Chapter 437 Theodora’s discovery

"Do you feel that something is wrong?"

In the venue, Theodora looked worried.

"Oh, don't be so sad, let's have a drink." Tuo Huan next to her didn't agree, holding a glass of wine and trying to pass it to her.

"Stop drinking!" Theodora glared at him: "Look back!"


Tuohuan turned around and took a look, but only saw the cheering crowd in the camp.Looking further away, the high city wall stood firmly in the night, and nothing unusual was seen at all.

"Nothing?" Tuohuan said strangely.

Just as he was talking, a group of soldiers came over surrounded by two hundred households.On their cloaks, they all wore polished copper coats of arms with patterns of crosses and suns engraved on them.In other words, these people are all veterans who have beheaded more than level five.One of the hundreds of households even wore a silver olive branch on his chest, which meant that this person had at least accomplished the "four great merits", which were killing generals, capturing flags, ascending first, and trapping battles.

This dinner was mainly catered to veterans like this, so it was not surprising that a very high proportion of those in attendance had military merit.

Everyone came over and greeted Tuohuan.Someone handed over half a glass of wine and shouted: "Taiji, we toast you! May the Lord of All Arms bless you and win every battle!"

Tuohuan took the wine glass they handed over, greeted everyone, and drank it down in one gulp.Then, he raised the cup he had just prepared to give to Theodora and shouted: "I also toast you a cup. May Saint George bless you and let you all return to your hometown safely with glory!"

The crowd cheered.Someone brought a barrel of wine, poured it for them all, and let everyone drink.The atmosphere at the scene became jubilant again.

Tuohuan drank for a while, and drank a lot with others. He came over drunkenly and looked at Theodora.

"Why...why don't you have a few drinks with everyone?" His tongue was a little stiff,
"Forget it, everyone likes you, just deal with it." Theodora stepped away slightly to prevent the smell of alcohol from him from flying to her.

"No way. When you gave your speech just now, weren't the officers and soldiers very happy?" Tuohuan pointed out directly without being drunk.

Theodora shook her head helplessly.

She also knows that it is important to have a good relationship with these people, but in this regard, she really is not as good as having fun.This guy can mingle with everyone anytime and anywhere, but even if Theodora had the intention, it would be difficult for him to do so - or maybe he could do so well just because he didn't have the intention.

This thought made Theodora a little annoyed.Because as we all know, the cornerstone of the Purple Horde Khanate is the army.If she can't get along with these people as well as Tuo Huan and others, it means that she is not suitable to hold a leadership role in this country.And she didn't know how to remedy this disadvantage through hard work.

However, she quickly cheered up.There are things that need to be solved right now, and there is no time to think about so many other things.

She ignored the sexual intercourse for the time being, turned around and left to find her parents.

At the entrance of the big tent in the center of the camp, a circle of people gathered.All the ministers and generals gathered there, with Pasai Khan standing in the middle, drinking with a few junior officers wearing laurel crowns.

These people are the most outstanding warriors on the battlefield in this war.One of them, Theodora knew before.He was an ordinary soldier when he went on the expedition. Later, as a scout, he fought with the enemy more than ten times and beheaded nearly thirty people. He also intercepted a messenger from the Alemanni asking for help and saw through the enemy's conspiracy to surrender.Therefore, after a war, he had been promoted to captain of the cavalry and was waiting to be transferred to the post.

At this moment, Theodora couldn't squeeze in, so she walked to the side and said hello to everyone.

Everyone was very polite to her, and people in the circle outside got out of the way.She lifted up her skirt, walked around the empty wine barrels on the ground, and found her mother standing behind.

At this moment, Queen Anna was also chatting with others.Prime Minister Wang's wife and the family members of several other generals were beside her.However, she was not too busy. When she saw Theodora approaching, she turned around to greet her.

"Where's Constantine?" She looked around and asked, "Didn't I ask you to follow him?" "He went drinking with other people." Theodora said, "He can handle it well. , I have other matters."

Her mother seemed to notice that something was wrong with her expression, so she greeted those people and led her back to the tent.

"What's wrong?" She looked at Theodora again and asked in a low voice.

"Is there any problem in the city today?" Theodora also asked directly: "I just saw smoke rising over there."

"It's so late at night..." The queen muttered, turned her head, and found that the tent blocked her view, and then pulled her back to the open space: "What cigarette are you talking about?"

"Maybe there was a fire, the black smoke was rising," Theodora said.

"No way." The queen took another look: "Besides, it's so dark and the city wall is so high. It might be fine during the day, but at this time, it's probably hard to see even if there's black smoke. Are you feeling uncomfortable? Did they run against you?"

"No, it's not that." Theodora explained quickly.

"I know what you are thinking." The queen disagreed: "Do you think it's unfair to see Constantine so popular? He just drinks and ignores you, so you get angry and run away?"


"I don't know you yet." The queen smiled and said, "You kid, you are too ambitious. When you gave your speech just now, everyone cheered so much. Aren't you satisfied?"

"I feel that that is not appreciating and supporting me at all." Theodora said: "You see, Constantine did not participate in this war, and I did not participate. But everyone is happy to interact with him, and they only express their gratitude to me. It's just respect. After all, isn't it because he will soon lead the troops and lead everyone to victory, and I will never have this opportunity? "

"My appearance is not so much to show my ability and will, but to express the attitude of the royal family. What I say is not important. The act of me appearing there is enough to complete [-]% of the mission. She said with some distress: "Actually, people don't care about what I say. I'm just a pretty vase."

"What are you thinking about?" The queen disagreed: "If everyone is so popular with soldiers, then we in Rome should have a civil war."

"Moreover, Rome is a big country. In our lives, there will be a very large number of various tasks. Rewarding and entertaining veterans is work, and dealing with these ladies is also work. If you fail to do any job well, it will not work."

"You think the response is not good, but even if you are just a vase, it is still part of the job. Historically and in our generations, the records are very clear - most of the time, it is really not even a qualified vase. Can't find any."

"Don't think that the court is omnipotent. Rome's past dynasties are much more prosperous than you think. And those other regimes are not as good as Rome. Being able to play a role of comforting people with grace, appearance and charm is enough. Names throughout history," she said, shaking her head.

"Moreover, how many people can give speeches? You are closest to the boy from the Guo family. Have you ever seen him give a speech? You have given public speeches at least a few times, and at least there are people cheering every time." The Queen reminded: "Everyone In Rome, we can count on two hands the number of people who have had this opportunity."

"When I first got married to your father, I also gave a speech in the military camp and tried to get familiar with the soldiers, but I was laughed at by them. Even now, the Li family and his son still don't like me. You are already better than me. Your mother is much stronger."

"Guo Kang? You underestimate him." Theodora paid attention to other details in her mother's words: "Believe me, I know him very well. This man looks silent, but he is actually very good at calling people. . I think his speech is no worse than mine."

The queen was a little helpless, but Theodora pretended that "no one understands Guo Kang better than me", and there was nothing she could do.Finally, I had to give in.

"Okay, okay, you're right." She smiled bitterly and said, "I'll go find your father and ask. Let's see what they find."

With that said, she took Theodora and returned to the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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