Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 419 Spear, and God's Head

Chapter 419 Spear Cross, and God's Head
When Guo Kang came to the balcony, others had tied Sergey to a log, but he was still struggling.

Facing soldiers with blood on their swords and a large number of murderous residents around, Sergey clearly realized that the situation was not good, and showed a strong desire to survive.

However, his level of speech skills is not very high. For a while, he threatened that he was working for a big shot, and no one would be able to stop anyone who dared to touch him in the future; Why bother each other.After speaking, not only the onlookers became more angry, but even the guards who were performing official duties felt that this man was very annoying.

Guo Kang hurried out and signaled everyone to be quiet.

He had thought about how to have a dialogue with the people before, but considering that almost all of these people were illiterate, they might not be able to understand what he said, so he might as well be more frank and straightforward.

"I can understand your feelings, but today I have something to tell you." He came up and said bluntly: "And, not only me, I also want him to tell you the truth. In this way, you will know, Why did I do this today?"

Among other things, Sergey's gang was indeed wiped out by him in one fell swoop.No matter what happens in the future, at least everyone can relax and celebrate now.Even, because of the destruction of the accounts, it will take a lot of effort to re-establish a system for searching for money.Before the new gang arrives and completes the work, everyone can be safe for at least a few days.

Therefore, everyone is willing to listen to what he wants to say.

The people present gradually quieted down.Guo Kang then turned to the gang leader and said loudly: "Time is limited, I only have a few questions."

"The first question is who asked you to arrest him, and what is his purpose?"

"The Great Elder forced me!" Sergey immediately shirked his responsibility: "He wants to enjoy it, and he also bribes other people. He has eaten all the benefits, and we can only lick the blood with the knife head, and work hard for him... ..."

"You are a gang leader, with so many thugs under your command, why are you afraid of him?" Guo Kang continued to ask.

"He's more powerful!" Sergey glanced at Guo Kang unexpectedly, obviously suspecting that he really didn't know, or pretended not to know: "Although he doesn't directly manage this side, all our gangs have to give him save face."

"What if you don't give it?" Guo Kang instead started to remind him to continue.

"Then it's doomed!" Sergey argued: "Our gang, as well as the entire city, must continue to absorb new people in order to maintain and expand. But most of the Ross people came through the channels of Alexander and the others. Came here."

"If we don't give him face and nothing else, we won't even be able to replenish our manpower. He only needs to move a little bit, and other gangs can have more power and kill us. As a leader, I have to find ways for my brothers. How can you resist his request?"

"Don't quibble!" The military judge couldn't help shouting: "Registering to join the army means observing military discipline. Didn't your captain tell you? Did you get his consent when you came here?"

"What happened before you joined the army is under the responsibility of the civil law. We don't care about it for the time being. How long has it been since you registered and entered the camp? You left the camp without authorization, murdered, robbed, raped, and even engaged in cult activities among the people. So much Guilty, can you bear this rotten life of yours?"

Sergey looked even more flustered, and said incoherently: "But, didn't they say...after entering the barracks, if you commit a crime, you will be given a lighter punishment?"

"Who told you that?" the military judge asked back speechlessly.

"Elder Alexander and Elder Jacob said." Sergey immediately confessed: "They let me, and some other brothers, join the army, saying that there are many benefits..."

"Who is Jacob?" Guo Kang asked.

"It's the elder who is in charge of our district." Sergey said hurriedly, "The boys and girls on my side are the ones he designated. I'm really just an errand."

"Then where did you send these people?" Guo Kang asked.

"Elder Alexander brought a few guests, first came to my place to play for a while, and then left." Sergey replied: "Their big shots have their own affairs, how can I participate in it. Elder Alexander asked me to Stay here, wait for them to finish, and you will come."

"Which part did you participate in?" Guo Kang continued to interrogate: "Who killed the corpse thrown out of your house? Who would purposely cut up the corpse after killing? You don't know that this is a common practice in cult rituals. What appears?"

This time, Sergey actually became timid, and his answer was not so straightforward.

"I... I don't know either." He replied intermittently, "It's the foreign god offered by the elders. Maybe it's similar to your Siris?"

"What nonsense!" Guo Kang scolded: "There are so many people present, they have all seen that scene. You usually don't bother to cover it up, right? So you throw it on the garbage dump openly, thinking that even if you are so blatant, you will not be punished. This Is this the first time? Don't you know? I wouldn't believe such a stupid lie."

"He, they forced me to swear, swear not to tell..." Sergey became even more flustered.

"You don't need to tell me what you did at that time, we can already guess it." Guo Kang pulled out his sword and put it on the ground: "Alexander and the others used this as a den, so there must be a place for sacrifices. Tell me about where That's fine, I'll go and see the situation myself, and confront Alexander and the others—of course, if you don't tell me, other people will tell me. Choose yourself."

"This...their altar is on the other side of the hall." Sergey hesitated, and confessed: "There is a secret door at the place where the white Persian tapestry is, just push it open."

Guo Kang waved for Guo Ponu and others to follow him, and returned to the previous hall.According to his narration, he found a door as expected.As soon as I opened a crack, I smelled a rotten stench.

"How can there be enough seats in this banquet hall?" Guo Kang muttered.

"I guess it was incense." Guo Ponu said.

Guo Kang sniffed it carefully, and found that there was indeed a smell of residual spices. It should be that the spices used in the previous banquet had not dissipated.However, the fishy smell is too strong, not only can't cover it, but it also mixes with the fishy smell and the smell of wine, forming a pungent smell mixed with sweetness and rancidity, which makes people feel dizzy.

Guo Kang simply pushed all the doors open to let the cool breeze from outside blow into the room.The room should have been cleaned by them, and they didn't directly see the broken limbs and human internal organs, but only based on the smell and the layers of blood stains on the stone floor, they knew what happened here.

At the end of the secret chamber is a shrine, with a row of brackets and empty plates in front of it, presumably for ceremonies.There are also some signs and hanging banners, with the titles of gods and unintelligible spells written on them.

"Longevity, long life... what is this? Painless and sorrowless?" The probe read halfway, and Guo Kang didn't recognize it anymore.He straightened up, thought for a while, and commented: "Looking for longevity and pleasure... This is quite in line with the desire of these silverfish."

On the seat of the shrine, stood a tall and old wooden statue of a god, with a dark surface and a hideous face, wearing a large silk robe embroidered with strange patterns and stained with blood.Guo Kang stepped forward and took a closer look. There were differences in the colors of the blood spots, some old and some new. It was probably splashed during a ceremony, and such ceremonies had obviously been held many times.

Guo Kang was silent for a moment, then stepped forward, pushed all those signs aside, stepped on the edge of the shrine, hugged the statue, and with his waist and legs exerted strength, he lifted the statue up and put it on his shoulders.

Guo Ponu looked at him curiously.

"Find me an ax." Guo Kang said.

Guo Ponu nodded.

Guo Kang carried the statue and went all the way back to the balcony.There, the surrounding people were whispering, and they were a little surprised to see him suddenly come out with something on his shoulders.And Sergey and several other male and female servants who were captured were even more frightened.

"How do you put him..."

Sergey hurriedly wanted to ask, but Guo Kang ignored him at all.At this time, Guo Ponu came out with a big ax for chopping wood, so Guo Kang threw the statue on the platform.

He took the ax and announced loudly to the crowd.

"They call this thing a god!" He pointed to the statue.

"I don't know this thing, its origin, or its story. I don't care either!"

"What I know is," he looked around the crowd: "I am the special envoy of the Warmaster, a public official of Rome!"

"This thing," he knocked on the statue, "whether it works or not, I don't know, and I don't care! What are the benefits of offering sacrifices to it, and what punishment will there be for disobeying it, I don't know, and I don't care about it." care!"

"What I know is that in its name, someone oppresses and even kills the Roman citizens I need to protect, poisons the Roman society I need to maintain, and desecrates the Roman spirit I need to respect. So, no matter what it is, I will regard it as It is the enemy, and it, and its followers, fight to the end!"

"Romans!" he shouted to the crowd: "You are the direct victims of this incident, so I give you the opportunity to choose and judge. You say that it should be released and it should continue to be worshipped, Or kill these bastards!"

"Cut it, cut it!" The few residents who had been following the team before were the most active and shouted loudly.

"Raise your hands up!" Guo Kang also shouted: "If you want to let it go, put your thumb up, and if you want to cut it, put your thumb down! Let me see what you think!"

The crowd roared, and their voices became louder and louder.Thumbs up in the courtyard and surrounding rooftops.

And in the surrounding circle, and even beyond the wall, where they couldn't see here, more people shouted, and their voices became more and more orderly.

"Kill! Kill!"

The crowd shouted in unison.

Guo Kang waved again to silence them.Many people are still excited, unwilling to stop, and even want to squeeze forward.But there were others who wanted to listen to him more, so everyone advised each other, stopped them, and stopped again.

"We want to clarify the canonical punishment." Guo Kang told them.

"Therefore, I declare," he turned his head and shouted at the idol: "Father, brother, and ancestors bear witness: In the name of Kuriltai and the Roman people, I declare that you are the enemy of Rome! You Your party members, and all those who dare to stand up for you, will be severely punished!"

"As for you! You foolish false god, ugly lump of wood, murderous monster, false and despicable symbol, rat lurking in gutters and dark rooms!—I declare that you are condemned to death!"

As Guo Kang said, he took half a step back, swung the ax with both hands without hesitation, and under the horrified eyes of Sergey and others, he chopped off the head of the idol with one axe.

He dropped the axe, picked up the head of the idol, held it up high, and showed it to everyone.

The people around cheered loudly, and the sound wave was louder than wave, and even made Guo Kang feel like the balcony was shaking.

He picked up the rope that had been used to bind the prisoner on the ground, and tied the head of the statue.Then let the deacon carry the big cross made of spears and hang the "head" of the statue on it.

"Okay," amidst the cheers, he took a breath, turned and said to the prisoners, "It's your turn."

(End of this chapter)

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