the opposite side of the porch, shouted to stop them, and greeted them with a sword.The knight captain met him, and the two slashed and stabbed each other a few times, but they couldn't break through the defense, so they wrestled their swords and began to fight hand-to-hand.

The strong man was not weak, but the captain of the knight was obviously superior. Taking advantage of the flaws revealed during the wrestling, he smashed the hilt of his sword and hit the opponent's forehead.Taking advantage of the moment when he was in a trance, the Cavalier Captain suddenly exerted force and threw him down from the second floor.

The knights went to face the new enemy one after another, but the strong man didn't seem to fall to his death, he slowed down for a while, then slowly got up again, trying to get up.

Guo Kang was thinking about whether he should be caught alive, when he suddenly saw that lame young man walking out with a big vat.Seeing that the strong man was still moving on the ground, he threw the tank down without hesitation.With a bang, he fell to the ground again, not sure if he was still alive.

In other places, thugs are fleeing in all directions.

No matter how many people were actually killed at that moment, at least they did scare a lot of people.Most of the minions obviously didn't have the will to fight for it, and found that the people who came were too ruthless, so they started trying to escape.Without Guo Kang's instructions, everyone has already divided into small teams and began to search each room to deal with those who are still stubborn.

Although there are still many remaining enemies, they have lost their courage and are looking for a way to escape.Some ran for the back door, while others climbed over the second floor and tried to jump into the street.

Of course, this is not a good choice.

Now, there was a commotion outside, too.The residents who were hesitant before had already surrounded and attacked and killed the gang members here.

They are more ruthless than Guo Kang's side.When Guo Kang and others encountered those who surrendered, they would drive them into the yard and gather them for interrogation; while the ordinary people outside would beat one to death if they caught one, and would not listen to their excuses at all.

Father Mikhail had no choice but to poke his head out and shout to everyone, asking them to calm down, save some lives, and don't kill anyone who can give important information.

After observing the surrounding situation, Guo Kang decided to continue to rush forward.But he took a breath just now, it might as well not be slow, this stop made him a little tired instead.

Going to get the candle holder again, I feel that this thing is heavy and thick, and I even feel my arms a little sore when I wave it. I don't know what happened just now.He had no choice but to drop the somewhat bent candlestick, search around, and retrieve his sword.

Guo Ponu didn't know what to say just now, but now she was also chasing the enemy, and she didn't know where to go.Guo Kang followed the two priests and continued to charge forward.

They went up to the second floor - people had already passed the stairwell, only a few corpses in disorder, and a half-dead minion was breathing intermittently, with his chest heaving and falling.

The priests took a look and found that his mail armor had been directly pierced by someone, and there was a terrible wound on the right chest, which probably injured his lung, and it was hopeless.The two of them paused for a while, recited the scriptures, and then sent him to see the heavenly father with an axe, which was regarded as an end to their previous companions.

The corridor on the second floor has obviously been "cleaned", but there is still movement in the house.They rushed into the first room and found several minions lying near the door.There are several tall shelves near the wall in the room. Guo Kang took a look and found that there were all kinds of wine barrels on them.

He went over to have a look, and saw that these barrels, with the logo of Venice and the logo of Marseille, seemed to be imported goods.They filled a whole shelf, and according to the custom, these wines should be kept in the basement.The things in the room should just be part of the preparation for the banquet.

"My God. There's not so much wine out there." Guo Kang couldn't help but shook his head.

In the corner of the room, there was a girl dressed as a maid who was looking out. Seeing the three of them barging in, she immediately retreated into the corner and looked at them in panic.A priest grabbed the crucifix and shone it on her, telling her to stay there.But Guo Kang thought about it and stopped him.

The teammates who attacked here before were only focused on fighting, and it was a normal tactical choice to ignore her for the time being and leave it to the follow-up people.But the people here, now everyone is suspected, and everyone may become a witness.Who knows if this seemingly harmless girl has been involved in the case, or even an important person in it?

These priests from the Ross countryside may be relatively simple, but Guo Kang will not lose his vigilance just because the other party looks like a weak woman.

The moment he saw her, he had already considered various possibilities: she might be the mistress or daughter of an important member of the gang, dressed up like this and preparing to escape; she might be a maid for matchmaking, who actually held a lot of secrets; It might even be a man disguised as a woman—unlike the priests, he has heard a lot about women disguised and escaped.I haven't checked it carefully, who knows.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, she cannot be let go.Even if she was just an innocent witness, it would be a loss to be scared away.

"You follow us." He lifted his helmet and ordered.

The maid still didn't respond, she didn't know if she was scared or didn't want to move.Guo Kang repeated again: "Get up and go with us. It's not safe here, we'll take you to gather."

"We were sent by the church to investigate crimes committed by gangsters, and we will not harm innocent people." Another priest also helped explain: "Come on."

The maid stood up reluctantly.But when two priests walked out the door, she was still hesitating.

"Hurry up." Guo Kang urged, holding the sword.

The maid looked at the priests who had turned their heads at the door, so she nodded and followed.Guo Kang was two steps behind, carefully looked at the surrounding layout, stabbed at the wall panels and shelves a few times, followed behind, walked out of the room, and closed the door smoothly.

There was only a moment of delay here, but the battle in the courtyard was almost over.Two knights were driving a group of minions, and they were coming out of the main building.They all raised their hands and squatted obediently beside the flower bed.On the second floor, there were only sporadic screams and fights left.

Guo Kang and others walked along the corridor and found that the houses in front of them had also been cleaned up.They stopped staying and rushed to the place where the sound was still heard.

At this time, at the corner at the end of the corridor, Guo Ponu suddenly appeared.Seeing someone coming, she hurriedly waved: "Come here! They're all here!"

Guo Kang and others trotted over and found a small compartment over there with a bunch of people hidden in it.Outside are some maids dressed similarly to the one just now, going out.But at the bottom is a strong man with a thick face, and several women with heavy makeup.

"They said, this is the leader of the gang, Sergey." Guo Ponu pointed at the strong man with his sword and said.

"You did this all the way?" Guo Kang was surprised by another thing.

"That's right. I thought about it. Anyway, I can't stop you. It's better to kill these enemies first. In case you get hit on the head, there will be another accident." Guo Ponu shook his head and said.

"..." Guo Kang was speechless for a moment.

The movement here attracted more people, and the military judge also ran towards this side with a few entourages.Seeing that the battle here was over, he ordered his followers to take out pens and paper and prepare to record.

"Where is Alexander?" he asked directly.

"My lord, my lord, I don't know anything!" Sergey completely lost the arrogance of the gang boss, shrunk his head and refused to come out, and explained repeatedly: "I just come to the elder for a meal on a routine basis! What he did has nothing to do with me!"

"Don't talk so much nonsense." Guo Kang shouted: "If you ask me anything, just say it! Where's Alexander?"

"He's not here this afternoon because he has something to go to for a meeting with other people." Sergey hurriedly explained: "The brothers on our side were left here by him, saying that he wanted everyone to rest and relax."

"He must have some kind of conspiracy!" He turned to the military judge with an exaggerated surprised expression: "My lord, I am wronged! Alexander must have planned something, so he was deliberately absent at this time, trying to blame me! "

The military judge gave him a cold look, but said nothing.

Guo Kang frowned.

"Don't worry, I also know that he is a big villain, and he can't escape." He said to Sergey: "Now, you go with us."

"Where are you going?" Sergey asked hurriedly.

"Just over there." Guo Kang pointed to the large balcony on the second floor facing the garden, and said.

Sergey seemed to realize something, and wanted to shrink in again.But the soldiers didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, grabbed his legs, and dragged him out.

Guo Kang looked at the gang leader.His body looks fairly strong, but his complexion looks haggard. It is estimated that he has indulged too much in this period of time, and his body has been hollowed out by wine and sex.

He had strange braids on his head and a large tattoo on his body. He didn't even wear underwear and pants, and he was only wearing a Central Plains-style silk gown.The clothes were supposed to be the attire of a literati, but being dressed like this by him, not only did it not have a refined artistic conception, but it looked rather funny.

"Where's his boss?" The military judge glanced at the records and asked Guo Kang.

"I'll call him back." Guo Kang replied.

He told other people to keep an eye on this place, and together with Guo Ponu, continue to walk towards the back door.There was no sign of fighting in the corridor here, but there was no one there either.Minions and servants have all run away, only the sound of a collision can be heard from a nearby room.

The siblings ran over and found that this should be the pantry in the hall, and there was a person in it, holding a big bag and stuffing a lot of tableware into it.He was startled when he saw someone coming, and wanted to run while grabbing the sack, ignoring the unfinished parts on the table.

However, he obviously underestimated the weight of the sack, and instead of pulling it, he was carried around and fell to the ground.

"What are you doing!" Guo Kang shouted sharply.

"Ah, ah..." The man was speechless.

Guo Kang didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, so he stepped forward and kicked him down.Seeing that he didn't have a weapon in his hand, he dragged him out of the door and asked others to take him away.

The next place, there is no one.The two of them quickly came to the back of the house and looked down. At the intersection below, there were many corpses lying here and there, several of them were not complete, with broken arms and limbs scattered all over the ground, covering the entire ground. stained red.

There were more people gathered on the side of the road, obediently holding their heads, sitting on the ground, looking quite frightened.It is estimated that Captain Lucas and others also blocked many people.

Guo Kang poked his head out and waved the flag over there.

"It's over, it's over!" he shouted, "Bring everyone in."

The people below immediately let the prisoners stand up and drove them in.Guo Kang greeted Captain Lucas again, telling him that the leader had already caught him and asked him to come up to help with the interrogation.The captives were a little agitated at first, but when they heard that the boss had also been arrested, they became quiet again.

After he went back, the others had escorted Sergey to the balcony.And under the balcony, many residents have poured in.There were still many people outside, unable to see what was going on inside, so they simply climbed to the roof of the second floor and formed a large circle.

Guo Kang's men escorted the captives to the courtyard. Some residents clashed with the captives and tried to beat them. Father Mikhail and others had no choice but to stop them.It took them a while to calm down.

It's colder now, but Father Mikhail is sweating from the work.After that, he hurried upstairs again and joined Guo Kang.Guo Kang asked him to rest first, saying that he was not in a hurry to perform the ceremony now, and that he was going to interrogate Sergei publicly and let him tell everything.

The priests are very supportive of this.Sergey has harmed too many people, and if he is not allowed to tell the truth publicly, it is impossible to explain to the victims.

Moreover, even for his own good, a public interrogation had to be conducted to force him to confess.Otherwise, it is impossible for his soul to be redeemed, and he will not be able to pray before his execution.

Everyone didn't bring any magic tools, so Father Mikhail took two gun shafts discarded by the minions, cut the short one into two sections, tied a cross temporarily, and asked the deacon to support it. sign.

The military judge suggested to Guo Kang to take out the flag of the brigade.He explained that this interrogation was related to a violation of military law, so it also required the participation of the prisoner's unit, which is why he called Captain Lucas, the acting chief, up.At this time, it is best to put up a flag to indicate that this is an official trial of the soldiers of the Ministry.

But Guo Kang's team has not been established for a long time, and there are no banners or logos.After thinking about it, he decided to follow the example of the priests and just make one temporarily.

He found a tablecloth from the back hall, tied it to a wooden pole, and asked the clerk for a pen.As for what pattern to use, he fell into difficulty in choosing for a while, and lowered his head to think.

At this time, he saw beside him, the amulet that Guo Ponu had given him before.

Since you can't design it by yourself, it's better to copy someone else's directly.Guo Kang no longer hesitated, and directly drew the pattern of the Eye of Horus on it.Anyway, no one has used any of the legions and battle groups so far, so it is considered a mark.

After a few strokes, he asked Captain Lucas to hold the flag and plant it on the balcony.After that, he took out the kettle by himself, drank some water, rested for a while, and then got up and walked over there.

(End of this chapter)

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