Chapter 435 The current child

"Didn't you have any other ideas at the time?" the old sea urchin asked curiously.

"There are a lot of ideas." The Queen Mother said with a smile: "Many of the various rumors that were popular over there at that time were contradictory. In some stories, Constantinople was the most prosperous city in the world and was the home of the Romans. A symbol of glory; in some stories, there is a simple Italian business station there, and the relevant plots are all about how everyone battles wits and courage with these profiteers, but there is no shadow of Rome."

"This is pretty good. Even the word Rome is very confusing." She said, "I heard from my uncle that there is a Rome over there in Italy. He also worked as a bodyguard for Roman businessmen. Those Rome They must be Italians. However, those Italians often clashed with the Romans here, and the Italian businessmen in Rome also fought with the Romans in Constantinople. So I was always very worried. I’m confused as to why people in Rome are not Romans, but people who are not in Rome are Romans. We can’t figure out who the Romans are.”

"If I have to say it, they are all." The old sea urchin commented.

"That's too much." The Queen Mother said: "Two uncles have been to Konya. The Turkmen people there call themselves 'Roma'. They say that also means Rome. All these are taken into account, and it feels like There are Romans everywhere."

"Some classification issues are indeed difficult to define." Monk Dao Yan fully agreed: "I met many businessmen during my journey and were very curious about our group. Many people also can't figure out the boundaries of peach blossom stone people."

"In the caravan we followed, some people felt that the Mongols were a branch of the Peach Blossom Stone people, but the Chagatai people were not; and some people, conversely, felt that the Mongols were not, but the Chagatai people were. Neither of these two groups Can’t convince anyone.”

"According to our point of view, they should all be counted." The old sea urchin commented: "I have read the writings of some travelers. They said that as early as when the Baghdad Caliphate was still ruling, everyone had already understood that there were peach blossoms east of the river. Stone man. At least, that’s what our scholars over there think.”

"People in different places and in different situations may have different ideas." The Queen Mother said: "What we said at that time was that the Chagatai people liked to think of themselves as Seris, but the Mongols did not think so - because Seris was a big Khan's caravans had close contact with various cities in the Chagatai Khanate, and everyone liked to do business with them. However, the Great Khan often sent troops and horses to attack the Mongols, which made the Mongols hate him and were unwilling to admit that he They are his people.”

"Of course, many things cannot be concluded at first." She pointed out: "Do you think Xiliao is a prince of Seris?"

"When we study history, we generally think so." Old Sea Urchin was convinced of this.

"Xi Liao was founded by the Khitan Ju'er Khan. Later, in the same place, the Mongolian Chagatai Khan also established the Khanate. The Khitan and the Mongols are both Seris people in the north. The positions of the two political powers There are many overlaps, so the Chagatai Khanate should also be a prince of Seris, right?" The Queen Mother asked again.

"That's true." The old sea urchin also nodded directly in agreement.

"So since the Chagatai Khanate is a vassal of Seris, does the Khanate of Timur's line count? Legally speaking, they are branches of the Chagatai lineage." The Queen Mother continued to ask.

"This..." The old sea urchin thought for a moment: "The Timur Khanate has expanded to Asia Minor. Isn't it too far-fetched to say that?"

"But if the nature of the regime is determined by geographical location, territorial changes are meaningless." The Queen Mother said: "Alexander of Macedonia can fight from our mountains all the way to the river, but everyone still thinks they are a Macedonian country. Then why Why can’t the Seris country invade Xiaoya?”

"Moreover, also in Persia and Asia Minor, there was the Ilkhanate back then. The Ilkhanate was a clear Yuan vassal state, and even its name means 'vassal'. You see, even it was a vassal state. Woolen cloth."

"In that case, I'm afraid Siris will be everywhere." The old sea urchin said.

"Yes, what's the difference between us and Xiliao? It's just that we are further away." The Queen Mother said: "In other aspects, I'm afraid they are similar. Our national system and local management may be more like the Central Plains than theirs. government."

"If you put it that way, it's really..." The old sea urchin thought for a while and said: "Maybe Siris is too far away. I haven't thought about this problem before. You should think more carefully."

"I don't have the heart to think about this. This is what the boy from the Cao family told me before when he came back from a mission." The Queen Mother shook her head: "I actually find it very strange. If this argument continues, we in Rome will also be Seris. But I myself I couldn’t find any flaws in it, so I kept it in mind as an interesting statement.”

"It is indeed a very interesting idea." Monk Daoyan smiled, nodded, and said politely. "But I think after careful study, there is nothing wrong with this statement." The Queen Mother changed the topic and said: "I heard the masters preaching and said that the entire world has the same origin, and all human beings also have common ancestors. Since We all come from one, so if we want to pursue the great road and find the future closest to the best, our pursuit should also be one."

"Come from one, return to one..." the old sea urchin muttered, and looked at each other thoughtfully with Monk Dao Yan.

"Oh, I just said it casually." The Queen Mother smiled and said: "I thought about it later. How could I understand this at that time."

"I'm not bragging, but at that time, the girls over there were much more down-to-earth. It's not like these kids now. Each one has more minds and more complicated ideas." She shook her head and said helplessly. .

"The situation in the mountains is very complicated, and the hostility between different towns and villages is not small at all. There are as many friends who have fought side by side as there are enemies who are eyeing them. Therefore, women must also learn to defend their hometowns, so that they can protect their hometowns after their men go out. To support and protect myself. In addition, I also have some interests, so when I was a child, in addition to helping the family with work, I also practiced martial arts. "

"But look at my eldest granddaughter, hey." The Queen Mother said with a bitter smile: "She doesn't like to learn to work at all. Her parents can't even ask her to learn, and even I can't push her."

"Are times different?" The old monk tried to smooth things over: "Her living conditions now are much better than those of your time, so naturally they don't need to be exactly the same."

"She sometimes says this, but even noble ladies in the palace must learn what they should learn. The emperors of Seris have to hold plowing ceremonies, and the queens have to weave their own weaving. This is not necessary in their lives. , but because of the needs of the ceremony. Can she have a higher status than others?" The Queen Mother disagreed.

"It's the same here. I'm not unreasonable, but according to my understanding, from Ireland to Khitan, in all decent civilized countries, ladies will learn textiles. This is useful even when socializing."

"Later, it turned out to be trouble. You must have seen the boys in the Guo family. He is the one who especially likes to tinker with all kinds of strange things. He once became interested in the loom and wanted to study how to connect it to his machine. On the machine, ask Theodora. The result? She doesn't know how." The Queen Mother spread her hands.

"Normally, the other ladies around her would avoid the topic if they knew she was not interested. But this time, she wanted to get along with them. But she just couldn't do it, and there was nothing she could do. I can only come back and make up classes in a hurry.”

"That's not bad. In the end, why don't you go and study?" Dao Yan thought for a while and said: "Since ancient times, those who have excelled in school have worked hard on their own, at least they have been inspired and educated by their parents and teachers. Very few Even if you are forced, you can still learn well. There are many ways to educate, and perhaps the effect will be better if the children themselves realize the need."

"It's too late!" The Queen Mother said bluntly: "What's the use of trying to make up for it now? I can learn it faster than she does!"

"By the time she has learned a little bit, Xiao Guo has already made a loom by himself. After having someone demonstrate it for a while, he dismantled it himself and figured out the principle." She told the two of them, "Wait until Theodora goes to find him. When it was released, they had already modified it. It’s just that the mechanism was too delicate, otherwise it would have been sold everywhere by now.”

The three of them smiled helplessly.

"This child is just spoiled." Speaking of her granddaughter, the Queen Mother spoke more: "Her grandfather also spoiled her - she didn't like to work or even practice martial arts at that time! She would read all kinds of messy books there every day. , I was helpless, do you want to be a philosopher or a sweater? But Basil finally said, just let her watch it, and she became more confident."

"Then what do you do?" the old sea urchin asked curiously.

"Now that we've reached this point, we have no choice but to obey her." The Queen Mother said speechlessly: "But I persisted. Apart from anything else, martial arts training must not stop. What about weaving and embroidery threads, etc., but martial arts training can still be fooled. How to fool me?"

"Oh, today's children are really bad. Their parents' generation can endure much hardship than they do." The Queen Mother shook her head repeatedly and sighed again.

(End of this chapter)

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