Chapter 436
Regarding the Queen Mother's emotion, the old sea urchin didn't seem too surprised, showing an expected expression.

"This is a natural phenomenon." He said: "When we studied the history of Andalusia, we discovered this pattern."

"After the country stabilizes and gradually becomes prosperous, people's psychological state will change accordingly. People will be content with material enjoyment and even take this environment for granted. If they are allowed to live the same life as before, they will It’s unlikely.”

"This kind of thing has happened many times where we are." He gave an example: "Every time, those who invaded Andalusia were people from poor places. They were hard-working, tenacious, and capable of exerting their abilities. With strong fighting power, we can defeat those city dwellers who are used to living a wealthy life and establish their own political power."

"After that, they will also enter the same cycle: the first generation can still maintain their original aggressiveness, and the second generation has begun to get used to enjoyment. By the third generation, and even beyond, they They are no longer different from the enemies of our ancestors. At this time, history will repeat itself. From the barren mountains or the desolate deserts of West Africa, a new generation of conquerors will emerge, completing a new cycle."

"Then do you have any ideas for a solution?" Monk Daoyan asked.

"No." The old sea urchin answered bluntly: "The samples we have observed are too few. Places that can maintain this cycle are quite rare. In most places, the historical cycle cannot be maintained. Local scholars are not familiar with this kind of cycle. There is no cognition of the rules at all. Therefore, we can’t find anything to refer to, can’t compare and analyze, and can only guess on our own.”

"However, recently, by reading the records of the Central Plains Dynasty, I found that our ideas are also applicable in other places. Moreover, their historical cycle is more obvious, so I estimate that this situation is probably the same for all humans. It’s inevitable.”

"Your granddaughter's behavior is very normal. I believe we have encountered it many times in history." He pointed at himself, then at Monk Daoyan, and said: "There were indeed people who tried to stop this trend back then. But at least, on our side, it hasn’t been effective, and it’s made everyone more miserable.”

"How did you do it?" Monk Daoyan asked.

"Many political powers over there were started from religious groups. Organizations were first established through religious groups, and then secular functions were taken over to form a country." Old Sea Urchin said:

"So, their thinking is also more religious. Generally speaking, they hope to restrain everyone through higher standards of moral standards and stricter precepts, so that people can maintain a pure and ascetic life for a long time and maintain the physical and mental quality of ancient times. status. They hope to use this to make everyone restrain their desires and maintain pure faith."

"Actually, it's not just us. As far as I know, there were more than one wave of religious movements in the Christian religion back then, and the principle is the same. Everyone hopes to suppress the corruption of the religious order and the country through this method, but unfortunately, this method It’s never been very successful.”

"As far as I know, the sect itself is unable to maintain the discipline." He shook his head and said, "On the surface, everyone is required to abide by the rules, but in fact, the leaders responsible for supervision and execution often fail to abide by them. Moreover, , after the environment changes, it is often impossible to continue to manage and restrain subordinates in the same way. In this way, the precepts will soon become invalid."

"Although it is in the name of Hu Da, we all know that those who write and formulate these rules are only mortals after all. Rules that rely on mortals to maintain cannot always remain perfect. This idea has no solution."

"Even if it is not a religious restriction, it is unlikely to be maintained." Monk Daoyan seemed to be quite touched and agreed: "I, the Emperor Taizu, hate evil as much as I hate hatred, and often punish corrupt officials with harsh standards. But this method of restriction It cannot be sustained for a long time. In the end, we still have to find other methods."

"Yes, everyone is in this situation, which makes me want to give up on myself sometimes." The old sea urchin admitted: "Instead of setting up a religious order to restrain everyone, it is better to establish a religious order to maintain the normality of this cycle. conduct."

"Since corruption is inevitable, instead of resisting in vain, it is better to take advantage of this historical cycle and choose emerging forces that are relatively reliable." He said: "On our side, there have been many fringe tribes that believe in Tianfang Sect, trying to enter the core region, in an attempt to establish hegemony. But these forces are really mixed, and some are even as cruel as the Castilians who believe in Christianity! These people will only cause destruction if they come to cycle."

"Correspondingly, there are some smarter and more far-sighted tribes in history. In the process of overthrowing the original emirs, they inevitably used violence, but the results were better. If you ask me, it is better to support and Guide them appropriately and take the initiative to help them replace the Emirs. At least this way, we can live a more stable life."

Monk Daoyan was silent for a moment.

"The Seris people are mysophobic and are very strict about distinguishing outsiders. But it doesn't matter to us. No matter what tribe they are, as long as they believe in Tianfang religion, everyone can accept it. In the past two years, it has become even more relaxed. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. , Just be kinder than the Castilians..." The old sea urchin complained: "Isn't that why I came to you for help?" "So I think you don't need to care too much about these problems. You want to control them too much. Granddaughter, sometimes it has a negative effect." He shook his head and said to the Queen Mother:
"Children can do whatever they want. They are destined to take a different path, and we can't control it. Besides, if the laws of history are correct and slackness and even degeneration are inevitable trends, then there is no use for us to intervene. They can make their own choices. As for the final result, only Hu Da knows."

"Hey, yes..." The Queen Mother also sighed: "When I talk to her, sometimes I think she is quite reasonable. But when I think about it carefully, I don't know whether it is me who is old and confused, or she is thinking too much. .”

"Literati in the Central Plains all know that girls who are waiting for marriage have the most thoughts." Monk Daoyan also tried to enlighten her: "It is normal for children to think more when they reach this age. Why don't you take a look, she is Aren’t you in love with that young master of the Guo family?”

"Do young girls nowadays pay attention to this?" The Queen Mother shook her head: "When I got married, I didn't seem to think much about my husband. No wonder I can't guess what she is thinking."

"Well, this is not a problem with young girls of this generation. Maybe you were...too martial at that time." Monk Daoyan said helplessly.

"Yes. What were you thinking about at that time?" Old Sea Urchin also asked.

"I think about Constantinople every day." The Queen Mother said truthfully: "I asked my father, but he didn't understand so many concepts at the time - he himself had never been to Constantinople. So at that time I wonder every day what this city is like and which rumors are true."

"As for who to marry, I really haven't cared about it." She thought for a while and said, "Marrying is a woman's obligation. As for who to marry, isn't it decided by the family and father? Why bother thinking about it? "

"It" The old sea urchin was a little surprised: "But the women over there often make trouble and feel that the husband they choose is not good enough. Castilians, on the other hand, have much more stable family relationships. Look at it this way, It’s no wonder we can’t defeat the Christian countries, the atmosphere is indeed not very good…”

"That's right." The Queen Mother was convinced: "Anyway, you are going to marry someone and have a child. Who do you marry? Hurry up and complete the task. There are many other things."

"Besides, if you can't choose your grandparents, parents, or moms well, what's the point of your own discernment? Besides, are good men picked out?" She spread her hands and sighed: "Children these days are too good. She was sentimental. But she couldn't bear the hardship and didn't practice her martial arts well. When she started fighting with the man, she suffered a loss. Instead, she blamed her family for being too arbitrary and not choosing a good choice for her. How can this be done? "


The old sea urchin and Monk Daoyan looked at each other, and then realized that she was feeling this.But he himself has never fought before, so it’s hard to say anything...

After complaining about the disobedience of the juniors for a while, the Queen Mother said goodbye to them.Several people left separately. Old Sea Urchin's apprentice helped him get the horse and left first.Monk Daoyan stood for a while, waiting for the entourage to put the cart in place, and then left.

When the car came to the corner, the old monk opened the curtains and saw the Queen Mother watching them leave, so he bowed his hands to express his thanks.But at this moment, two men on horseback hurried over and blocked their view.

Both of them were wearing dark burqas, and it was unknown who they were.Just after passing the corner, the man in front took out a scroll and waved it towards the door a few times.

The driver and the entourage looked back curiously, but Monk Daoyan only told them not to worry about it, and there was no need to look back, just keep walking.

After saying that, he lowered the curtains, closed his eyes and rested.

(End of this chapter)

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