Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 447: Monk Daoyan feels it’s not exciting enough

Chapter 447: Monk Daoyan feels it’s not exciting enough
As the two of them were chatting, someone came running quickly outside and stopped in front of the hall.Chang Qianhu made a gesture, and he strode in, whispered a few words in his ear.

"The fight started again." After Chang Qianhu heard this, he immediately turned back and said to Monk Daoyan.

"How is the situation?" Monk Daoyan asked, no longer talking about the truth.

The visitor looked at Chang Qianhu, who nodded, so he cupped his hands again and said succinctly: "The Guo family's people arrived at the door of a private residence of the Wang family. The Wang family was prepared and gathered a lot of people , scattered their subsequent teams, and the core people were surrounded."

"Then his level of troop formation seems not to be very good?" Monk Dao Yan said politely: "So, I have seen him a few times. Although I am not familiar with him, I have never seen him before. He talked about the art of war and so on. I wanted to inquire, but he only talked about general principles of diplomacy and strategy, and never mentioned specific battle formations."

"It stands to reason that since his family is a general, there should be no shortage of education in this area. I don't know if it's because he's not interested, or because we're not close enough and too lazy to tell me." He thought for a while and speculated.

"You can't tell anything from this." Chang Qianhu disagreed: "What can be achieved by talking on paper?"

"At least I can see some basic skills." Monk Dao Yan said: "Of course I know that allusion. But even if Zhao Kuo is thrown here, few people can beat him. This is enough. .”

"Uh..." Chang Qianhu was speechless for a moment.

He still looked a little unsure, probably because he doubted whether Monk Daoyan himself knew how to fight.But the situation was urgent, so there was no further testing.

"The captain who was watching over there said that he was the subordinate of Mr. Guo, and his quality was too poor." The spy who came to report back said: "He actually doesn't have many people, not even a few servants of the Guo family. We heard from around The person said that he was going to catch criminals on a routine official duty, but who knew that things would get serious. So, he temporarily summoned a group of citizens, distributed weapons, and went to storm the powerful dens."

"Then... Looking at it this way, it's not bad?" Monk Dao Yan was a little surprised: "I have also visited the slums in this place. The people there are basically in a state of confusion. Only Han Xin could drive out the city back then. People fight. The residents here are far less well-trained than the people in the city during the Qin Dynasty. Being able to use them as soldiers is indeed a bit of a skill."

"How is the situation now? That person is still a friend of Prince Wu." Chang Qianhu asked: "What are the other people doing?"

"No, the two sides are in a stalemate." The spy said: "The people led by Guo are very tenacious, and people from outside are constantly adding reinforcements, so no one can defeat the other."

"Who is organizing the rescue now?" Monk Daoyan asked.

"At present, the people who can rescue them are still organizing and have not arrived yet. And the number of those people is not too many." The spy said: "No one is organizing now. It is the people who were dispersed before and are trying to Get in touch with them.”

"We can't even count how many people there are, because the entire area is now full of stragglers. Those people were not regular troops in the first place. They were people that Guo Kang temporarily pulled from the Rus' settlement. After the large group of people was scattered, these people People ran everywhere, and from time to time some people gathered and tried to fight back. Even if they were scattered again, there were other people running around to join together. So I estimate that as long as the battle is not over, they will not disperse for a while. of."

"Then it's true that I underestimated him." Monk Daoyan nodded and said.

"It's quite new for the Taiwei and the Prime Minister to fight." Chang Qianhu complained at the side: "I don't even know what experience I can use to deal with it, but I can actually cause such a thing..."

"The Taiwei hasn't reacted yet. All the people left behind by the Prime Minister's family have been dispatched, and more people are being recruited to help put down the chaos." The spy continued to report: "Now the person from the Shi family in the Ministry of Rites, They have already participated, and we also saw them sending people to the nearby Li family's residence to ask people to come out to help. Even several nearby warehouses were seized by them, saying that they wanted to temporarily requisition the materials inside. It is expected to continue to develop. If so, there will be many people involved.”

"We are operating here as a caravan. There is also a warehouse over there, and there are some spare weapons and armors in it. Do you want to move it away or destroy it first? If they are anxious, they will probably rob it."

"I think it's better to just leave it there and withdraw the people." Monk Daoyan suggested: "There is no need to support anyone in this matter, we can just wait and see."

"If no one supports them now, it is equivalent to supporting the prime minister's family. They are the only ones who still have the energy to search for artifacts," Chang Qianhu said. "If you support them, can the Taiwei side hold on? I think they and King Wu The relationship is closer, so we should support these talents, right?" "If he can't handle this, will he really be able to accomplish great things in the future?" Monk Daoyan suddenly said without any clue.

"Ah?" Chang Qianhu didn't react for a moment.

"I just thought about what you said about the performance at the scene. This boy wants to do great things." Monk Daoyan said: "This is a good thing for the King of Wu and even the Ming Dynasty."

"When the envoys of the Han Dynasty visited various countries in the Western Regions, they were not worried that they were too strong, but disliked that they were too weak. Because these people were really unable to support them and could not complete the task of flanking the Xiongnu."

"Of course our situation is much better than that then, but the goal of diplomacy is the same. The imperial court does not lack the kind of small barbarians who come to cheat tribute and say a few nice words in exchange for rewards, but it needs someone who can assist us. The power that sustains the system.”

"Lack of an uncle?" Chang Qianhu understood immediately.

"Yes." Monk Daoyan nodded: "The areas directly managed by the Ming Dynasty are already governed by floating officials. But outside the direct jurisdiction of the court, it is actually still a feudal system. People with various origins and titles The leader accepts the appointment from the court, but in fact he is still a local hereditary prince. This is not much different from the three generations in ancient times. Therefore, the methods we can use are actually similar. "

"What we really need are close powerful countries like Wei and Lu, who can stand firm among the barbarians and enforce the order of the court. But now we do not have the ability to send people to distant places to establish vassal states like the Zhou people; and I Looking at this journey, there are indeed too few people in existing countries who have this condition. These people are either outright barbarians and completely unable to cooperate; or they are weak and lack the ability to protect themselves. Now that we have With so many opportunities, of course you should give it a try.”

"But the biggest question now is whether they can sustain it." He paused and said: "We Chinese are not barbarians who live and die every day. When planning national affairs, we should consider the plan of thousands of years. If Rome also cooperates with other Mongolian regimes Likewise, if it won’t last for decades, it’s not worth investing too much.”

"This child Guo has some ideas. If he can succeed, the chaos in Rome should be alleviated. But ideas and abilities are two different things, and we don't know whether he can do it."

"If it hadn't happened so suddenly, I would have wanted to test him myself." Monk Daoyan shook his head: "Forget it, we can't be too harsh on weak children. We can't expect Gan Luo and Huo Qubing to appear every day in this world. Bar."

"That's okay. But I think the other group of people are also very strong. I don't know if they can perform well. Although this matter is serious, both parties are probably too hasty, and the level of performance is not high to be honest. ." Chang Qianhu analyzed it from a professional perspective and finally agreed.

Monk Dao Yan nodded and was about to say a few more words when another spy ran over.

"Just tell me, what's going on?" Chang Qianhu recognized him and obviously knew his mission, so he said loudly.

"Princess Jeanne left the camp outside the city!" The spy did not worry about etiquette and quickly reported: "She gathered a group of supporters and went to the palace!"

"Look, let me tell you." Chang Qianhu slapped his thigh: "Hey, as expected, it happened."

"I think it's best not to rush into this matter." Monk Daoyan advised: "Let's see what they can communicate."

"I don't know who to care about." Chang Qianhu turned his head and ordered with a serious look on his face: "Just follow Master Daoyan's method."

The spies responded one after another and quickly exited the room.

"I hope that at least one person from these two sides can really have a promising future." He muttered helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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